DMT... aliens or god? What is the 'presence'

the story about my buddy shitting himself my posts..I myself hit deems and its not what it should be..and it was made by me...I just get color and mind fucks...ocassionaly I get what I call 'warping'..where a plane of geometric patterns bends in a dark background..that's about all..but if I ever shit myself,and don't see aliens..ima be pissed.

ahha, maybe the aliens made him shit? But it dosent sound like you had a "breakthrough" smoke more;)
i have heard if you take dmt before you die then when you do do die dmt isnt relised into your brain
any1 know anything about this ? im curious 2 take it and to see the hype but it defo isnt worth taking if u loose the experiance of dying because of it
I think the aliens were making your buddy think THEY were shitting in his pants and made him think he was into it. Shitty lil bastards.
Yes but you only say what its not, but not what you think it is, thats kind of the point of the question, to ask what you think it is.

Randomly, i can tell you its not fish!

There's no evidence to support that what you're feeling is anything other than a feeling. To assume it has to be some sort of intelligence is jumping to a conclusion with no justification.

With no evidence supporting any one 'theory' as to what you're feeling; we could sit here and mentally masturbate all day about what is 'could' be.

I think it's Dr. Who.... not the new one, the dude from the 80's that has traveled into your mind in his retarded phone booth. And you know what? There's just as much evidence t support my theory as yours about god, or aliens.

TAG, you're it!
Just wondering what peoples views are on what the 'presence' is...

So in my head its a toss up between god vs aliens ,I myself view them as aliens, even if they are elves, that's still aliens to me.
This is a thread for people whom actually take DMT to discuss what they believe the crack is, and not an alien debunking discussion by science dudes who have never partaken , its a question of DMT and exactly what you think that presence is! like WTF

I would be inclined to ask "What special relevance does taking DMT have to the legitimacy of what you're seeing?". The fact that I am not schizophrenic does not make the shadow people less imaginary (Not to say you are mentally unstable; I'm just trying to illustrate a point.). The fact is that what you think the "presence" is carries no real validity until you can prove it exists beyond your imagination.
There's no evidence to support that what you're feeling is anything other than a feeling. To assume it has to be some sort of intelligence is jumping to a conclusion with no justification.

With no evidence supporting any one 'theory' as to what you're feeling; we could sit here and mentally masturbate all day about what is 'could' be.

I think it's Dr. Who.... not the new one, the dude from the 80's that has traveled into your mind in his retarded phone booth. And you know what? There's just as much evidence t support my theory as yours about god, or aliens.

TAG, you're it!

Sorry i was under the impression you were a DMT virgin but obviously i was mistaken,you seem to have first hand knowledge? but Dr who is a new one!

The only thing i have seen that is close to a comprehensive unbiased study was strassmans, Martin W. Ball asked him this question in an interview...

Something that comes up time and time again in people's experiences in your book, DMT - The Spirit Molecule, is that when volunteers are being injected with DMT, they experience UFO's, alternate technologies, and really sci-fi kind of material, so I can see how that would definitely speak to people who are interested in science fiction. Maybe you can tell us a little bit about what those kinds of experiences were like for people and what they were encountering.
I may want to preface my description of some of those kinds of encounters by stating at the outset neither I nor the volunteers expected anything like the frequency of those kinds of experiences to occur which actually did take place. Both myself and the volunteers were expecting mystical experiences, near death experiences, psychological breakthroughs, those kinds of things.
Now, I was doing my studies in the early 1990's and there may have been a fair amount out there on UFO's and alien abductions, but the volunteers who were in my study weren't that interested in that kind of material and I didn't know much about it and wasn't interested in it either, so I certainly don't think, though one could always argue that it was the case, but I don't think, that it was an example of people expecting to have alien contact sorts of experiences. And Terence McKenna's descriptions of the machines elves and the dwarfs and the pixies hadn't really come out to any extent yet - I don't know if his first book had really come out yet - and not that many people were really familiar with Terence in the early 90's in the first place. So, in that case as well, I don't think it was an example of people's expectations being fueled by their anticipated effects of the drug.
So I think both in terms of more contemporary memes that are passing through our culture, as far as the abduction experience in our culture and Terence's raps, I don't think that either of those had really filtered into the consciousness of our volunteers or my consciousness at the time. So, saying that as an introduction, people were certainly not going into our research studies with hopes of seeing entities or beings. Nevertheless, a huge number of volunteers did.

I will be the first to tell you i haven't read much else on dmt studies other than strassmans ,but i have only just begun researching these strange beings my friends and i see!
I would be inclined to ask "What special relevance does taking DMT have to the legitimacy of what you're seeing?". The fact is that what you think the "presence" is carries no real validity until you can prove it exists beyond your imagination.

Te relevance dmt has is that its the only psychedelic which causes the majority of users to see beings of some kind, seems a little strange you have to admit, how can you scientifically prove it conclusively? scientists can't prove exactly how the pyramids were built but we know they were, that will always mystify the human mind as will dmt.

How about this, who takes dmt regularly with decent dosage and has never felt any presence of any kind?
Nutes and nugs..keep your bible.seriously no one needs a stoned jerry falwell here or wants a physics book.
Why would you attribute an experience induced by an alteration of the chemicals inside your brain to something that is real?

