Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

A big part of the problem is that regulations vary from state to state so it's difficult to be universally complaint. That's why House and Garden's guaranteed analysis is 10% of what's actually in the bottle.
What Dyna-Gro product?

It's obvious they need N.

I picked up and used the Grow 7-9-5. Looking in my garage I found some Better-Gro Orchid Plus that is 20-14-13. It is formulated with "fast acting" nitrate nitrogen, and has trace elements. 1% Mg but no CA. Remembering the slow release formula you are currently using I thought the ratios were close, and I wondered if this might be a good way to get them a nitrogen boost. I really want to thank you for your help and advice. After reading the whole thread over the last few weeks I am very impressed with the dedication and help you offer to all the people that are willing to listen. Even the ones that ask the same questions again and again. Thank you very much!
Marijuana Grow Shops have over 25 different brands of nutrients (in a small shop). Maybe 10 different PH solutions. C02 Bags, C02 buckets, soda water, CO2 pads. They have 130$ rolls of Panda Paper, Orca Paper, Mylar. They will sell you PH pens, strips. Then they have 15 different kinds of Soil. Marijuana shops are run by punk ass stoners that have NEVER worked a REAL retail job or any real job before in their life! They don't appreciate your business and they all act like they 'know' your getting fucking screwed by snake oil .
It is making me angry just thinking about this shit. I need to head to Snake Oil Anonymous meeting before I burn a store down.

Then you walk into Lowes. Lowes has just a few different brands they carry of nutrients: Bayer, MG, Scotts and same with the soil. They have potting soil, cactus soil, and dirt. The young kid working at Lowes has great and practical knowledge about how to grow a tomato plant. Lowes is all about customer satisfaction, they will help you load you shit into you car and smile and say "Thank you have a great day!'.
Same with fucking Home Depot and Walmart. Target does not have a garden section anymore but now they keep their shit in the corner of the store. You will find better grow soil and nutrients at Target than ANY fucked 'Hydro Grow Shop'.
AND BTW no one at Target, Lowes, Home Depot will tell you to 'flush' or PH your soil and no one with a garden has ever complained to them about that... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Marijuana Grow Shops have over 25 different brands of nutrients (in a small shop). Maybe 10 different PH solutions. C02 Bags, C02 buckets, soda water, CO2 pads. They have 130$ rolls of Panda Paper, Orca Paper, Mylar. They will sell you PH pens, strips. Then they have 15 different kinds of Soil. Marijuana shops are run by punk ass stoners that have NEVER worked a REAL retail job or any real job before in their life! They don't appreciate your business and they all act like they 'know' your getting fucking screwed by snake oil .
It is making me angry just thinking about this shit. I need to head to Snake Oil Anonymous meeting before I burn a store down.

Then you walk into Lowes. Lowes has just a few different brands they carry of nutrients: Bayer, MG, Scotts and same with the soil. They have potting soil, cactus soil, and dirt. The young kid working at Lowes has great and practical knowledge about how to grow a tomato plant. Lowes is all about customer satisfaction, they will help you load you shit into you car and smile and say "Thank you have a great day!'.
Same with fucking Home Depot and Walmart. Target does not have a garden section anymore but now they keep their shit in the corner of the store. You will find better grow soil and nutrients at Target than ANY fucked 'Hydro Grow Shop'.
AND BTW no one at Target, Lowes, Home Depot will tell you to 'flush' or PH your soil and no one with a garden has ever complained to them about that... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
lowes doesn't have 1000 watt hortilux bulb on a saturday afternoon. Hydro shops have there purpose. You just have to know the right person. Sorry if you like dealing with 15 year olds at the local corporate lodge. At least the stoners at the hydro store grew some weed once.
Impman, you can do better then those big box stores. Why not support local and find a nursery, grab some Jacks for $10 and call it a day. If you want you can mess with the hydro store and stop in to tell them you bought jacks. The look on their face is priceless. Not every hydro store is the same either. I know a good one that treats me well and all I really buy is ona, castings, a replacement bulb and the ocassional packet of tomato seeds.
lowes doesn't have 1000 watt hortilux bulb on a saturday afternoon. Hydro shops have there purpose. You just have to know the right person. Sorry if you like dealing with 15 year olds at the local corporate lodge. At least the stoners at the hydro store grew some weed once.

maybe they grew some weed once. I get all my equipment from Sacramento, CA. It is all wholesale and cheap as hell. you can order online. I won't plug anyone, but all you have to do is Google Sacramento Grow weed.

