New Member
yeah, catholics would never protect pedos in their ranks causing a massive world wide scandal that lasted for years
what slice of mental retardation do you want to nosh on next?
good job at revealing exactly how massively asshurt you are thanks to your anti-semitism.
Did I say that Mr. Hands? Obviously your reading compensation is at 400% again...
No only jews have codes of honor that protect pedos or did you forget those pages from the Talmud? Not even the Catholics write in such garbage...
Like I said I don't see any support for it in the king james bible, never said the church doesn't protect pedos...
nope. didn't even wear a yarmulke, either.
or, as your dumb ass might call it, a "yamaka". kinda sounds more like a dirt bike than a funny looking hat.
Why would you wear one? Youre an outsider, nothing but a righteous gentile... Yeah I didn't think marriage equality really matters to you, just another bandwagon to jump on, to justify your useless existence