Can Capitalism survive?

The point went above your head. You must be smaller than I thought.

Nobody is illegal in my opinion. Therefore when you refer to "illegal aliens" I'm just reminding you that you're not native.

They are Illegal because they are not from this country. They didn't go through the proper channels to come in legally. Basicly fuck you to the culture that founded the country and a fuck you to those waiting in line.

The majority of them Refuse to speak the language of the culture within the country they invade along with rioting ,screaming racism , demanding rights and burning flags.

Not to mention the burden they place on the citizens that you claim are so privileged by draining the welfare system put into place for low income citizens , forcing hospitals to close , public schools shutting down because they can't afford to hire the teachers to speak Spanish to them and English to the others.

To Top it off Sending $252 billion back to latin america a year.

Screw your reconquesta.
They are Illegal because they are not from this country. They didn't go through the proper channels to come in legally. Basicly fuck you to the culture that founded the country and a fuck you to those waiting in line.

The majority of them Refuse to speak the language of the culture within the country they invade along with rioting ,screaming racism , demanding rights and burning flags.

Not to mention the burden they place on the citizens that you claim are so privileged by draining the welfare system put into place for low income citizens , forcing hospitals to close , public schools shutting down because they can't afford to hire the teachers to speak Spanish to them and English to the others.

To Top it off Sending $252 billion back to latin america a year.

Screw your reconquesta.

There was no part of this diatribe based on reality. All of it is completely false.
America was not found nor discovered , it has always been here and the Historians have everything wrong when it comes to the arrival of man here in North America . Science is changing our views of this world and its history every day .

By the way there is Copper from The Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the Egyptian pyramids and America is truly older than any king and queens proclamation . Perhaps we should give the Vikings credits due as they would have served Columbus to the dogs
From a deep-enough perspective, no humans have any more right to be called natives than any other ... cn

We should give the vikings more credit for sailing here.

The word I used was founded.

founded past participle, past tense of found (Verb)


  1. Establish or originate (a continuing institution or organization), esp. by providing an endowment: "the monastery was founded in 1665"

American was founded by Europeans. Before that indians lived across the land. Some of the places being along the rivers in huts, in the deserts in tepees or in the wildness in general .
Did you do this? That some cool freaky shit. I want it. I just realized it is a polar bear! You did do it, didn't you?

I wish I did! I am fascinated by Northwestern formline art. (One of those "harder than it looks" deals if done right.) One day I'll do me up a Tlingit-style polar bear. cn
Marx is dead, and so are his economic policies, with that I agree. That only 2 countries embrace it, shows it's apparent failure, sort of. China really is the last communist country left standing besides Cuba, but you can hardly call it is Marxist.

so, marxism is dead, and only cuba still follows the marxist plan?

check out most of europe, all of scandinavia, 2/3 of indo-china, and syria iran and a few of the smaller emirates in the orient, about 1/2 of south and central america.

even the USA has a fair dollop of marx in our porridge these days.

marxism isnt dead, it is not a creature to be slain,

marxism is an infestation, like cock roaches. it creeps in from the neighbor's house, crawls up the sewer pipes and sneaks in through holes in the screens.

can capitalism survive the marxist infestation? of course, but we would be better off if we cleaned up the dishes and fumigated.
So Dr Keynes, you would call any country that provides any social programs at no cost to it's citizens a Marxist state? Canada, Sweden, Ireland and even the US, to some degree, would be considered Marxist? Is that what you are saying? You really use a wide brush when you paint a country Marxist. In that regard maybe we should add a little more Marx to our soup, because a lot of those so called Marxist countries are better off in health care, education, longevity and in just about every other measurement of life quality. China, theoretically Marxist, is destroying the West in the one thing that counts to the free market, the acquisition of wealth. Which leads me back to my original question? Is capitalism failing in the 21st century. By most measurements, both economic and social, it appears that it is.
Jim, tell us how it is failing....this is just sophistry. You claim a straw dog.

What has happened is Capital standing with money as marker is the evolutionary track from the tribal cave.

And every once in a while, some jackass like the Christian Peter, comes along with a manifesto, of some kind.

His vision was homo-apocalyptic. They crucified him for preaching the women of Rome should resist sex. ( But serve as serfs in his Way.)

So, there is one example of fail. No homo-apocalyptic, sex free world that is ending soon.
But, we still have the War cult, not started by Peter but by Caesar of the East.

Marx is another example of fail that has infested the world in a similar way. There is no capitalism. But, it wll surely last 2000 years, at least, this big lie of false Classes.

There is Capital Standing among our fellows and various attributes are admired or shunned over time.


We could use furs or Second Life doesn't matter since there is no -ism, in Capital.

Marx and Peter infected this world with stupidity.
Jim, tell us how it is failing....this is just sophistry. You clam a straw dog.

What has happened is Capital standing with money as marker is the evolutionary track from the tribal cave.

And every once in a while, some jackass like the Christian Peter, comes along with a manifesto, of some kind.

His vision was homo-apocalyptic. They crucified him for preaching the women of Rome should resist sex. ( But serve as serfs in his Way.)

