zimmerman news

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Well-Known Member
No wonder he went towards GZ.
there's no evidence of that.

in fact, all the evidence we have paints the exact opposite story.

what were zimmerman's words again?

"shit. he ran"

"are you following him?"


not only are you wrong, you are as wrong as one can possibly be, according to zimmerman himself.


Well-Known Member
Targeting non-lethal areas of the body is called intentional maiming, and further, any firearms training will convince you that in defense of your life you take the most sure path towards non-aggression from your attacker. Namely, Charlie Mike. As for hollow points being illegal in Fl, that is news to me and a search didn't turn up any definitive answers. Can you please cite a reputable source for that statement ?
It was just another lie from someone trying to justify an unwarranted and possibly racist jump to a conclusion unsupported by facts.


Well-Known Member
Its difficult to choose a target when someone is sitting on your chest and fighting for control of the gun. Your claim is illogical.
so martin is sitting on zimmerman's chest, and as zimmerman claims he is inching towards the grass (eyewitness john goode says he was inching towards the sidewalk, but ignore that), the gun becomes exposed, according to zimmerman.

so if the gun on zimmerman's waist becomes exposed, and martin is sitting in his chest with his back towards zimmerman's waist, how does he see the gun (mind you, martin's DNA is nowhere on the gun or the holster)?

what theory shall you propose to explain that mystery, herr red? are we gonna go with the "magical afro-american eyeballs in the back of his head" theory? maybe martin got tired, and reached for a drink of his arizona drink, and that's when he saw the gun?

please do let me know how someone sees something that is literally 180 degrees behind him. you work with nobel winners, you should be able to concoct some theory to explain it.


Well-Known Member
there's no evidence of that. in fact, all the evidence we have paints the exact opposite story. what were zimmerman's words again? "shit. he ran" "are you following him?" "yeah" not only are you wrong, you are as wrong as one can possibly be, according to zimmerman himself.
None of your "quotes/' say anything about the direction Martin was traveling. You have nothing to offer but speculation and outright lies. The truth is not in you. Why don't you repost some more quotes from people who never met Zimmerman claiming they knew him to be a racist?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter whether he had a reason or not, its still assault.
there's just as much evidence for assault as there is for self defense: ZERO.

we don't know who attacked who, but we do know that martin ran away and zimmerman followed multiple times.

ya really think someone looks for addresses on the backs of houses? ya really think zimmerman doesn't know the name of the street he's on and has patrolled for 4 years when there are only 3 streets in the entire complex that he's lived in for years?

naivete can't explain your ideas, stupidity and prejudice must be invoked.

Yes, children always attack people they're afraid of.
i agree, that makes no sense considering martin ran away and zimmerman followed.

it makes even less sense for adults to follow children they're in fear of, but that's exactly what zimmerman did according to his own words.

those fucking punks. can't let those assholes get away.


Well-Known Member
so martin is sitting on zimmerman's chest, and as zimmerman claims he is inching towards the grass (eyewitness john goode says he was inching towards the sidewalk, but ignore that), the gun becomes exposed, according to zimmerman. so if the gun on zimmerman's waist becomes exposed, and martin is sitting in his chest with his back towards zimmerman's waist, how does he see the gun (mind you, martin's DNA is nowhere on the gun or the holster)? what theory shall you propose to explain that mystery, herr red? are we gonna go with the "magical afro-american eyeballs in the back of his head" theory? maybe martin got tired, and reached for a drink of his arizona drink, and that's when he saw the gun? please do let me know how someone sees something that is literally 180 degrees behind him. you work with nobel winners, you should be able to concoct some theory to explain it.
Zimmerman's DNA was nowhere on the gun, either. So that proves there was a third person involved. Well, at least by your "logic". No, wait, there was no DNA found on the gun. Guess it must have been ghosts!


Well-Known Member
None of your "quotes/' say anything about the direction Martin was traveling. You have nothing to offer but speculation and outright lies. The truth is not in you.
zimmerman's own words on recorded tape are not speculation and they are not outright lies, they are the cold hard facts.

you just have a problem with the facts because they show that martin was the one who fled, and zimmerman was the one who got his gun and followed.

