Lacy's Indoor Grow??? (lots of questions)

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New Member
Hi there kohab. How's it going?
I'm ok. I tad stressed but whatelse is new? :hug:
hey lacy:hug: just figured Id drop in and see how you have been doing.
OMG AM SO SORRY... i must of seen you age rong ya am burt but fuck it.. so am sorry!!! I'm not too worried about my age. Like I care? You are only as old as you I;m stiull like 12. :roll::peace:you will be fine on you tripp to the in-law's i just dont like leaving MY HOUSE ... OH AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT EVRY TIME I LEAVE MY HOUSE I THINK AM GOING TO HAVE THE FUCKING PIG'S GREATING ME WHEN I GET HOME... B-CUZ OF ME HOT GIRL'S IT VERRY SAD THAT ME AND THE REST OF YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN FEAR EVRY DAY!!! FOR YOUR MED'S IT PISSES ME RIGHT THE FUCK OFF...I dunno. I am never left home like this either. :?:blsmoke::peace: I like being home. I'm not sure how this is going to turn out.

da plantDOC


New Member
Yes sir. Which one? The one in the top left conrmer (mr avatar) is called an iris and the one in my signature is called a clematis.
That particular one is called a Miss Batemen.

I have over 50 different types here on the property that I planted because I just LOVE them..

Here is another picture if it. It got so top heavy that the rain just knocked it over and all the flowers are now blooming at the bottm. :roll:
Oh 1 more thing did you grow that flower in the pic in the box... and what is it very pritty!!!
da plantDOC


New Member
Another 6 weeks :|
Wait, Lacy, when do you leave? When you go are we going to be able to hear from you at all? No! Not at all. Unless I figure out how to do those text messages from my digital phone but I have never done anything like that before.

I don't think using the mohter-in-laws -puter to type posts at this weed site is going to go over too well. :roll:

I don't know if I can go extended periods of time without my Lacykins! :sad:
Awww....:-|...and I don't know if I can go THAT long without my riu buddies here. I am going to feel lost. :cry: Oh now you got me all sucky faced. :roll::blsmoke::peace:


New Member
Another 6 weeks :|Awww....:-|...and I don't know if I can go THAT long without my riu buddies here. I am going to feel lost. :cry: Oh now you got me all sucky faced. :roll::blsmoke::peace:
you can find a place that has the internet...I'm leaving pretty soon and won't be back until better be a good young lady while I'm gone.....or....else....:hump:


Well-Known Member
Another 6 weeks :|Awww....:-|...and I don't know if I can go THAT long without my riu buddies here. I am going to feel lost. :cry: Oh now you got me all sucky faced. :roll::blsmoke::peace:

Yeah, I can understand not wanting to log onto this site from her computer. I don't log on from anyone's computers but my own.

6 weeks, that's cool, I still have lots of time to stock up on Lacy-love before you go. But damn woman, a MONTH :shock: I don't know how I'm going to do it....

I'm gonna end up moping around YOUR grow thread, singing sad songs until you come back.


New Member
What? :o Won't be back until Monday? :cry: Oh great. Now I am Bongless too.

Be good?

Whats that?:twisted:

Sounds boring...yawn :roll:

Ok bye then.....traitor:evil:

Have fun....if you must.....:fire:
you can find a place that has the internet...I'm leaving pretty soon and won't be back until better be a good young lady while I'm gone.....or....else....:hump:


New Member
Yeah me neither. :roll:
Yeah, I can understand not wanting to log onto this site from her computer. I don't log on from anyone's computers but my own.

6 weeks, that's cool, I still have lots of time to stock up on Lacy-love before you go. But damn woman, a MONTH :shock: I don't know how I'm going to do it....:mrgreen::cry::roll::blsmoke::twisted::-?Me too. I think i have pms. :mrgreen: Lucky you guys :roll:

I'm gonna end up moping around YOUR grow thread, singing sad songs until you come back.
Haha ..Moping around my grow thread. LMAO!!!! Gurl. you are just the cutest at times. :hug:
I will be thinking of you then ;)


Well-Known Member
Lacy, you need to get AIM or something, and then have it set up to send your IMs to your mobile. That's what mine does now, ever since I got another cell phone, lol. Then we can harass you while you're mobile, but you don't have to give out your number.

Or we gotta figure out SOMETHING, jesus


New Member
I is NOT a booger face. You big meany santa poon tang.:cuss::oops: :shock:

You'd think one would get accustomed to the pms thing but how does anyone get used to this sh*t? I'm over emotional on the best of days. :wall:

you is being mean to me :(
booger face......


New Member
Whats AIM?

Oh so you guys can send me messages like in the commercials???

YEAHHHH ok. I like those commericals. They are funny. And then I can sent you guys naked pics of myself ....opps...did I say that out loud?

LMAO! kidding.:roll:

I can send some pictures of some oose or something exciting like this. :hump:
Lacy, you need to get AIM or something, and then have it set up to send your IMs to your mobile. That's what mine does now, ever since I got another cell phone, lol. Then we can harass you while you're mobile, but you don't have to give out your number.

Or we gotta figure out SOMETHING, jesus


New Member
Its ok. I am going anyway.

Later :(

Nobody wants to flirt wif me . I is going to go and feel sowwy for meself now;)


Well-Known Member
AIM = AOL Instant Messenger. You can get it at, tis free.

Don't feel bad Lacy, I still love you! I just gotta get out. I'll should be back...

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Good moring LACY... wow you grow them flowers too... the only thing i can seem to grow is cannabis thare so pritty... you never went away befor it is going to be hard to leave that long.... Lace i have talked to a lot of people on this site and i feel good talking to you...your understanding!!! i dont talk to people more then 1-2 time's on this site.. but something about you make me keep comeing back to your page.. i like that!!!

da plantDOC


New Member
bonnaroo. Haha. it sounds like something out of a children's book. :confused:
and wikid no longer flirts with me since we got told off. :twisted:
We is not allowed to do that here at riu.
Its against the rules:roll:...or something :-|
No trashy sex talk allowed. :evil:...bummer. :cry:

There is only so much weed talk I can handle at once you know :joint::-|:peace:


I'm going to bonnaroo and I will take many pictures...flirt with wikid.....
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