Let's not forget how stupid this post was ^^^^^... It doesn't get much worse..... And who knows why they quoted my post........
Te relevance dmt has is that its the only psychedelic which causes the majority of users to see beings of some kind, seems a little strange you have to admit, how can you scientifically prove it conclusively?
The majority of people who smoke weed experience the munchies. Does that provide munchies any special relevance? Are aliens trying to tell us that munchies are key to survival? Do you see how a common experience with a mind-altering substance doesn't grant the experience any significance?

scientists can't prove exactly how the pyramids were built but we know they were, that will always mystify the human mind as will dmt.
You cannot state that either the pyramids or DMT will always mystify anything. Predicting the future without any current backing is a bit presumptuous; is it not?

How about this, who takes dmt regularly with decent dosage and has never felt any presence of any kind?
Every drug has similar effects on multiple people. Can you not look up the common responses to most drugs? Most drugs have an effect that can be described. In what way is seeing aliens on DMT more significant than me getting the munchies while smoking weed?
The majority of people who smoke weed experience the munchies. Does that provide munchies any special relevance? Are aliens trying to tell us that munchies are key to survival? Do you see how a common experience with a mind-altering substance doesn't grant the experience any significance?

Munchies have nothing to do with aliens, how much DMT have you taken in the past because imo you really cant comment on the subject!

You cannot state that either the pyramids or DMT will always mystify anything. Predicting the future without any current backing is a bit presumptuous; is it not?

I can, and i did,prove me wrong with your critical thinking!

Every drug has similar effects on multiple people. Can you not look up the common responses to most drugs? Most drugs have an effect that can be described. In what way is seeing aliens on DMT more significant than me getting the munchies while smoking weed?

Socratic method of argument should remain in school debates, who's talking about weed, the thread is about what the presence is relating to DMT, for people whom have taken DMT to discuss this particular alien aspect of the molecule, you cant put weed in the same sentence as DMT when your talking about encounters like these,

NO OTHER DRUG COMES WITH A PRESENCE LIKE DMT USERS EXPERIENCE, we are not talking bout weed,acid,mescaline ect, some of them may have given similar experiences to some people a few times granted, but DMT is clearly another level.
Munchies have nothing to do with aliens, how much DMT have you taken in the past because imo you really cant comment on the subject!

I can, and i did,prove me wrong with your critical thinking!

Socratic method of argument should remain in school debates, who's talking about weed, the thread is about what the presence is relating to DMT, for people whom have taken DMT to discuss this particular alien aspect of the molecule, you cant put weed in the same sentence as DMT when your talking about encounters like these,

NO OTHER DRUG COMES WITH A PRESENCE LIKE DMT USERS EXPERIENCE, we are not talking bout weed,acid,mescaline ect, some of them may have given similar experiences to some people a few times granted, but DMT is clearly another level.

You don't need DMT to feel a presence. You just need a powerful electromagnet and a helmet. It's called altering the brain, you know, the organ that provides you with every stimuli you experience? Crack that head open and poke around, and I bet a suitably qualified Dr. can make you smell burnt toast too.... how is artificially experiencing a smell different than artificially experiencing a feeling? I'll give you a hint... it's not.

Amputees feel limbs that have been gone for years, but feeling a presence after taking one of the most powerful hallucinogens in the world isn't possible....right.....
I seen my friend wrestling with a snake in a hot tub while on .5mg of raw lsd..I blinked and it was him just holding a kids snorkle used for the snake an alien or god? Should we tithe cobras or scuba masters?
You don't need DMT to feel a presence. You just need a powerful electromagnet and a helmet. It's called altering the brain, you know, the organ that provides you with every stimuli you experience? Crack that head open and poke around, and I bet a suitably qualified Dr. can make you smell burnt toast too.... how is artificially experiencing a smell different than artificially experiencing a feeling? I'll give you a hint... it's not.

Amputees feel limbs that have been gone for years, but feeling a presence after taking one of the most powerful hallucinogens in the world isn't possible....right.....

OP is one big ball of logical fallacies.
You don't need DMT to feel a presence. You just need a powerful electromagnet and a helmet. It's called altering the brain, you know, the organ that provides you with every stimuli you experience? Crack that head open and poke around, and I bet a suitably qualified Dr. can make you smell burnt toast too.... how is artificially experiencing a smell different than artificially experiencing a feeling? I'll give you a hint... it's not.

Amputees feel limbs that have been gone for years, but feeling a presence after taking one of the most powerful hallucinogens in the world isn't possible....right.....

Have you had much DMT?
Let's not forget how stupid this post was ^^^^^... It doesn't get much worse..... And who knows why they quoted my post........

It's a legitimate question that you misunderstood and decided to argue against instead of try to understand what it meant.

Yes, reality is your interpretation of chemicals inside your brain, but what you fail to realize is that is a subjectiveinterpretation of reality. What is objectively true is not dependent upon what you put inside your body. The sky will remain blue no matter how much acid you take that makes your senses interpret it as red.