So, there is one example of fail. No homo-apocalyptic, sex free world that is ending soon.
But, we still have the War cult, not started by Peter but by Caesar of the East.

Marx is another example of fail that has infested the world in a similar way. There is no capitalism. But, it wll surely last 2000 years, at least, this big lie of false Classes.

There is Capital Standing among our fellows and various attributes are admired or shunned over time.


We could use furs or Second Life doesn't matter since there is no -ism, in Capital.

Marx and Peter infected this world with stupidity.

Are you not a self confessed Che'ist?
I just think there are just too many variables and casualties on a global scale to justify it as being sacrosanct. I think that as an experimental theory of the best economic methods to sustain a society, it needs work. I also think that some form of socialism in the 21st century will be inevitable, just to pick up the pieces that capitalism inevitably leaves behind. The modern global society will not be able to exist peacefully with the winner takes all mentality. It will have disastrous consequences in my opinion, and I think we are beginning to see some of those effects now, here in the US.
So Dr Keynes, you would call any country that provides any social programs at no cost to it's citizens a Marxist state? Canada, Sweden, Ireland and even the US, to some degree, would be considered Marxist? Is that what you are saying? You really use a wide brush when you paint a country Marxist. In that regard maybe we should add a little more Marx to our soup, because a lot of those so called Marxist countries are better off in health care, education, longevity and in just about every other measurement of life quality. China, theoretically Marxist, is destroying the West in the one thing that counts to the free market, the acquisition of wealth. Which leads me back to my original question? Is capitalism failing in the 21st century. By most measurements, both economic and social, it appears that it is.

duhhhh... maybe you not so smart.

try reading words, not the slogans you imagine in your head when anybody says leftism=marxism

Protip: Leftism IS Marxism.

marx's shitty ideals havent died off, they have gotten into the pantry, established nests under the cupboards and in the walls, so they can skitter out as soon as the lights go off, to feed, shit in our cornflakes and lay eggs. any time the light goes on, the Marxroaches scurry under the refrigerator and try to pretend they are just dust bunnies.

marxism is slowly infesting every nation on earth, including the US, with creeping socialism, expanding government controls and the erosion of personal responsibility.

defending the creeping marxist/socialist infestation in washington, pretending marxism is a dirty word and insisting nobody can call marxist marxist cuz "THAT'S RACIST!" is all just part of the marxist playbook. the actual marxist shitbags prey upon the gullibility and stupidity of the New Left.

even the most ardent New Leftist recognizes at some level that Marx's shit doesnt work so now they just want a little bit of marx, not a lot, just this, and this...

ohh and maybe this.

Ooo!! and a little of that!

and before long they are dragging around all the baggage of marx, still pretending they are "just a little bit socialist, which is like totally not marxist"

the "capitalism" you so blithely declare is "falling apart" is actually the plutocracy of Fascism (an offshoot of marxism, im not gonna bother explaining this again, go read mussolini) and it's slower sneakier version, Democratic Socialism.

revolutionary marxism doesnt sell where the people dont feel oppressed, so now we elect fascists and their democratic socialist plans to slowly increase the control of the government until Socialism has been achieved, then.... eventually.... that will somehow evolve into the communist utopia. thats how it was designed, thats how it works (in theory) and thats how it is being put into practice all around the world.

a slow disease instead of a violent revolution.

you may WISH capitalism would die, but capitalism is Real and it works, marxism is nothing but a pipe dream in poppy smoke, and those who take up the pipe never think of themselves as addicts, until a rat chews off their foot in a filthy opium den.
I just think there are just too many variables and casualties on a global scale to justify it as being sacrosanct. I think that as an experimental theory of the best economic methods to sustain a society, it needs work. I also think that some form of socialism in the 21st century will be inevitable, just to pick up the pieces that capitalism inevitably leaves behind. The modern global society will not be able to exist peacefully with the winner takes all mentality. It will have disastrous consequences in my opinion, and I think we are beginning to see some of those effects now, here in the US.

The trouble is that the same can be said in reverse. Socialism is imo a fraught model, and we will all have to pay that piper soon enough The economy isn't rich enough to indefinitely pay into a socialistic fund. I suggest that the only workable socioeconomic model will defy definition: inconstant, an evolving muddle, situational. If you try to set a philosophy and tie the cart of the dirty teeming doings of humanity to the front of philosophy's horse ... all you'll do is breed an exponentiating population of parasites and predators. Some members and I sometimes have spectacular disagreements about this, but to me the Achilles' heel of any sort of socialism as an overarching social contract is ... it depends on people being nicer than I see them as being. Pure capitalism is just as impracticable. The golden middle path ... it keeps shifting, and we have to just keep manning the oars. Jmo. cn
Capitalism does not exist here and has not for 100 years. The dark side you speak of happens when corps partner up with gov to make laws and gov partners up with corps to make money........leaving we the people to suck it. It's dead here except teh black market.
Illegal immigrants with jobs fill a very real market demand for it seems we pay ourselves to not work then blame immigrants for stealing jobs, this logic makes no sense to me....I, a white male, will most likely work in the orchards alongside immigrants later this year.