Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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New Member
Ok of course I have heard of that but is that something I can have on my phone that hooks up to my computer. I'm a total geek in this department. :roll:

Yeah. You say you still luv me but ......I just feel the same any more.

I can't even flirt with the chicks here any more.:(

evil I say :evil:

AIM = AOL Instant Messenger. You can get it at, tis free.

Don't feel bad Lacy, I still love you! I just gotta get out. I'll should be back...


New Member
Well Mr. Bong. I would love to but there is a no nude policy. :roll: I think it is a completely nude policy that is not allowed because I do see some members posting half naked pics of themselves in open forum.:confused:

Yep! I am all for that Mr. Bong but no can do honey bun. :twisted:

Yeah RIGHT!!!! And if you believe THAT well I have a couple of pounds of really good weed I want to sell to you. :joint::mrgreen::peace:

LMAO!!! Now you should know me by now. I would never post half nude pics of myself here at the site. Not that I don't have a hot smokin' body. :hump:

I agree with the no nudity policy as each persons taste is different. What one person may find tasteful and interesting, the other may find completely discusting.

I really miss Tahoe and his avatars. Now that man has great taste in woman;)

His avatars rocked cause they were tastefully sexy. :mrgreen::peace:
we do need to discuss those naked pictures you were talking aboot...


New Member
Awww. Dat is sooo sweet. I AM l-o-v-e-d!!!!! :hump:

Gosh. I'm flattered but you people must be really disillusioned:roll: Wow ok this is like shoving the compliment you just gave me back in your face and I am practicing being kind to myself soooo.....

here it goes......

Thank you kindly sir. That was a very nice think to read this morning.
You couldn't have planned that better.
That was better than a good cyber hug. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Lacy IS lovable :o
Good moring LACY... wow you grow them flowers too... the only thing i can seem to grow is cannabis thare so pritty... you never went away befor it is going to be hard to leave that long.... Lace i have talked to a lot of people on this site and i feel good talking to you...your understanding!!! i dont talk to people more then 1-2 time's on this site.. but something about you make me keep comeing back to your page.. i like that!!!

da plantDOC


New Member
hey lacy figured Id drop in and give you a big wet and sticky cyber hug this morning too. since it seems like everyone else has this morning.:hump::hug:

and youve been loveable since Ive known ya...:-):oops:


New Member
A wet sticky cycber hug?
Ok kochab dude. That sounds a tad dangerous. ;)

Awww I have been lovable since you have known me? :o
Really???? OMG! The things I have not realized before is very enlightening and refreshing.

Aww I love you too :hug: thats a nice warm cyber hug but I don't now if it is wet and sticky yet :shock:

Did I really say that? LMAO!!!! :lol::clap:

I is in a VERY good mood now. :hump:

Thank you kindly.:mrgreen: I IS LOVED!!!!
hey lacy figured Id drop in and give you a big wet and sticky cyber hug this morning too. since it seems like everyone else has this morning.:hump::hug:

and youve been loveable since Ive known ya...:-):oops:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Hey Lace!!! that flower that you grow the clematis it's sawn's like a S.T.D or SOMETHING but it's still very pritty so... what do you meen you wont have no one to flurt with am 28 and smoking hot too... my is wife is 10 year's older them me i love older women... just playing with you ... :neutral::neutral::neutral:


New Member
Oh wickidy dear.

I just noticed your signature.
Tack is for those who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic?

Sh*t! I didn't know one had to have intelligence to be sarcastic?

I MUST be one smart babe cause I am always sarcastic:hump::twisted:

I never once thought intelligence was related.:confused:

Being a smart ass....YES!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Does wikid get a say in this? Cuz she was about to log off...


New Member
Haha. It seems so.
Gosh I am extremely HAPPY this morning.

What a beautiful dayyy:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Wow:o what has gotten into me dis morning......???:confused:

Ok I am so not gonna analyze this.......I am just gonna go wif the flow:hump:


somebody has got some love pills, huh?!?


New Member
Ahhh.....I am feeeling da L-O-V-E this morning.

oh yeahhhhhhhhh......:hump:

Gosh an entire month with out you guys?

I dunno what I am gonna do:confused:but I will figure something out.