Why don't you repost some more quotes from people who never met Zimmerman claiming they knew him to be a racist?
oh, you're talking about witness 9.

in that case, you just made yourself look fucking stupid again (no surprise) because witness 9 is george zimmerman's fucking cousin, you twat.

she's the one who said zimmerman practiced "racist ideologies". not only that, but she said zimmerman diddled her to boot.

so much for never having met. not only did they meet, zimmerman made sure that the meeting left a lasting impression by diddling her.

shot yourself in the foot again, red. now if only your wife and kids were lucky enough to meet a similar, non-fatal shooting from you.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman's DNA was nowhere on the gun, either.
gonna need citation of that.

you still never answered the question of how someone sees something that is directly behind them.

let's hear the theory, nobel winning toilet scrubber.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman's DNA was nowhere on the gun, either. So that proves there was a third person involved. Well, at least by your "logic". No, wait, there was no DNA found on the gun. Guess it must have been ghosts!
No No. Consult your score card. Zim dna and prints on the weapon. But, no law enforcement prints!! See!! Washed off like Trevon greasy palm prints as he struggles for the "free gun." No. Same rain.

Zim all over it. No Trevon.

And have you ever seen law enforcement handle a perp's weapon? They don't want to smear anything and are trained not to leave any of their own material. And at night, in the rain, they often have on gloves, IAC.


Well-Known Member
there's just as much evidence for assault as there is for self defense: ZERO. we don't know who attacked who, but we do know that martin ran away and zimmerman followed multiple times. ya really think someone looks for addresses on the backs of houses? ya really think zimmerman doesn't know the name of the street he's on and has patrolled for 4 years when there are only 3 streets in the entire complex that he's lived in for years? naivete can't explain your ideas, stupidity and prejudice must be invoked. i agree, that makes no sense considering martin ran away and zimmerman followed. it makes even less sense for adults to follow children they're in fear of, but that's exactly what zimmerman did according to his own words. those fucking punks. can't let those assholes get away.
Translation: Pretend the physical evidence shown in court by the prosecutor in court doesn't exist, pretend that each identical street full of identical townhouses is somehow readily discernible, portray some thug wanna-be as an innocent child, and then claim anyone who doesn't agree with your conclusion based solely on race is a racist. Typical BuckHead, lie through your teeth and play holier-than-thou at the same time.


Well-Known Member
gonna need citation of that. you still never answered the question of how someone sees something that is directly behind them. let's hear the theory, nobel winning toilet scrubber.
Where was your citation? They turn there head. Are you stupid/ Wait, never mind.


Well-Known Member
Translation: Pretend the physical evidence shown in court by the prosecutor in court doesn't exist, pretend that each identical street full of identical townhouses is somehow readily discernible, portray some thug wanna-be as an innocent child, and then claim anyone who doesn't agree with your conclusion based solely on race is a racist. Typical BuckHead, lie through your teeth and play holier-than-thou at the same time.
how many "thug wanna-be" children run away? thugs fight, they don't run away.

now let's review what zimmerman said: "shit, he ran" ... "are you following him" ... "yeah"

addresses are not on the backs of houses, red. they are on the front. if zimm was looking for an address, martin would be alive. but he wasn't looking for an address, according to his own words in the interrogation. he was out looking for martin again.

you're an idiot and your racism is clearly coloring your (poorly formed) idea of what happened that night.


Well-Known Member
No No. Consult your score card. Zim dna and prints on the weapon. But, no law enforcement prints!! See!! Washed off like Trevon greasy palm prints as he struggles for the "free gun." No. Same rain. Zim all over it. No Trevon. And have you ever seen law enforcement handle a perp's weapon? They don't want to smear anything and are trained not to leave any of their own material. And at night, in the rain, they often have on gloves, IAC.
If Martin had his hand over Zimmerman's hand, he may not have even touched the gun itself. Regardless, tell us some more about how you predicted a hung jury (or is it now acquittal) all along? That's always good for a laugh.


