Nice try. I was never in that unit. You should make better guesses about me. Notice how when I interacted with that other veteran, I based everything (even the sharper words) on what he said to me? Making shit up to say about me is not becoming of a warrior, young man. Have some integrity kiddo. I doubt you ever made it past Private First Class because you clearly never learned what respect means.
Im positive you said months ago you were in the 101st CAB... I'd try to find it but search function isn't working. Funny you talk about respect, well respect does not go hand in hand with AWOL...
We could post - "MEANWHILE IN MEXICO" but who wants to see dead bodies all day?
"abandonconflict".....does this pretty much describe your military career?.....are you a deserter?........if you had "abandoned conflict" in the middle of a firefight in Vietnam, I would have shot you in the a deserter.........and now your freeloading on Mexico.........please stay still won't tell me how you "earn" your rent money.......maybe it's just handed to you...way to carry your weight serve no purpose that I can see.....I'll bet your family's proud of you.......I know the USA is!!!!
I don't think all Americans are stupid or obese, some of them are reasonably pleasant.
Yeah there are a couple of nice looking brit's too.......or were they Aussies?.....I don't think all Americans are stupid or obese, some of them are reasonably pleasant.
Yeah there are a couple of nice looking brit's too.......or were they Aussies?.....
And as I tell Customers every time I'm back from Russia, (to suck up so they let me in...a traveler cannot be too careful these days) "London is truly the center of our civilization."
But, I cetainly believe that after Russia and before another 11 hour flight.![]()
I certainly* believe a hillbilly savage such as yourself has never left the new country (Merica)
without any maps you most certainly* will get lost
They are still having nightmares about these.........They are simply not worthy to even view modern firearms.![]()