The horror of global warming!

100 Watts per sq. ft. More than enough to run the country.

You pussies are just afraid of change and are willing to destroy the planet to avoid it.
I provided 3 links, you've provided nothing but your "word" and a picture. We all know who's full of shit gov....
lol you've provided page after page after page of nothing but bitching and your links weren't at step above that

You need to show cook used a biased data set. Saying "Ah ha but he didn't check these" doesn't undermine his study unless you show it skews the data

And your 63 number + link was utterly laughable
100 Watts per sq. ft. More than enough to run the country.

You pussies are just afraid of change and are willing to destroy the planet to avoid it.
How many kWh does the USA use a day?

How many 100watts per square foot do you need to compensate for day/night/overcast days
Takes one of the biggest earthquakes ever recorded and tsunami to get any sort of serious accidents from nuclear (and still no one died)

And that was with one of oldest nuke plants in world.....

We can more than easily now build nuclear reactors that would never melt down like fukishima

fikishima lmao you are talking out your ass......Hey fanboy....ever heard the test siren of a nuclear power station? I grew up in the have no clue what you are talking about.
fikishima lmao you are talking out your ass......Hey fanboy....ever heard the test siren of a nuclear power station? I grew up in the have no clue what you are talking about.
Sorry do you have a point in that rambling mess of a post?

You think your the only person who's been anywhere near a nuclear reactor?
Just citing actual experience, which backs up my post......something you have been SEVERELY lacking in this thread.
What experience? You heard a siren?

Well I must say well done for you..... but what exactly does the experience of hearing a siren add to this discussion?
What experience? You heard a siren?

Well I must say well done for you..... but what exactly does the experience of hearing a siren add to this discussion?

Dude I really don't have a horse in this race so carry on, carry on..........the lake I used to frequent, part of it was what's called a "cooling pond" which I don't think "fikishima" has near as I can japanese gf and I were just discussing it and there is a Fukushima I am just kinda used to proper pronouns at least being spelled correctly if that's what you meant or whatever, kinda been spoiled that way lol so I guess your point is that "we" can avoid Fukushima type disasters today cause we are so genius, I am pointing out that your new genius nuclear plant will have a siren, and it is pretty fucking scary to grow up hearing it knowing it won't matter if you hear it or not, you're too close. By all means share your experience living near a nuclear plant....catching fish out its cooling pond and such....on the one hand going to visit the station's self promoting museum-style exhibit that spits out the same talking points you are.....then hearing their sirens on a monthly basis.....I am saying fossil fuels are safer than nuclear especially since all the "science" ya'll are spouting is totally bunk.
Dude I really don't have a horse in this race so carry on, carry on..........the lake I used to frequent, part of it was what's called a "cooling pond" which I don't think "fikishima" has near as I can japanese gf and I were just discussing it and there is a Fukushima I am just kinda used to proper pronouns at least being spelled correctly if that's what you meant or whatever, kinda been spoiled that way lol so I guess your point is that "we" can avoid Fukushima type disasters today cause we are so genius, I am pointing out that your new genius nuclear plant will have a siren, and it is pretty fucking scary to grow up hearing it knowing it won't matter if you hear it or not, you're too close. By all means share your experience living near a nuclear plant....catching fish out its cooling pond and such....on the one hand going to visit the station's self promoting museum-style exhibit that spits out the same talking points you are.....then hearing their sirens on a monthly basis.....I am saying fossil fuels are safer than nuclear especially since all the "science" ya'll are spouting is totally bunk.
You've been scared by the sirens? Well I must note that your still here to tell the tale. And I'm more than happy to bet that NONE of your nearest and dearest have ever physically suffered as a result of hearing the sirens as to nuclear safety the numbers speak for themself

Energy Source Mortality Rate (deaths/trillionkWhr)Coal – global average 170,000 (50% global electricity)
Coal – China 280,000 (75% China’s electricity)
Coal – U.S. 15,000 (44% U.S. electricity)
Oil 36,000 (36% of energy, 8% of electricity)
Natural Gas 4,000 (20% global electricity)
Biofuel/Biomass 24,000 (21% global energy)
Solar (rooftop) 440 (< 1% global electricity)
Wind 150 (~ 1% global electricity)
Hydro – global average 1,400 (15% global electricity)
Nuclear – global average 90 (17% global electricity w/Chern&Fukush

You've been scared by the sirens? Well I must note that your still here to tell the tale. And I'm more than happy to bet that NONE of your nearest and dearest have ever physically suffered as a result of hearing the sirens as to nuclear safety the numbers speak for themself


Oh snap the safety numbers you got off the net? Do you have a date with a french model later on??

Here's some from the net too...

Another study critical of the Chernobyl Forum report was commissioned by Greenpeace, which asserted that the most recently published figures indicate that in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine the accident could have resulted in 10,000-200,000 additional deaths in the period between 1990 and 2004.
Oh snap the safety numbers you got off the net? Do you have a date with a french model later on??

Here's some from the net too...

Another study critical of the Chernobyl Forum report was commissioned by Greenpeace, which asserted that the most recently published figures indicate that in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine the accident could have resulted in 10,000-200,000 additional deaths in the period between 1990 and 2004.
"Could have"? "10000-200000"? At least they nailed it down to a rough estimate...

Did you miss the part where I said there were no Chernobyl style reactors in commission?
"Could have"? "10000-200000"? At least they nailed it down to a rough estimate...

Did you miss the part where I said there were no Chernobyl style reactors in commission?

I didn't miss it, but without definitive proof in the form of a peer reviewed study, no claims are accepted on this forum any longer. Apparently, even when it's common knowledge.
I'm sorry, does that mean you can't provide citation of your claim? Don't worry, there's still time to delete it.
lol definitely smells like butthurt to me....

You said something earlier about trying to make me jump thru hoops? You might want to be a bit more subtle ;)
lol definitely smells like butthurt to me....

You said something earlier about trying to make me jump thru hoops? You might want to be a bit more subtle ;)

I'm sorry, does that mean you can't provide citation of you claim? Don't worry, there's still time to delete it if you can't back it up.
I'm sorry, does that mean you can't provide citation of you claim? Don't worry, there's still time to delete it if you can't back it up.
Lol have you backed up ANYTHING you've said? Or deleted it?

Are you going to bitch and moan instead of doing it?

I will happily retract that claim tho as it seems there are around 10 reactors with similar design (although updated)

so about your bullshit claims?
Lol have you backed up ANYTHING you've said? Or deleted it?

Are you going to bitch and moan instead of doing it?

I will happily retract that claim tho as it seems there are around 10 reactors with similar design (although updated)

so about your bullshit claims?

Fairs fair.

I'm happy to retract any of my claims that you can disprove. Just as long as whatever information you provide doesn't come from any organization or individual that receives a penny of funding from any source that is a proponent of MMGW, like the US government...etc. My arguments are great Redwoods, barely swaying from the faint breeze of your condemnation.
Fairs fair.

I'm happy to retract any of my claims that you can disprove. Just as long as whatever information you provide doesn't come from any organization or individual that receives a penny of funding from any source that is a proponent of MMGW, like the US government...etc. My arguments are great Redwoods, barely swaying from the faint breeze of your condemnation.
tell you what, before you try to make bitch deals howabouts you provide some evidence of your claims?
I'm not running around claiming a consensus or implying a consensus ... but [you] want me to provide proof there's no consensus...*




so you're claiming there is no consensus, and you get upset that we want you to provide proof of no consensus.

you poor goddamn thing.

Not a chance

another denier that absolutely refuses to provide citation of any kind for the claims he makes.

still waiting on your citations there, chompy.