Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

I found out how to post on my phone . I have been working my way through the forums for a while. I started growing16 years ago that born a passion like no other, and been at it off and on ever since I currently have my plants in veg as I am moving. I have
1 wos nl/sk
4 hso c dawg
4 GDP 3f 1m
3 rp ogk
2 rp pw
2 hso sd
1 pos bw
1 pos s ch
1 bad ass blue dream? Bag seed male
sativa #1
2 afghan bag seed
all organic can't wait to get the 600 going again. Does anyone know how to post pictures from a phone. Will be a couple weeks before I have my computer up and on the net.
I also am looking at water purification. Been using rain water and had to switch to tap. And my pw #1 showed an iron deficiency. Checked water and had a ph over 9.

Meanwhile you look into purification of your water
Try bubbling your water for a day or two with a handful of worm castings/compost x gallon. It acts as a sort of purifier.

A Brita filtering jug will help a bit too!
Jubiare I do have a bubbler in my res. I use tea every other watering. I just didn't stay on top of things like I should have. I phed watered and fertilized today Checked run of and had 6.5. I started working on fixing it right away. I flushed them sat when it showed. All I have is one top on the pw that showed and a couple lower fans on some of the other ones showing cal def spots. The moving has me running back and forth right now.
I don't think having them in 1gal pots running low on the fert. was helping. They are 11 to 14 in tall and have 8 to 10 tops 2 ogs have 6 or so. Been keeping them small as I can.
Jubiare I do have a bubbler in my res. I use tea every other watering. I just didn't stay on top of things like I should have. I phed watered and fertilized today Checked run of and had 6.5. I started working on fixing it right away. I flushed them sat when it showed. All I have is one top on the pw that showed and a couple lower fans on some of the other ones showing cal def spots. The moving has me running back and forth right now.

Hey Dr.D81 this an organic purist thread. We don't use ferts or ph or water. Please keep that off these threads. Thanks in advance.
I don't mean chemical fertilizers I don't use them. I only use fish emulation and super thrive out of a bottle. I came across this site reading about willow water cloning I have been following for a while. I also keep up with canns grow. I would not have posted I was not of like mind. I ph'd with cider vinegar
I don't mean chemical fertilizers I don't use them. I only use fish emulation and super thrive out of a bottle. I came across this site reading about willow water cloning I have been following for a while. I also keep up with canns grow. I would not have posted I was not of like mind. I ph'd with cider vinegar

Superthrive is not organic and again we don't PH our water in living organics.
I guess I should tell you guys what I work with. When not moving that is. I use amended recycled organic living soil. All my plants are from seed, and the only exceptions are my Shreveport #2&3, and sat#1. They are rooted cuts using willow water, and fresh aloe. I had made a lot of cuts of every thing so the few people I trust could have them. I veg&clone under a 1000 watts of cfl in a 29inX60inX97in cab. It has 3 compartments and is devided at 48in.
I flower in a 6ftX6ftX8ft room. I run a 600 watt hps vertical bear bulb. While I move i will be adding a 6000 btu ac to the area, so I can add a 400 or 600 watt mh and figure out how to move them. I have a horseshoe shelf system that is 11in wide. Leaves me 50in in the clear. The door side is no till trees. Also will begin construction on mother and seeding rooms and my home made central charcoal filter as it will be on top of the mother room. I make my own ecw and can start composting again soon. I also have a small organic veggie garden as I knew I would be moving. I have chickens, and will have rabbits when I get settled.
Not even if its crazy bad, just curious I love to learn. Never have before but needed to do something. I put buckets out to catch rain again and have 40 gal now. My worms went in my 55 gal I was using
I used chemical fertilizers for ten years, and quit for six. I went organic in Feb when I started back. A lot of papers, articles, and forums to read. I'm working on it. Thought the st was thanks.
I cheated... I had to till a little to a few plants, the compost / ewc on top almost solidified. No water was getting through. It just sat stagnant on top for the longest time. Oh oh oh for the longest time. lol

I just watered with a compost tea though
i had this problem 2years ago with store bought worm casting ... I have never bothered top dressing with straight castings ever since ...does this happen with fresh home made castings?
i had this problem 2years ago with store bought worm casting ... I have never bothered top dressing with straight castings ever since ...does this happen with fresh home made castings?

I have never had that happen even if I let me pots dry. Keep your medium moist and use quality castings or vermicompost. You shouldn't have any issues.
this reminds me of roots castings that i used to buy. it comes in a big block wrapped in plastic. completely compressed looks like it was never sifted. before i had a clue what i was doing i would spread this on top of my pots. it made watering almost impossible
my homemade EWC has pumice in it (I put pumice in the bins for aeration)..i tend to screen my castings through a large enough piece of mesh that some pumice makes it through (and some baby worms + cocoons). when applied to the surface of a pot, the EWC creates a perfect layer w/ good for sowing cover crops :)

i've had roots castings and a few other brands lock up on me and turn into hardpan..its nice to have some aeration in the mix.

got some catching up to do around here....been on vacation for the last 8 days.

Dr.D - you seem to be on the right path...stick around here and we will help you phase out the superthrive, pHing, and flushing (lol).

you have rabbits, worms, recycled soil, and aloe? already sounds like a lot of potential to me :mrgreen:. have you read this thread from the start?
Thanks Cann and glad to have you back.

@Dr.D81 Not trying to scare you off, just want you to understand where we are at with this thread. Please do participate but let's stick to the Living Organic subject matter which imo is pretty "purist". We will do our best to assist you with questions but please read through the thread and remember ratios of amdements/products may change from time time as new information is discovered. Please take our advice but also do your own research and collaborate with the group.