An Old article but one worth reading...

you're an old racist who calls obama an "affirmative action president" based solely on your racial resentments and attitudes (and no evidence whatsoever), and you hang around pot websites comparing non-violent cannabis growers to al capone and wishing federal prison time upon them.

all the while, you can't even point out to me how i am being a hypocrite.

here, i'll try to make it easy for an old racist like you:

ORS 475.300 in its entirety. please point out how i am being violative of any law and thus need to go to federal prison, according ot you.

fucking racist rat bastard.

I am not going to waste any time tracking down your quotes. I have been reading your drivel for a couple of years now though.

If you earn income, you owe the feds a full accounting of that income in your federal income tax return. If your income is above a certain threshold, you owe taxes. Did you account for your tread mill sales in your last federal return? Are you an oozing carbuncle on the ass of society?

I am not familiar with Oregon income tax laws but I don't have to read your link to know that it does not say, "all profits from the sale of cannabis is exempt from Oregon state income taxes".
Hobos don't pay no steenking taxes!
But what about sales tax? :roll:
I am not going to waste any time tracking down your quotes. I have been reading your drivel for a couple of years now though.

If you earn income, you owe the feds a full accounting of that income in your federal income tax return. If your income is above a certain threshold, you owe taxes. Did you account for your tread mill sales in your last federal return? Are you an oozing carbuncle on the ass of society?

I am not familiar with Oregon income tax laws but I don't have to read your link to know that it does not say, "all profits from the sale of cannabis is exempt from Oregon state income taxes".

if you would bother reading the law that you desperately hope will send me to federal prison, you'd know that i make no sales or income, but only reimbursement for supplies and utilities used in production.

but go on telling us all about how non-violent, taxpaying cannabis growers like myself should be sent to federal prison.

you fucking rat.
if you would bother reading the law that you desperately hope will send me to federal prison, you'd know that i make no sales or income, but only reimbursement for supplies and utilities used in production.

but go on telling us all about how non-violent, taxpaying cannabis growers like myself should be sent to federal prison.

you fucking rat.

I am virtually certain the federal income tax code allows zero deductions for producing cannabis, hence every dime you take in for treadmills is taxable at the federal level.

Did you claim the income from treadmills on your federal return? Did you claim them on your Oregon returns? Don't bother answering, I weary of reading your lies.

I have no problem with you being a tax cheat, but it grates my nerves when you busy suckling on the federal state teat and telling the rest of us that we should embrace your high tax dreams while you are busy evading those very taxes.
blah blah blah.

as state law allows, i accept REIMBURSEMENT, not income, for supplies and utilities used in production.

according to you, this makes me al capone.

i'm not sure my neighbor who can not eat or sleep without the cannabis i supply to her for free would agree with you.

maybe try convincing her that i belong in federal prison, you fuicking rat.

quit trying to act like you have any fucking clue what you are talking about, you racist piece of shit.

Declare it all on your returns and let the tax man sort it out.
And Bush started the gun runner program. I really doubt Obama approved the operation or even knew about it.
The original program had tracking devices in the weapons and was done in collaboration with the Mexican government. FaF used no tracking devices and the Mexican government was not informed. Both operations seem stupid, tho not installing trackers or having the Mexican government monitor their movements seems like it would completely remove any benefit what so ever that might have occurred.
if you would bother reading the law that you desperately hope will send me to federal prison, you'd know that i make no sales or income, but only reimbursement for supplies and utilities used in production.

but go on telling us all about how non-violent, taxpaying cannabis growers like myself should be sent to federal prison.

you fucking rat.

Come back when you understand the difference between federal and state jurisdiction.
I shouldn't respond to your silliness but consider this: The drug war is a VERY bipartisan enterprise. The drug war grew up under Democratic control of the congress. For forty years the congress was controlled by Dems while the drug war flourished, and civil liberties were tossed on the scrap heap. There would be no drug war without the full consent and participation of Democrats AND Republicans. Obama has certainly not been much help despite his campaign promises. Clinton was atrocious. Bush (both of them) was atrocious. Reagan was atrocious. Presidents and congressmen are political creatures, they happily imprison and torture innocent people as long as it keeps them in power. There is a sea change happening as we speak, though. Politicians are doing their best to thwart it but the general populace has apparently opened their eyes and awakened from their seventy years long "Weed" nightmare. It will take many years to unwind the damage done to civil liberties by the idiotic drug war; the damage might never be undone because it will mean relinquishing power back to citizens and we all know that the flow of power is a one way ratchet till heads roll in the streets.
I don't think its possible to undo the damage of spending years of your life in prison. Multiply that by the 100s of thousands of persons incarcerated.
they simply refuse to believe that more than one or two people can see their racism, white supremacy, and idiocy for what it is. therefore it has to be a nefarious plot against them orchestrated by a single character or two. it's really quite pathetic and revealing of their moronic mindsets.
You protest too much!