Lovin yeah ALL this morning :hug:8):hug:
go to a local rentacenter and rent u a laptop to use of course! then you could take us anywhere wif ya.....:twisted:
glad you gave me some love this morning....since I cant convince the wife to :roll:

Hey Lace!!! that flower that you grow the clematis it's sawn's like a S.T.D or SOMETHING but it's still very pritty so... what do you meen you wont have no one to flurt with am 28 and smoking hot too... my is wife is 10 year's older them me i love older women... just playing with you ... :neutral::neutral::neutral:
okay Ive always thought that the flower name clematis sounds like some sort of ick ass std. So you arent alone there.
And you arent the only one with a wife 10 years older than you either.
You ever get weird looks? I made some guy mad in the mall because he was staring and I told him to quit staring, my wife is a better lay than his girl because of her experience and shes 15years older. lol


New Member
Thank you very much. I think they are my favorite type of flower.
I just love them. There are so mnay different types and they are so versatile. Perhaps that is what I love about them the most.

Ok well I might just want to flirt wif your pritty wife then;)

I love older women too and I am NOT just playing wif ya.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Cause they know what they want and already have experience.
Don't have top go teaching stuff.......BUT THAT is always a nice option too.;)

LMAO! Oh I am fired up now. Way to go Daplanty dude;):roll:


Hey Lace!!! that flower that you grow the clematis it's sawn's like a S.T.D or SOMETHING but it's still very pritty so... what do you meen you wont have no one to flurt with am 28 and smoking hot too... my is wife is 10 year's older them me i love older women... just playing with you ... :neutral::neutral::neutral:


New Member
OMG kochab. :o You are brilliant dude.
Oh gosh. I would NEVER have thought of that.
If you haven't noticed...I don't get out much.:-|
go to a local rentacenter and rent u a laptop to use of course! then you could take us anywhere wif ya.....:twisted:
glad you gave me some love this morning....since I cant convince the wife to :roll:LMAO haha kochab. Thats the friggin story of my life here.

And the claim that men alwasy want it. I fuckin wish that were true here:evil: 'excuse my language.
I is bad today. I better get off line before I get myself into trouble. :roll:

okay Ive always thought that the flower name clematis sounds like some sort of ick ass std. So you arent alone there.
And you arent the only one with a wife 10 years older than you either.
You ever get weird looks? I made some guy mad in the mall because he was staring and I told him to quit staring, my wife is a better lay than his girl because of her experience and shes 15years older. lol
Just as I was stating.....older women ROCK!!!!!:hump:


Later guys....I type too much.

Too typative this morning.:roll:



New Member
Thank you very much. I think they are my favorite type of flower.
I just love them. There are so mnay different types and they are so versatile. Perhaps that is what I love about them the most.

Ok well I might just want to flirt wif your pritty wife then;)

I love older women too and I am NOT just playing wif ya.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Cause they know what they want and already have experience.
Don't have top go teaching stuff.......BUT THAT is always a nice option too.;)

LMAO! Oh I am fired up now. Way to go Daplanty dude;):roll:

well damn, guess I learn something new everyday then:-|

Now Im really gonna have to poke fun with ya:mrgreen:

hey lacy is half serious "jokingly" lucrative sexual talk allowed on the threads?


Well-Known Member
Yes I do smoke as much as possible. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace: Thats is my main rule of thumb. I'm just kidding. :mrgreen:

So how the heck are you buddy?
You enjoying Ontarion and what did you east to make you so sick the first day ehre?

I understand you probably can't type much.

See you when you come back. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Look way up....I'm home again...It was some "roadside Chinese" place...maybe the lack of cars in the parking lot at 6:00pm might have been a "CLUE"....Good old twisty did the same shit in New Brunswick..hey look a roadside fried shrimp stand....needless to say that had the same gruesome effects.. :spew:.Next time I'll save my money and eat a box of EX LAX 1st....cut out the middle man... and save some $$$:peace::peace::joint::joint::joint::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
:hump:I guess so. Me too;)
well damn, guess I learn something new everyday then:-|

Now Im really gonna have to poke fun with ya:mrgreen:Feel free to poke fun all you want. I do it to myself all the time :roll:

hey lacy is half serious "jokingly" lucrative sexual talk allowed on the threads?
No sir :evil: I don't think it is.

And while I was doing houswrk I thought of what you meant by std's. :o

No clematis are not some type of std.:twisted: They are the most beautiful flowers that form on vines that climb and wonder up trellises and along bushes etc...

Here are some pictures of some of the ones I have, may of them from last year as most of mine are not flowering yet. I am in a zone 5a.


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