15 year olds at Lowes?! LOL not in this economy chuck. You get 45 year old dudes with a Masters in business at the Lowes in my hometown. It is insane how many college grads are working retail around here
Marijuana Grow Shops have over 25 different brands of nutrients (in a small shop). Maybe 10 different PH solutions. C02 Bags, C02 buckets, soda water, CO2 pads. They have 130$ rolls of Panda Paper, Orca Paper, Mylar. They will sell you PH pens, strips. Then they have 15 different kinds of Soil. Marijuana shops are run by punk ass stoners that have NEVER worked a REAL retail job or any real job before in their life! They don't appreciate your business and they all act like they 'know' your getting fucking screwed by snake oil .
It is making me angry just thinking about this shit. I need to head to Snake Oil Anonymous meeting before I burn a store down.

Then you walk into Lowes. Lowes has just a few different brands they carry of nutrients: Bayer, MG, Scotts and same with the soil. They have potting soil, cactus soil, and dirt. The young kid working at Lowes has great and practical knowledge about how to grow a tomato plant. Lowes is all about customer satisfaction, they will help you load you shit into you car and smile and say "Thank you have a great day!'.
Same with fucking Home Depot and Walmart. Target does not have a garden section anymore but now they keep their shit in the corner of the store. You will find better grow soil and nutrients at Target than ANY fucked 'Hydro Grow Shop'.
AND BTW no one at Target, Lowes, Home Depot will tell you to 'flush' or PH your soil and no one with a garden has ever complained to them about that... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

First of all, it's bullshit to make such a sweeping generalization about all hydro shop owners. Some are thieves and some are honest, just as is true in all trades. My local hydro shop kicks ass, and will price match anyone. That's right, ANYONE. In store or online at ehydro.com.

Secondly, please take a few minutes and think about the companies you're supporting. Scotts??? Seriously? They have to run by one of the most evil corps in existence today - Monsanto. I know that some folks (such as UB) will disagree with that statement, but just think of stuff like Agent Orange and DDT -- that's right, invented by Monsanto. The list goes on and on.

Impman, you can do better then those big box stores. Why not support local and find a nursery

Totally agree.

15 year olds at Lowes?! LOL not in this economy chuck. You get 45 year old dudes with a Masters in business at the Lowes in my hometown. It is insane how many college grads are working retail around here

College degrees don't mean shit. I don't have a degree but I manage people who do have degrees. The other applicants with master's degrees didn't know shit compared to my experience when I was hired as a tech and then promoted a couple of years later. The only thing a degree is any good for is the ability to apply for those jobs, which require a degree just to apply, but in my experience there's often workarounds to those situations as well. Be the best, and there's really no competition.
maybe they grew some weed once. I get all my equipment from Sacramento, CA. It is all wholesale and cheap as hell. you can order online. I won't plug anyone, but all you have to do is Google Sacramento Grow weed.

15 year olds at Lowes?! LOL not in this economy chuck. You get 45 year old dudes with a Masters in business at the Lowes in my hometown. It is insane how many college grads are working retail around here
you're the one that said, " the young kid at lowes" or did you just have young boys on the brain?
Uncle Ben,

Could you pretty please put together a guide / thread to give an example of a perfect recipe for success etc? For example, show us how to create a soil mix that would be perfect to use with Jacks Classic 30-10-10 that we could buy at a garden shop / hydro store. IE, Sunhine mix #4 (or some other popular soil mix), 5 lbs of garden lime, etc etc. Is it possible to create a soil mix that would not need to have Cal / Mag added later on? That is my ultimate goal really.. to create something that would work with ONLY the jacks 30-10-10 until harvest??? Thanks UB!! You the man!!
I picked up and used the Grow 7-9-5. Looking in my garage I found some Better-Gro Orchid Plus that is 20-14-13. It is formulated with "fast acting" nitrate nitrogen, and has trace elements. 1% Mg but no CA. Remembering the slow release formula you are currently using I thought the ratios were close, and I wondered if this might be a good way to get them a nitrogen boost. I really want to thank you for your help and advice. After reading the whole thread over the last few weeks I am very impressed with the dedication and help you offer to all the people that are willing to listen. Even the ones that ask the same questions again and again. Thank you very much!

