The horror of global warming!

oh, i guess we get to make assertions without citation now.

Oh, I could post all of the relevant links. I just thought I would use Dear Leader's birth certificate game plan. In the meantime, feel free to peruse news sources that aren't written by liberal douchebags and I'm sure you'll find more examples than you care to see.
You're so good a debunking everyone, without a shred of proof, I would've assumed you get your info there, guess not...
So that would be no then?

Yet again you pretend to know something but cannot say what that something is.... but once we all knew it then it would completely back up your case..... but you can't tell us...... but you definitely know it.......
So that would be no then?

Yet again you pretend to know something but cannot say what that something is.... but once we all knew it then it would completely back up your case..... but you can't tell us...... but you definitely know it.......

Lots of ASSumptions, as per usual, the post was very clear, not that I was even addressing you... So if you've got nothing else, please feel free to go fuck yourself...
Lots of ASSumptions, as per usual, the post was very clear, not that I was even addressing you... So if you've got nothing else, please feel free to go fuck yourself...
Public forum fuckwit

what's up you don't like being asked what your talking about? Backing anything up is too much of an ordeal for you?
You should be asking that question of your bum-chum-buck... Again, feel free to go fuck yourself...
Page after page after page after page after page of you claiming to know something but...............!

It's a secret!!

I'm not going anywhere you pathetic little man. You want to participate in this thread and pretend your not a complete regard with knowledge of your own then be a big boy and be prepared to back your shit up
I wasn't even asking you in the first place, again, go fuck yourself... I'm sure the bar-flies will give you more attention...
You've played the same trick several times in this thread

get your big boy panties on this is a public forum anybody is free to call you on your bullshit.

Don't like it? Go post everything in private mails

As I said I'm not going anywhere
You've played the same trick several times in this thread

get your big boy panties on this is a public forum anybody is free to call you on your bullshit.

Don't like it? Go post everything in private mails

As I said I'm not going anywhere

Because fuckos like you claim a 97% consensus without reading the papers on the issue. If you could even cite the papers I'll happily discuss them, until then go fuck yourself...

I'm not running around claiming a consensus or implying a consensus as a means to strengthen my arguments. YOU ARE. But all you've managed is a fucking picture and you've admitted you haven't read the papers that claim a consensus but want me to provide proof there's no consensus... Seriously have your rotting teeth caused a brain infection?

Not one person here has back up the claim of consensus, neither you nor buck so until you do so, go fuck yourself....