you'l spend more on wind and solar and get an inferior product that will need an overhaul of entire energy grid (including building storage for power)
its a nice idea but solar and wind arent up to providing baseload
hand waving and shrieking that nuclear is just too dangerous is compleatly ignoring reality
to run maglev trains your going to need to have a solid baseload production capacity even the tiniest fluctuations could hurt alot
Of course maglev trains need power. They are a way to start using cleaner sources
for transportation rather than fossil fuels.
Yes the whole system needs an overhaul but it cant all be done at once, the whole system is
far too complex because it relies heavily if not exclusively upon fossil fuels in certain aspects of each
part of the equation.
There has been an enormous investment in the current energy solutions and there still remains to
be every year. There should be more investment into clean energy to move forward but there is such
a strangle hold on the current setup that the investments in new tech are not happening the way they are needed.
If there was more investment into research and production, solar and wind could be enough to provide a base.
We are still talking about global warming right?