Playing with BHO and IWE


Well-Known Member
Ok, much better. Ran 7 cans thru 170 grams today in my new tube. Pics tomorrow :) Damn gotta get a stand, holding that tube for that long was no fun lol

This strawberry blue wax looks AMAZING! ;)


Well-Known Member
Alright, I am hella lame I know ;) I got back from camping and figured I would post up the strawberry blue wax that was done ages ago :)

170grams into my new tube, 18g winterized out. 10.5% not awesome, but not terrible yield from trim. Took days to finalize but sooo worth it in the end ;)

Finishing up my "New Goo" (5 local "goo"s all bred together) all bud batch. Yield is looking phenomenal for only 42g in, but we'll see at the end.

On to the pics!!

1st: Sun shot of the majority of the 18g of the winterized strawberry blue. This oil is STRONG and tastes just like the flower.

2nd We have the same blob in the sun but on my driveway.

3rdly We have my after work snack :)

Super excited for more experiments and to start playing with some Ice Wax too!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good Kase
U got any pics of your strawberry blue?
I tried popping one about a month ago and no luck


Well-Known Member
Texas: ya pretty sure I have some somewhere, will look tonight and pm ya when I find them. They were monsters, 10-12 feet around and wide ;) pink and purple pistils and heavenly fruity, slinky smell and taste.

Thanks War, especially proud of this batch. Brought 2.5g camping for 3 days between 3 people and we ran out lol


Well-Known Member
Hahaha nice, of course it's going to run out camping! But that just means the trip was good.
For sure man, at the end when we were smoking flowers, we were all complaining about how much it agitated our throats and lungs. My we are mighty spoiled!! ;)


Well-Known Member
We'll have to get together and have a dab warmachine, we are down in the bay all the time. The river and lakes are awesome up here if ya ever want to get away :)


New Member
you guys actually wanna play with BHO??? try this:

wax your stuff up... but dont just let it sit like that on the paper.. whip it up a tiny bit, mix it, blend it.. turned my dry wax stuff back into a black oil glob.. UNTIL I pick into it... its like a dry, sandy, yellow/greenish (not that bad green color) paste. very good shit still. just weird, give it a try!

I wonder what would happen if I vac purged it, mixed it, and kept doing it... if I could eventually get it to dry out to the point where it was like dust/powder!


Active Member
you guys actually wanna play with BHO??? try this:

wax your stuff up... but dont just let it sit like that on the paper.. whip it up a tiny bit, mix it, blend it.. turned my dry wax stuff back into a black oil glob.. UNTIL I pick into it... its like a dry, sandy, yellow/greenish (not that bad green color) paste. very good shit still. just weird, give it a try!

I wonder what would happen if I vac purged it, mixed it, and kept doing it... if I could eventually get it to dry out to the point where it was like dust/powder!
I did the same thing over the weekend. I'll get some pics as I'm at work now. I try not to vac anymore than necessary as to retain the lighter terpenes but I'm sure the oil would dry out eventually and be less and less "sticky". Maybe a powder ya but would you really want to do that? Or just curious?


Well-Known Member
Wooot! Pulling 24-25hg in my mason jar with my first vac batch, just a smaller 3-4g batch. Just using the actron hand pump with a large jar, twill be fine until I can save up (and convince the lady) I need a more proper one lol ;) The lavender again, Mmmm good, ran outta that fast last time ;) Pics of setup and yums to follow!


Well-Known Member
Alright couldn't help posting some pics now before it's done hehe
First 2 pics of the not purged oil on the slick pad that I have in my jar, under low heat, 110-120 max
Second is what the jar looks like on the stove :)

Lastly, my first oil off to a dispensary. Woohoo!! 5gs of "New Goo" amber shatter.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to take altitude into consideration for what hg I am reaching. So I am more likely reaching the equivalent of 25-26.5hg based on my calculations. Trying for a semi-waxy result... time purging so far in vacuum: 16 hours.

Getting all the stuff together to start on my ice wax in a couple hours here... stay tuned for final pics of the lavender wax and for initial pics of the Ice Wax experiment!


Well-Known Member
no doubt that the gun is accurate, but if youre not pointing it directly at the oil, whats the point??? its like youre being accurately wrong. youre getting an air reading of the air IN the chamber?? no.. unless the oil has been sitting in the chamber for a very long time and has achieved the same heat as the chamber, and youve slowly slowly worked your way up over a period of a day or so, your temp reading of the outside of the chamber wall, or griddle, means nothing. I (we?) want the instant temp of the oil... not the griddle/chamber. now, the temp of the chamber and oil could be close if its sat enough, but its still a guessing game. too many variables with the temp gun for me, I dont even use mine anymore, if you got any air movement, or a hotter or colder room than normal due to rain or season change or whatever plus theyre inaccurate to 1 degree per every foot, and constantly fluctuating.. the probe stays put, easy to read, no fucking around, and is right directly in the center of the action.. sometimes it takes 6 hours for my vac it pro SS chamber to completely even out heat with the chamber and everything else.
mannn, the IR gun is so accurate. all it takes is some time to get the feel. once you have taken enough readings, its easy. i have many other uses for the gun as well. not just for oil.. (growing)


Well-Known Member
mannn, the IR gun is so accurate. all it takes is some time to get the feel. once you have taken enough readings, its easy. i have many other uses for the gun as well. not just for oil.. (growing)
yea when i get heat spikes i check the temp of the nugs closes to the light, make sure i am not cooking them