What did you accomplish today?

Glad to see the all the charges didn't stick. Do you mind telling what the $100 fine was for? Cannabis? I'm guessing no because it used to be a $142 charge.
Glad to see the all the charges didn't stick. Do you mind telling what the $100 fine was for? Cannabis? I'm guessing no because it used to be a $142 charge.

I pulled out the Penal Law book and threw it in the judges face.

I asked the D.A. for a motion.

§ 170.56 Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal in cases involving marihuana. (now I know why I took CJ in college)
You have to ask for it before you plead or else it cannot be used. The judge asked me to plead and I was like I want to talk to the D.A. about an ACOD before I plead and she got all huffy puffy.

They are leaving the case open on the unlawful possesion for 6 months and if I don't get any more charges it will be dismissed and sealed.

The ticket was for the new Due Care law. (Why i was pulled over) D.A. refused to lower it even though I had no previous tickets. which was BS

§ 170.56 Adjournment in contemplation of dismissal in cases involving marihuana.
1. Upon or after arraignment in a local criminal court upon an
information, a prosecutor's information or a misdemeanor complaint,
where the sole remaining count or counts charge a violation or
violations of section 221.05, 221.10, 221.15, 221.35 or 221.40 of the
penal law and before the entry of a plea of guilty thereto or
commencement of a trial thereof, the court, upon motion of a defendant,
may order that all proceedings be suspended and the action adjourned in
contemplation of dismissal, or upon a finding that adjournment would not
be necessary or appropriate and the setting forth in the record of the
reasons for such findings, may dismiss in furtherance of justice the
accusatory instrument; provided, however, that the court may not order
such adjournment in contemplation of dismissal or dismiss the accusatory
instrument if: (a) the defendant has previously been granted such
adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, or (b) the defendant has
previously been granted a dismissal under this section, or (c) the
defendant has previously been convicted of any offense involving
controlled substances, or (d) the defendant has previously been
convicted of a crime and the district attorney does not consent or (e)
the defendant has previously been adjudicated a youthful offender on the
basis of any act or acts involving controlled substances and the
district attorney does not consent.
2. Upon ordering the action adjourned in contemplation of dismissal,
the court must set and specify such conditions for the adjournment as
may be appropriate, and such conditions may include placing the
defendant under the supervision of any public or private agency. At any
time prior to dismissal the court may modify the conditions or extend or
reduce the term of the adjournment, except that the total period of
adjournment shall not exceed twelve months. Upon violation of any
condition fixed by the court, the court may revoke its order and restore
the case to the calendar and the prosecution thereupon must proceed. If
the case is not so restored to the calendar during the period fixed by
the court, the accusatory instrument is, at the expiration of such
period, deemed to have been dismissed in the furtherance of justice.
3. Upon or after dismissal of such charges against a defendant not
previously convicted of a crime, the court shall order that all official
records and papers, relating to the defendant's arrest and prosecution,
whether on file with the court, a police agency, or the New York state
division of criminal justice services, be sealed and, except as
otherwise provided in paragraph (d) of subdivision one of section 160.50
of this chapter, not made available to any person or public or private
agency; except, such records shall be made available under order of a
court for the purpose of determining whether, in subsequent proceedings,
such person qualifies under this section for a dismissal or adjournment
in contemplation of dismissal of the accusatory instrument.
4. Upon the granting of an order pursuant to subdivision three, the
arrest and prosecution shall be deemed a nullity and the defendant shall
be restored, in contemplation of law, to the status he occupied before
his arrest and prosecution.

I also got one of my buddies off cause he caught a UPM on the stop also.

Another friend caught the full charge he tho he asked for an ACOD because he had prior charges.
i went to work for 12 hours, than i went for a walk in the city gardens pics soon and than i stuffed my face with subway LOL, since i dont get breaks at work i was standing the whole time and didnt eat i am hungry!
i went to work for 12 hours, than i went for a walk in the city gardens pics soon and than i stuffed my face with subway LOL, since i dont get breaks at work i was standing the whole time and didnt eat i am hungry!

Subway? That shit is gaabage. You should treat yourself better.
Bought a boat for 10300$ ( 1998 18 ft maxum with a mercury 150)....my boss drove 50 km and the axle seized...trailer had been sitting for 2 yrs...lol ( so not my fault lol ) but I got it fixed on the fly !! new bearing and 2 u-bolts for 160$ including labor !!
Next I tried to fix my bike... vintage ladies cruiser...the rear fender was rubbing..yep the fender bracket bolts stripped the second I stuck my screw driver in...grrrr.. I got them out and now I need to find new ones...
And I continue to learn Chinese...

Best news is I got an interview with a huge logistics company !!! Operations assistant... fingers crossed I'm bored and need a new challenge!
I drove for 9 hours today. 4 1/2 to court and 4 1/2 back. I ate Donalds on the way back.... bad choice :oops:

I'm glad I only had to pay the traffic ticket and now if everything goes good over the next 6 months I'm back to a clean record.
I drove for 9 hours today. 4 1/2 to court and 4 1/2 back. I ate Donalds on the way back.... bad choice :oops:

I'm glad I only had to pay the traffic ticket and now if everything goes good over the next 6 months I'm back to a clean record.
Oh...I assure you...Eating McDonalds on the way BACK from court was a MUCH wiser decision than eating it on the way TO court... ;) And Congrats on beating the system. Fucking court...I've been to all 6 or 7 within a 30 mile radius of my house...multiple times...lol
gave all the ladies in the light dep greenhouse a nice drink of maxsea, cleaned out all the water bowls and duck pool, changed out all the straw in the coops, irrigated all my crops, took a batch of clones, cleaned out all of the low lying branches in the big greenhouse, helped a few patients, now it's time to shower and change into night clothes and carry out guarding duties for the night.
Subway? That shit is gaabage. You should treat yourself better.
and what other fast food is "better" if you knew me at all youd know i treat my food consumption very well, heaven forbid i work 12 hours one day and dont want to cook anything, theres only vegetables on my sub anyways and no cheese.
and what other fast food is "better" if you knew me at all youd know i treat my food consumption very well, heaven forbid i work 12 hours one day and dont want to cook anything, theres only vegetables on my sub anyways and no cheese.

mmm give me a footlong meatball w/pepperjack and LOTS of jalapenos:)))) mmmmmmmm on wheat

fek i'm hungry now:(
I only get one sub... ever. jalapenos are the only topping I get too. so I wouldn't know.

I'm a don't fix it unless it's broke type of guy.:wink:

I can destroy a footlong meatball and a dr.pepper.