N&N and
B&B, how can you be racist and not discriminatory?
'What is wrong with using an animal as sexual gratification instead of consumption?'
You don't care if someone rapes a dog.. Then you aren't equipped with the necessary filters required to raise a family, let alone own a pet.
also, we don't fuck cows (or any unwilling recipient incapable of consent) because of the physical pain we might cause them, it seems unbelievable to me something like this would need to be explained.. We don't fuck them because its wrong to by every measurable human degree.
I absolutely 'have some bias against' those that wish to get their rocks off by raping non-consenting animals. Fuck those disgusting assholes, from the steps of Peru to the deserts of Iraq. Rape transcends species..
'why should they get tax breaks just because they're gay?
why should straight couples get tax breaks just because they're straight? ..
Killing an animal for necessary consumption is a hell of a lot different than using an animal for sexual gratification..
Being gay is 100% normal. Unfortunately for you blow hard (oh so hard!) conservatives, it's being recognized and all you have left to grasp at is decades old confirmation bias. Soon, you silly fucks will be gone and all the hatred you fought for will be forgotten at the sound of equality cementing its presence in America. Your grandchildren will be the last remnants of a time of intolerance, they'll be the last indication of a difference as something as petty and irrelevant as skin color or sexual orientation could cause. Your bullshit won't last another generation, I guarantee it.