Well-Known Member
Where was your citation? They turn there head. Are you stupid/ Wait, never mind.

here is my citation: http://fox59.com/2013/07/04/no-dna-from-trayvon-martin-on-george-zimmermans-gun-analyst-testifies/

no martin DNA on the gun.

now let's see your citation that zimmerman's DNA was not on the gun!


or you can just admit that you're lying once again.

how did martin manage to turn his head nearly 180 degrees behind him while hitting zimmerman "25-30" times and smashing his head on the concrete and suffocating zimmerman (all while getting no zimm DNA on his hands or cuffs or fingernails AT ALL) in a fight that lasted approximately 45 seconds and moved about 30-50 feet down the T even though martin immediately pinned and straddled zimm (according to zimm)?

gonna have to explain this gight scene to me, it seems too riddled with fantasy for me to buy into.


Well-Known Member
If Martin had his hand over Zimmerman's hand, he may not have even touched the gun itself.
your story is changing again.

change the goal posts often much? i just caught you doing that last night, herr red.

you really suck at this. maybe bother to catch up on the facts before gracing us all with your unremitting failure next time, red.


Well-Known Member
how many "thug wanna-be" children run away? thugs fight, they don't run away. now let's review what zimmerman said: "shit, he ran" ... "are you following him" ... "yeah" addresses are not on the backs of houses, red. they are on the front. if zimm was looking for an address, martin would be alive. but he wasn't looking for an address, according to his own words in the interrogation. he was out looking for martin again. you're an idiot and your racism is clearly coloring your (poorly formed) idea of what happened that night.
So now you're saying he should have already known the address even tho it was (maybe) already on the other side of the building? You just contradicted your prior claim. So how did you get "again"/ Oh, right, you just made it up. You want to convict Zimmerman based solely on the victim's race, and I'm the racist? Clearly, you are just blathering nonsense. I shall waste no more time correcting your bullshit, racist lies. No one here believes anything you say except for a few other like minded bigots, who are more than likely your alternate identities. Its really sad how you have to make up imaginary friends. Not exactly surprising tho.


Well-Known Member
*their here is my citation: http://fox59.com/2013/07/04/no-dna-from-trayvon-martin-on-george-zimmermans-gun-analyst-testifies/ no martin DNA on the gun. now let's see your citation that zimmerman's DNA was not on the gun! :lol: or you can just admit that you're lying once again. how did martin manage to turn his head nearly 180 degrees behind him while hitting zimmerman "25-30" times and smashing his head on the concrete and suffocating zimmerman (all while getting no zimm DNA on his hands or cuffs or fingernails AT ALL) in a fight that lasted approximately 45 seconds and moved about 30-50 feet down the T even though martin immediately pinned and straddled zimm (according to zimm)? gonna have to explain this gight scene to me, it seems too riddled with fantasy for me to buy into.
So ewe still love me after awl?


Well-Known Member
So now you're saying he should have already known the address even tho it was (maybe) already on the other side of the building? You just contradicted your prior claim. So how did you get "again"/ Oh, right, you just made it up. You want to convict Zimmerman based solely on the victim's race, and I'm the racist? Clearly, you are just blathering nonsense. I shall waste no more time correcting your bullshit, racist lies. No one here believes anything you say except for a few other like minded bigots, who are more than likely your alternate identities. Its really sad how you have to make up imaginary friends. Not exactly surprising tho.
red blew his stupid fuse.


Well-Known Member
[h=1][FONT=proxima-nova, arial, sans-serif]Can we finally end this senseless debate?[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima-nova, arial, sans-serif]Analysis: George Zimmerman Probably Won't Be Convicted of Murder or Manslaughter -- Here's Why[/FONT][/h]http://abcnews.go.com/US/george-zimmerman-convicted-murder-manslaughter/story?id=19598422#.UdoJA_mKIll


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