An Old article but one worth reading...

Why do you guys support sending "Assault rifles" to narco-terrorists?

Maybe go read webb's book and you'll realise your two party bullshit is just a myth.
I believe Operation Wide receiver was under bush and fast n furious was under obama. Both under the banner of Project gunrunner.
Regan was anything but conservative, he got elected because Carter was the other option. I never had much respect for Regan, when he started his war on people's private lives all it did was make those of us in law enforcement have less time to deal with real problems.

I used to think that maybe one day we would elect a decent person for a president, it has yet to happen in my lifetime.
Regan was anything but conservative, he got elected because Carter was the other option. I never had much respect for Regan, when he started his war on people's private lives all it did was make those of us in law enforcement have less time to deal with real problems.

I used to think that maybe one day we would elect a decent person for a president, it has yet to happen in my lifetime.

Not many of us are in law enforcement
You mean Reagan sending weapons to the Contras? As far as Fast & Furious, ask Herr Bush and his regime why they started the program?

as clever as ever.

reagan didnt send weapons to the contras, oliver north did.

bush initiated "project gunrunner and through it, operation wide reciever as a JOINT OPERATION with the mexican federal police, involving around 200 guns equipped with hidden GPS trackers

obama's flunkies began just plain gun running with no GPS devices, no limit on the number of guns, no oversight, no knowledge on the part of the mexican authorities, and no idea where the money went.

but yeah. its totally the same thing.

you really are as thick as pig shit.
i thought the Freedom Loving GOP and Conservatives were all about individual freedom?

Why did they support this kind of stuff? Why do they still?

I shouldn't respond to your silliness but consider this:

The drug war is a VERY bipartisan enterprise. The drug war grew up under Democratic control of the congress. For forty years the congress was controlled by Dems while the drug war flourished, and civil liberties were tossed on the scrap heap. There would be no drug war without the full consent and participation of Democrats AND Republicans. Obama has certainly not been much help despite his campaign promises. Clinton was atrocious. Bush (both of them) was atrocious. Reagan was atrocious. Presidents and congressmen are political creatures, they happily imprison and torture innocent people as long as it keeps them in power.

There is a sea change happening as we speak, though. Politicians are doing their best to thwart it but the general populace has apparently opened their eyes and awakened from their seventy years long "Weed" nightmare. It will take many years to unwind the damage done to civil liberties by the idiotic drug war; the damage might never be undone because it will mean relinquishing power back to citizens and we all know that the flow of power is a one way ratchet till heads roll in the streets.
Speaking of thick as pig shit, it wasn't 200 guns, it was around 450

The gps trackers your so fond of bloviating about weren't without problems. Rather than making large enough holes for the tags to be laid out inside weapons, agents force-fit them into the rifles. That cramming caused the antennae to be folded, reducing the effective range of the tags. And an already short battery life (36-48 hours maximum) meant that should purchasers allow the firearms to sit, the tracking devices eliminated themselves.,

You are also fond of leaving out that the Bush Administration failed to prosecute anyone involved in Operation Wide Receiver. In fact the Obama administration was left to do it.,

You seem to think the gps trackers allowed the Wide Receiver guns to be picked back up. When in fact most were not.,,

You fail to mention The Hernandez Case from 2007 which involved over 200 guns
You fail to mention The Medrano Case which involved over 100 guns.

You then start ranting about Obama flunkies and the Fast and Furious program, as if to say that is when things got bad. I can admit Obama's program was fucking stupid, but your inability to say the same about the Bush administrations extremely similar programs, makes you seem, at the very least naive, if not a complete hypocrite.

Maybe you aren't comfortable dealing with facts, and should stick to your areas. I have read your wall of text rants, your homophobic slurs, your racists and xenophobic tirades. Your way better at all that nonsense, than just being honest.

wow, the number went from ~200 to ~400. incredible.

and youre saying the project was a FAILURE amazing. nobody ever said that wide receiver was a failure before.

so why did barack bring it back if it was such a patently bad idea?

ohh never mind, youre just grasping for excuses.

but from now on ill make sure to update my ~200 number from the justice dept report last year, with the TOTALLY RELIABLE WIKIPEDIA NUMBERS!!!

new sockpuppet account, same old cheesie.
I shouldn't respond to your silliness but consider this:

The drug war is a VERY bipartisan enterprise. The drug war grew up under Democratic control of the congress. For forty years the congress was controlled by Dems while the drug war flourished, and civil liberties were tossed on the scrap heap. There would be no drug war without the full consent and participation of Democrats AND Republicans. Obama has certainly not been much help despite his campaign promises. Clinton was atrocious. Bush (both of them) was atrocious. Reagan was atrocious. Presidents and congressmen are political creatures, they happily imprison and torture innocent people as long as it keeps them in power.

There is a sea change happening as we speak, though. Politicians are doing their best to thwart it but the general populace has apparently opened their eyes and awakened from their seventy years long "Weed" nightmare. It will take many years to unwind the damage done to civil liberties by the idiotic drug war; the damage might never be undone because it will mean relinquishing power back to citizens and we all know that the flow of power is a one way ratchet till heads roll in the streets.

this contrasts greatly with how you actively root for cannabis growers to go to prison, you rat.
No way, that response was way too much work for cheesie.

they simply refuse to believe that more than one or two people can see their racism, white supremacy, and idiocy for what it is. therefore it has to be a nefarious plot against them orchestrated by a single character or two.

it's really quite pathetic and revealing of their moronic mindsets.
they simply refuse to believe that more than one or two people can see their racism, white supremacy, and idiocy for what it is. therefore it has to be a nefarious plot against them orchestrated by a single character or two.

it's really quite pathetic and revealing of their moronic mindsets.

Not sure I'd go anywhere near there, I don't make such judgment based on so little. Maybe they are racists, maybe they are not, I don't know who is anymore because politics has fucked this issue up big time in the last decade.
Not sure I'd go anywhere near there, I don't make such judgment based on so little. Maybe they are racists, maybe they are not, I don't know who is anymore because politics has fucked this issue up big time in the last decade.

with kynes there was a lot of doubt for a long time, but kynes has recently removed all doubt.
this contrasts greatly with how you actively root for cannabis growers to go to prison, you rat.

I thought FDD's epic smack down of this nonsense had cured you of telling that lie, not all lies, but that specific one. I guess not.

Tax evaders who shake their fingers and scold the rest of us about how we should love the nanny state and should be happy to contribute most (or all) of our earnings toward their socialists dreams. They might do well with some time in prison. For tax evasion.
I thought FDD's epic smack down of this nonsense had cured you of telling that lie, not all lies, but that specific one. I guess not.

Tax evaders who shake their fingers and scold the rest of us about how we should love the nanny state and should be happy to contribute most (or all) of our earnings toward their socialists dreams. They might do well with some time in prison. For tax evasion.

there you go again, wishing for me to go to prison for growing cannabis. go ahead and read up on ORS475 and tell me all about the taxing mechanism.

don't play stupid again. i have the quotes where you taunted FDD with prison time for manufacturing cannabis, you dolt.