The horror of global warming!

No, you give me shit because you're a monumental ass. And you can't disprove anything I say

no, i give you shit because you're a lying, racist douchebag.

one thing you have said is that the earth is cooling. the instrumental temperature record shows that it is doing anything but.

show me how that is not disproof (without a 12-posts-in-a-row mega vagina bleeding hissy fit).
where would the world of science be without the contributions of two bit, anti-science rightards like you?

How am I anti-science? Is it because I'm listening to the scientists tell me of the coldest Jan.-June ever recorded in scientists? What is the science behind you being a dum dum? You should go see a brain scientist and find out what's wrong with your reading/compensation skills...Once again, I'm Libertarian, but you know that, and are being obtuse. You'd better have them drill a hole in your head and drop in some the name of science.
Argument for global warming: Polar ice sheets melting (summer arctic ice sheet predicted to be gone in 30 years), huge temperature increase in the last century, 97% of experts believing global warming is a fact, obvious correlation between carbon dioxide increase and recent temperature increase.
Argument against global warming: It's cold out.
Argument against: Sunspots, political funding, Medieval Warm Period, remnants of vineyards in England.......the fact temps dropped in the 40's despite post war high co2 emissions.....and a partridge in a pear tree...

Argument for: "scientist" on the doll told me so...........also "I am still a Marxist and mad at the US but since World Communism and Socialism has failed and is still failing even in our own country... and the Berlin Wall fell, Climate Change is a new foot-in-the-door for old Marxist to renew our expired dance cards." After all Climate Change bears social responsibility lol
This last winter was a joke. One storm, I cleared my driveway 4 times, that's it. It was +13C in Febuary instead of -30C, no snow in March, we didn't get any snow until mid-December, it rained every winter month, and the big lakes never completely froze over.

And I live somewhat North of fucking Minnesota.

Go find some Old-Timers and ask them how todays winters compare to when they were kids. Todays winters are shorter, warmer, and a lot less snow.

Shithead deniers, you probably think that the Earth is flat and oil is a renewable resource.
Argument for global warming: Polar ice sheets melting (summer arctic ice sheet predicted to be gone in 30 years)

Polar ice melts EVERY year and beware any prediction, as they all seem to be collapsing like a house of cards for the last 5 years and it looks like there is no end in sight to all the previous "doom and gloom" predictions that are going to self implode over the next 8-20 years.

huge temprature increase in the last century


Except for that mini ice-age that we were facing a few decades ago. You know, the one that had a 97% consensus among scientists.

97% of experts believing global warming is a fact

Lol, just lol.

obvious correlation between carbon dioxide increase and recent temprature increase.

Except for the FACT that before Fat Al's little propaganda flick hit the screens, temperature increases ALWAYS(let's make sure I'm clear here), ALWAYS preceded C02 increases. But hey, don't let that pesky fact slow you down. You go girl.

Argument against: Sunspots, political funding, Medieval Warm Period, remnants of vineyards in England.......the fact temps dropped in the 40's despite post war high co2 emissions.....and a partridge in a pear tree...

Argument for: "scientist" on the doll told me so...........also "I am still a Marxist and mad at the US but since World Communism and Socialism has failed and is still failing even in our own country... and the Berlin Wall fell, Climate Change is a new foot-in-the-door for old Marxist to renew our expired dance cards." After all Climate Change bears social responsibility lol

Solar activity has decreased in the last 35 years yet the temperature hasnt. A slight correlation between the two doesnt prove anything. If you bothered to research the other "arguments against" you would realise that there are other factors which played a role in the mean temperature of the Earth. The 40's temperature decrease was actually caused by the increase in industrial activities as they emmited sulphate aerosols which reflected light away from the earth. It was also caused by an increase in volcanic activity. It is also believed that the medieval warm period was more of a bad distribution of temperature rather than an increase. The pacific was cooler than what it is today. Im not even going to touch your argument for. You have done a nice job proving your ignorance without any help from me.
Argument against: Sunspots, political funding, Medieval Warm Period, remnants of vineyards in England.......the fact temps dropped in the 40's despite post war high co2 emissions.....and a partridge in a pear tree...

Argument for: "scientist" on the doll told me so...........also "I am still a Marxist and mad at the US but since World Communism and Socialism has failed and is still failing even in our own country... and the Berlin Wall fell, Climate Change is a new foot-in-the-door for old Marxist to renew our expired dance cards." After all Climate Change bears social responsibility lol

You forgot the most compelling argument for: the steady and serious rise in atmospheric pCO2, combined with the failure of the hydro-and lithosphere to buffer this out in a timely manner. The rise in pCO2 and the mass of the atmosphere allow us to calculate the total tonnage of added carbon dioxide, and this correlates sharply with industrial and postindustrial (like, transport) emissions.
The noisiness of climate data and the tendency of climate modeling to be incomplete or just plain in left field are real, but they don't allow us to simply dismiss out of hand that anthropogenic GW might be a serious matter. The stakes aren't our extinction, since in the worst case there will be a good residue of arable land. But in that worst case (ice sheets gone) the home of billions will be drowned, and the much of breadbasket of the remainder will be rendered desert. So while this won't kill us, it could very well lead to a Dark Age to make the post-Roman one look like a dawdle. Jmo. cn

Old habits to do with spelling and grammar are hard for me to kick. I always thought when you talk about a sliver of cake it was a slither and i still do make the mistake even though i know what the correct word is.

Except for the FACT that before Fat Al's little propaganda flick hit the screens, temperature increases ALWAYS(let's make sure I'm clear here), ALWAYS preceded C02 increases. But hey, don't let that pesky fact slow you down. You go girl.


Find me some evidence of this and ill happily believe it. From what ive researched you're talking out your arse.
Imagine what will happen in the coming years when all of the lakes freeze solid. No more ice fishing, I guess.:-(
beware any prediction, as they all seem to be collapsing like a house of cards for the last 5 years and it looks like there is no end in sight to all the previous "doom and gloom" predictions that are going to self implode over the next 8-20 years.

third request for you to cite these predictions.*

i expect the same from you this time as the last two times: a complete inability to back up your claims at all.

i mean, after all, you were the guy who got simple scientific polling data wrong by a mere 15 fucking points.

but i'm sure you're totally right on this one.
You forgot the most compelling argument for: the steady and serious rise in atmospheric pCO2, combined with the failure of the hydro-and lithosphere to buffer this out in a timely manner. The rise in pCO2 and the mass of the atmosphere allow us to calculate the total tonnage of added carbon dioxide, and this correlates sharply with industrial and postindustrial (like, transport) emissions.
The noisiness of climate data and the tendency of climate modeling to be incomplete or just plain in left field are real, but they don't allow us to simply dismiss out of hand that anthropogenic GW might be a serious matter. The stakes aren't our extinction, since in the worst case there will be a good residue of arable land. But in that worst case (ice sheets gone) the home of billions will be drowned, and the much of breadbasket of the remainder will be rendered desert. So while this won't kill us, it could very well lead to a Dark Age to make the post-Roman one look like a dawdle. Jmo. cn

nope, it's all a socialist conspiracy by scientists "on the doll" for research stipends.
Argument for: "scientist" on the doll told me so...........also "I am still a Marxist and mad at the US...

thanks for proving that you are literally retarded, as in sub-70 IQ retarded.

on the doll. priceless.

can't spell a simple word correctly, but he's cracked the conspiracy.

everyone listen to this guy. nevermind record high global temps despite solar irradiance at a minimum, it is sunspots. and marxists. and dolls.

should have just kept your fool mouth shut.