should the united states contact every 14 year old, pre-menstrual, angst-ridden rob roy to make sure you consent to the constitution first?
should they go ahead and draft a new one every time a 14 year old, pre-menstrual, angst-ridden rob roy disagrees?
They don't really teach much any more. It is a legal document of protection. Mutual protection. It honors regions and we may go where we want. It honors those families that set all that up. It is good to have this protection. The common defense.
All these rules are unfortunate but that is only because we are such a bunch dangerous assholes us, shiny, clever monkeys.
And always there is the intellectual, dreaming of a better way, and always there is a vast array of force built up from a time we can't even remember. This force of arms is the only thing that lets the dreamers dream.
Here at least in self rule, we only have ourselves to blame so, it is more stable. Yet, we manufacture blame the govt andf fall for the anti-constitutional forces. Some siren song of, there is something better.
Yet, what is, is what is. Not better or worse, just real.
How about count your blessings? I had to stand for the draft. Several here, slugged it out in Nam.
A different world now. And you get to have it.