The 20-14-13 will be fine. Any well balanced, well designed food that supports good leaf production and maintenance until harvest is fine. Never could find the GA specs on that food. Looks like a damn good food. Is it totally water soluble?

Appreciate the kind words. I think I'm finally getting through to some of the community that it's learning what makes a plant tick that counts, not relying on someone else's "advice".

Uncle Ben,

Could you pretty please put together a guide / thread to give an example of a perfect recipe for success etc? For example, show us how to create a soil mix that would be perfect to use with Jacks Classic 30-10-10 that we could buy at a garden shop / hydro store. IE, Sunhine mix #4 (or some other popular soil mix), 5 lbs of garden lime, etc etc. Is it possible to create a soil mix that would not need to have Cal / Mag added later on? That is my ultimate goal really.. to create something that would work with ONLY the jacks 30-10-10 until harvest??? Thanks UB!! You the man!!

Here's my (old) soil archive FWIW.

I use alot of brown sphagnum peat moss, a large bag of Schultz potting mix, and a bag of cheap potting soil (screened to get rid of the chunky stuff) to make up enough for 30 to 40 gallons of a final mix, which I mix on a cement floor using a shovel and store in large garbage cans. To this base which provides humates, an acidic hit, trace elements, etc. and a little silt to tighten up the mix and retain moisture, I add:

6 or so cups blood meal, 3 or so cups bonemeal, 4 cups dolomite lime, 1 large bag each of vermiculite and perlite (available at Casa dePOT) and alfalfa meal which contains a hormone called triacontanol (purported to increase vegetable production up to 60%). I buy alfalfa feed pellets from a farm and ranch supply store, put about 4 cups of the pellets in a bucket with a gallon of water and give it a good squirt of Ivory dish soap to cut the surface tension, let it stand for 30 minutes, and then dump the slurry into the mix on the floor. I sometimes add composted horse manure, maybe about 3 or 4 gallons of it. The final, slightly moist soil mix is turned well with a shovel and stored for a couple of weeks in garbage cans to "mellow".

Put your mix together and have it tested by a soil lab. TX A&M is excellent and cheap.

Good luck,
The 20-14-13 will be fine. Any well balanced, well designed food that supports good leaf production and maintenance until harvest is fine. Never could find the GA specs on that food. Looks like a damn good food. Is it totally water soluble?

Good luck,

Thanks again UB. The Better Grow 20-14-13 Orchid Plus can be found at Lowie's for $4.49/lb. It is water soluble. I'll post a couple pictures when I get these turned around. Following are the ingredients of the Better Grow if anyone in interested.[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]Total Nitrate - 20%
[TD] Nitrate Nitrate - 10.59%
[TD] Ammoniacal Nitrogen - 9.41%
[TD]Available Phosphate P2O5 - 14%
[TD]Soluble Potash - 13%
[TD]Magnesium Soluble - 1%
[TD]Boron - 0.02%
[TD]Copper - 0.05%
[TD]Iron - 0.20%
[TD]Manganese - 0.05%
[TD]Molybdenum - 0.0005%
[TD]Zinc - 0.05%
UB, how can I pick PM you I want to pick your brain on my first run.

You'll have to persuade potroast to reinstate my PM privileges. He took them away just because I had mentioned another cannabis forum site in 2 PM's. You see, RIU has this software program.....

(Think Obama's bully arms, the NSA and IRS).
whoa.... isn't PM stand for PRIVATE Message? lol..

Not here. With Obama and his cronies spying on The People, conservatives and Tea Baggers being targeted by the IRS, forums like RIU that snoop using software that is programmed to pick up on certain key words, you're only safe option to securely communicate with someone is using PGP.