Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

Uncle Ben,

I'm not sure if the avocado tree i have in my backyard is a Sharwil. The tree that's growing in my back yard was already established when I bought my house. I believe the tree is a descendant of my next door neighbors avocado tree, my best guess is a avocado fell of my neighbors tree and the fallen fruit germinated and here we are today :-). This year my neighbors tree is fruiting, both trees produce massive fruits that typically ripen from Sept ~ Dec out here. The ripe fruit is a black skinned fruit with a fair of bumps in the skin, but not as bumpy as a Hass. The fruit itself produces a creamy/buttery flesh that is awesome sliced, salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice is all that's needed to enhance its flavor

Below is a pic of my tree and the pic with the fruit in it is my neighbors tree, i also snapped a pic of my neighbors mango tree.



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Uncle Ben,

I'm not sure if the avocado tree i have in my backyard is a Sharwil. The tree that's growing in my back yard was already established when I bought my house. I believe the tree is a descendant of my next door neighbors avocado tree, my best guess is a avocado fell of my neighbors tree and the fallen fruit germinated and here we are today :-). This year my neighbors tree is fruiting, both trees produce massive fruits that typically ripen from Sept ~ Dec out here. The ripe fruit is a black skinned fruit with a fair of bumps in the skin, but not as bumpy as a Hass. The fruit itself produces a creamy/buttery flesh that is awesome sliced, salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice is all that's needed to enhance its flavor

Below is a pic of my tree and the pic with the fruit in it is my neighbors tree, i also snapped a pic of my neighbors mango tree.

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That is awesome. Sharwill is green upon ripening.

Take your pick - http://www.fruitlovers.com/AvocadoPoster.html
grafting. spill the beans. why dont we graft marijuana to giant redwoods or avacodo trees or even other strains. I am a newb and i want to defoiliate and graft.
why would you wanna graft to a tree?...now if keeping mothers you could graft several different keepers from different strains by grafting and have a mother plant with several strains to clone
Some Pre-mature flower off of a stunted plant i kept alive on the fringes of my light. I am not spending 55$ a eighth anymore, at least for a while. So , I harvested a little preeemy. This got me pretty stoned this morning. I think I'm going to name this strain TioBen. the clones were sold to me as Girl Scout Cookies, but there is a whole thread on RIU dedicated to 'GirlScout clones are impossible to get and you all have fakes' ...so I don't know what the clone is. I have to buy my clones from clubs and random people on BudTrader

I was J/K about the 'grafting'. Grafting is really cool though. I have seen it done a lot. You can make a fortune in the grafting business. Someday, after school, thats what I want to do. Get into grafting Plum trees. get a couple hundred acres and you've made your money for the season
Ironman = elite athletes.
After a 26.2 mile run Impman=jelly... add a 2.4 mile swim. and 112 mile bike ride. That is cool if there are stoner Ironmen! I wonder how many stoner marathoners there are? I will be smoking a bowl before my Aug 25th race for sure.
I worked with a guy who was an Ironman. That's fucking crazy. Your body can only store enough glycogen to run about 20 miles. A marathon alone is a hell of an accomplishment. Doing anything afterwards is impressive. The crazy shit that SEALs get up to when they drink.
I worked with a guy who was an Ironman. That's fucking crazy. Your body can only store enough glycogen to run about 20 miles. A marathon alone is a hell of an accomplishment. Doing anything afterwards is impressive. The crazy shit that SEALs get up to when they drink.
Yeah it is a trip. In training i have run over 20 miles twice now. Yesterday was a easy 14 mile Sunday. It is the hardest thing ive ever done mentally. I have had every kind of pain imaginable. shins, knee, blisters, dehydration, tops of my feet swollen from my shoe laces. You have to completely lube up running anything over 10 miles. if you forget to lube up it is hellish
Plus i train alone, so the mental battle is ferocious. you never think of food as Energy until you intake 100 calories of glycogen Guu when your on mile 18. its like getting really high.
It has been a epic time in my life, this marathon training. The best thing on Earth after a long run and after you get some carbs is smoking a fat bowl. holy shit thats nice. After the marathon Im going to have a fat joint waiting and I will have a beer ( i rarely drink so that will be wonderful).

I cannot even fathom being a Ironman. the mental toughness...the amount of dedication. i would have to train 3 hours a day . my body could not do it . im pushing the envelope as it is.
It is SO wild to me that there is so much misinformation on ANYTHING. speaks highly to government regulation and checks and balances. Imagine if we let the food industry or beverage industry run amok like 'weed industry'. NO more FDA , there would be companies selling us piss and telling us its magic potion just like pre-modern times. marijuana is taboo still and quasi legal so it has opened the door for crooks and quasi science to sell equipment that NEVER would sell otherwise.

THANK YOU UB. for not selling us Piss and bringing education into the conversation.

Now I got this so basic and stress free. I feel happy when I think about my garden now.
I'm glad to see your happy about your grow because basically its you that you have to worry about , now isn't it. Just to let you know people are dying all over America because of FDA approved food stuffs and drugs. that were thought to be safe until R&D found out differently. You are being sold piss everyday and a lot of other things. See... how it works... is if you think 1 zip is a good amount then your happy for that one ounce, but if you are used to 4 zips and you get one its a different story isn't it? Follow whatever makes you happy but you REALLY have no clue what your potential is.
UB, do you use stakes or string to hold up your colas indoor? Or do your plants just grow strong enough branches to stay straight? Im coming up to the last week of harvest and my colas have been falling over. I am using a few stakes to keep things manageable, but I HATE sticking stakes in the soil and into the roots. What can I do for my next grow to keep sturdy branches/colas?
UB... how does the guaranteed analysis thing work? That is a requirement/regulation?
I had thought that if a company claimed it had something (NPK and micros) then it has to be on the GA. But, if it isn't NPK and micros, they can make the claim without it on the label..
Is that about right? Anything else?
I'm thinking a better understanding of the labels in the US would be helpful to many growers... myself included.