An Old article but one worth reading...

there you go again, wishing for me to go to prison for growing cannabis. go ahead and read up on ORS475 and tell me all about the taxing mechanism.

don't play stupid again. i have the quotes where you taunted FDD with prison time for manufacturing cannabis, you dolt.
Please post the quotes.
there you go again, wishing for me to go to prison for growing cannabis. go ahead and read up on ORS475 and tell me all about the taxing mechanism.

don't play stupid again. i have the quotes where you taunted FDD with prison time for manufacturing cannabis, you dolt.

And I have the quotes from FDD where he says I had nothing to do with his arrest or prosecution.
Please post the quotes.

here he is taunting FDD with federal prison. FDD went to federal prison the next day.

why would i go to jail?*:?

Manufacturing Marijuana, of course.

Your grows are a federal crime, punishable by prison time.

[TABLE="align: center"]
[TD][SIZE=-1]Marijuana (Schedule I)*
[TD="width: 106"][SIZE=-1]1 to 49 plants; less than*
50 kg[/SIZE]
[TD="width: 126"][SIZE=-1]Not more than 5 years*
[TD="width: 106"][SIZE=-1]Not more than 10 years*
[TD="width: 126"][SIZE=-1]Fine not more than*
$250,000, $1 million other than individual[/SIZE]
[TD="width: 106"][SIZE=-1]Fine $500,000 if an*
individual, $2 million if other than individual[/SIZE]

Just doing my part to keep idiots with "personal grows" out of prison. I heartily agree with a nap for you as it certainly seems a more productive use of your time.

isn't it so comforting to know that we have an old racist coot who doesn't even smoke cannabis taunting growers with federal prison so regularly?

it's pretty much exactly what our site needs.
you shouldn't wish trouble on anyone. Especially for breaking laws that have no victims but the person being arrested.
And I have the quotes from FDD where he says I had nothing to do with his arrest or prosecution.

I don't think it matters if you had anything to do with it or not. Why are you saying stuff like that to people on a friendly site. We are all friends here.
i have enough worry in my life from thieves and mooches, the last thing i need is some internet gaylord like desert dud threatening me with federal prison time for growing cannabis.

and for the record, FDD has no way of knowing if desert dud had anything to do with his arrest and prosecution or not.

the timing remains suspicious, the ongoing wishes of federal prison time for cannabis growers is disgusting. especially since the old racist coot doesn't even partake. wonder why that may be?
now UncleBuck

the same guy who taunted FDD with federal prison the day before he went to federal prison is now doing the same to me (again), so i called him a jerk off, a blight, and no better than a rat.

i'm not out of line to respond to him like that.
I don't think it matters if you had anything to do with it or not. Why are you saying stuff like that to people on a friendly site. We are all friends here.

"Friendly site". This is the politics section, Balzac. We regularly mistreat each other, that is what this forum is all about.
"Friendly site". This is the politics section, Balzac. We regularly mistreat each other, that is what this forum is all about.
Bad ju ju Desert Dude. There is still a dominant culture on this site and you are in the minority. Two things you don't do in life are: Wish harm upon a person's loved ones AND wish them to lose their freedom. C'mon man. You don't have to agree with what we do but I don't think anyone on this site has mistreated so poorly that you would have to resort to this kind of tactic.
Here is FDD responding to UB about his accusations against me:

FDD's first post on the topic starts at #103

i'm not making any accusations, i'm stating facts.

you taunted FDD with federal prison time because he called your precious rawn pawl "spam", and then he went to federal prison the next day.

since he has no idea who you are, he can have no idea if you played a part in that.

nonetheless, with your track record of wishing federal prison on growers and getting it, it's in extremely poor taste for you to even continue bleating your nonsense here, much less taunting more growers with federal prison.

you fucking rat.
I wish to know the exact reason why Desert dude felt the need to say such things to one of the nearest and dearest people to have blessed this site. FDD was a good man. He may have broken the law, but he didn't hurt anyone in the process.
i've said what i needed to say, i'm done here.

if we want to keep welcoming people like desert dud wishing federal prison time on non-violent growers, so be it.

i for one will not be tolerant of such an unremitting shit stain of a human being.
i'm not making any accusations, i'm stating facts.

you taunted FDD with federal prison time because he called your precious rawn pawl "spam", and then he went to federal prison the next day.

since he has no idea who you are, he can have no idea if you played a part in that.

nonetheless, with your track record of wishing federal prison on growers and getting it, it's in extremely poor taste for you to even continue bleating your nonsense here, much less taunting more growers with federal prison.

you fucking rat.

FDD does know who I am. We exchanged PMs and I told him my real name.

Here is one of the posts from FDD responding to UB:

"so not only do you make a mockery of my situation, but now you want to drag me into your trolling nonsense. you're a real class act, my friend.