What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
wish I could join you for a swim.. but i gotta work on my 8pack first-- should be ready by winter time.. cup of noodle diet ftw
8pack like stomach? If so crunches many crunches! If my back would let me I'd do em too, one day maybe again I will b able too.


Well-Known Member
the wind is taking you to your xbox, you suddenly sit down, there you find your hands uncontrollably picking up the controller, to which you turn on your xbox, send an invite to sunni and kill noobs :D
i shall FRAG again, someday.. somehow.. I will terrorize newbs with corpse camping and headshots, till then i'll be on my grind~


Well-Known Member
the wind is taking you to your xbox, you suddenly sit down, there you find your hands uncontrollably picking up the controller, to which you turn on your xbox, send an invite to sunni and kill noobs :D
Lmao!! I love it. Find your hands uncontrollably picking up the controller lol! Ill def take ya up on that its just feels like one of those days. Hit me up when yas have time!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
So far ive taken. 6 shits..no lie my stomach hurts..im about to go feed the girls and stare at my auto while i drink some cheap beer!!


Well-Known Member
First thing this morning I shaved the best I could.. Then hit the pool.. Then installed some granite at my sisters new place. Stopped my ex Kayla In the middle of the street on her way to work and gave her a chocolate chip cookie (very romantic).. Then headed to work around two. It's six now and I haven't talked to a single customer.. I just went into the bathroom and my god I really fucked up shaving, so many spots missed I look like a goodball

anyone else never look into the mirror till around six to see that youre not as good looking without trying as you once thought?


Well-Known Member
Wait a few more years, Inda. Wrinkles and hair loss are a MF. I'm in my early 40's and last year a teenager thought I was 60.

At least I now know I can quit combing the high schools....


cancer survivor

Active Member
true the FURTHAR tour is not like when Jerry played for us! but the songs,people, party and vibe are there! if you have not been to the shows your missing out! greatest band in world still!


Well-Known Member
Wait a few more years, Inda. Wrinkles and hair loss are a MF. I'm in my early 40's and last year a teenager thought I was 60.

At least I now know I can quit combing the high schools....

It doesn't matter, you just need more money, then you can be picking up the hottest 18 year old senior from school in your mercedes while everyone looks on with jealousy.


Well-Known Member
I transplanted three more 7 gallon plants into 20 gallon grow bags, and finally completely broke down my indoor grow room. Packed up most of my hydro stuff, trying a soil run this winter. Sprayed all walls and surfaces in the room with bleach water, waiting for it to dry now. Then I'm gonna lay down some 2'x3' trays for runoff, and get all my ventilation back up and running. Going for something new, with a closed circuit system to cool my hood, drawing air directly from outside, cooling my hood, and back outside without touching the air in my room. Oh yah, transplanted three more clones into pots and cleaned my hoods, both reflector part and glass.


Undercover Mod
So I got off on the charges but one ticket stuck. 185.00 dollar fine. 100 dollar ticket and an 85 dollar surcharge from NY.