Speaking of thick as pig shit, it wasn't 200 guns, it was around 450
The gps trackers your so fond of bloviating about weren't without problems.
Rather than making large enough holes for the tags to be laid out inside weapons, agents force-fit them into the rifles. That cramming caused the antennae to be folded, reducing the effective range of the tags. And an already short battery life (36-48 hours maximum) meant that should purchasers allow the firearms to sit, the tracking devices eliminated themselves. http://www.theoutdoorwire.com/features/224570,
You are also fond of leaving out that the Bush Administration failed to prosecute anyone involved in Operation Wide Receiver. In fact the Obama administration was left to do it.
You seem to think the gps trackers allowed the Wide Receiver guns to be picked back up. When in fact most were not.
You fail to mention The Hernandez Case from 2007 which involved over 200 guns
You fail to mention The Medrano Case which involved over 100 guns.
You then start ranting about Obama flunkies and the Fast and Furious program, as if to say that is when things got bad. I can admit Obama's program was fucking stupid, but your inability to say the same about the Bush administrations extremely similar programs, makes you seem, at the very least naive, if not a complete hypocrite.
Maybe you aren't comfortable dealing with facts, and should stick to your areas. I have read your wall of text rants, your homophobic slurs, your racists and xenophobic tirades. Your way better at all that nonsense, than just being honest.