Newb's First Grow Stealth Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
As I mentioned, I've never had to fight mold myself - but the information below is either directly quoted (or paraphrased) from "The Best of Ask Ed" by Ed Rosenthal...

If your problem is NOT mold but something called powdery mildew then you fight it differently. Mold is normally grayish whereas powdery mildew spores are most often white.
If you are fighting powdery mildew, you can try any of the following safe (labeled for vegetable use) and non-toxic materials:
AQ10 (biofungicide containing ampelomyces quisaualis
Cinnamite - labeled for mites AND powdery mildew
Milk in a solution of 80% water and 20% skim milk kills it
Neem Oil (so yes Neem Oil should work if it is powdery mildew)
Plant Shield
Potassium Bicarbonate (brand names: Armicarb 100, KaliGreen, and Remedy)
Serenade - a product containing bacilus subtilis
Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda NOT powder)

The plant should be treated with one of these every 7-10 days. Treating plants AFTER symptoms appear is far less effective (sorry).

If you are just fighting mold and not powdery mildew then the best thing you can do is raise the temp to over 75 F and reduce the humidity 50-55%. If you see mold under these conditions that it is more likely you are fighting powdery mildew.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am pretty sure it is powdery mildew now, as some of the clippings of moldy leaves I took off, and put in a ziploc bag, and now a week later, they were covered in a white cotton like substance. I should be getting the Neem Oil on Wednesday, so I'll let you know. Do you know how best to apply it to the leaves?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am pretty sure it is powdery mildew now, as some of the clippings of moldy leaves I took off, and put in a ziploc bag, and now a week later, they were covered in a white cotton like substance. I should be getting the Neem Oil on Wednesday, so I'll let you know. Do you know how best to apply it to the leaves?
I'm sorry I do not. There should be directions on the bottle but i suspect you spray it on.


Active Member
I should be getting the Neem Oil on Wednesday, so I'll let you know. Do you know how best to apply it to the leaves?
The formula I use is 1 tspn in a quart spray bottle. I add about 3 drops of dish liquid. Then fill the bottle with warm water. This solution can be used up to a few days before harvest:peace:


Well-Known Member
powdery mildew SUCKS!! you can try to physically remove it if you can (dust it off) . it works on your plants by blocking light ... anything not receiving light dies (obviously)


Well-Known Member
Another update...
So I was finally able to buy some fungicide today, and ended up getting some Garden Safe Fungicide from Lowes.

It says in the ingredients that it contains 9% hydrophobic neem oil, and alot of other ingredients. After changing out the reservoir, I have trimmed off the rest of moldy leaves, and completely hosed down the leaves (and buds) of the plants so that it was dripping off of them. According to the bottle I should use a 7day regimen, to anybody that has ever used it before, do you put it on once a day for 7 days? or just once every seven days?

Anyways, buds are really startin to fatten up, and the LA Confidential has a really nice earthy bud smell. Odor control will definitely be an issue in the coming weeks.

Hopefully the black spot mold/powdery mildew will be on the run after this.




Well-Known Member
Please don't be insulted by what i'm about to ask but better safe than sorry...
you aren't mistaking trichomes for mold are you?


Well-Known Member
Damn man those plants are looking really nice! My forbidden fruit really picked up some weight herself and I am still waiting on my two others. If you do have powdery mildew I hope ya can fix it, all that stuff you got ought to help. You said that you use a humidifier in an earlier post for your plants if I remember and that could be causing the mold too. I don't even use a humidifier I just leave it to the air here which is naturally around 20-30% and 40-50% on a really wet day. I myself just use a spray bottle in the room every once in a while to give it some moisture. It's better to keep your humidity lower than it is too high, high humidity is easy for mold and can cause bud-rot.


Well-Known Member
Please don't be insulted by what i'm about to ask but better safe than sorry...
you aren't mistaking trichomes for mold are you?
I am pretty sure that the trichomes are not getting moldy, as these are top buds, directly under the lights, where there is almost no mold. Then again I could be wrong. I believe one of the buds down below however may be molding (startin to look downright brown all over half of the trichomes on a side).

Damn man those plants are looking really nice! My forbidden fruit really picked up some weight herself and I am still waiting on my two others. If you do have powdery mildew I hope ya can fix it, all that stuff you got ought to help. You said that you use a humidifier in an earlier post for your plants if I remember and that could be causing the mold too. I don't even use a humidifier I just leave it to the air here which is naturally around 20-30% and 40-50% on a really wet day. I myself just use a spray bottle in the room every once in a while to give it some moisture. It's better to keep your humidity lower than it is too high, high humidity is easy for mold and can cause bud-rot.
I stopped using the humidifier once I switched to flowering, but the case of mold was already getting so bad that it didn't matter. BTW your Forbidden Fruit definitely looks enticing, hopefully mine'll get that big in another 30 days.


Well-Known Member
Well everyone, it seems my plants have finally become difficult to work with. I have had two timers fail on me, so there were two nights where the plants were in complete darkness, and another couple nights without exact day cycles (hand turned on and off).

The plants are beginning to show some sort of brown spotting on the leaves, and we are also spraying the plants with that fungicide stuff to keep the mold/blackspot in check.

They are really stretching and starting to flop all over the place, and was not really the picture perfect finish I was expecting.

How many days of flowering does it normally take for plants?
I am a day away from 6 weeks, and it says online that LA Confidential takes 8, and have heard the Bubba Kush takes 10.

Should I flower full a full 10 weeks on both? I was thinkin about harvesting round June 27.

P.S. I am definitly worried about smell, as my entire apartment is now smelling like it everytime I enter it. My family is coming down down for an afternoon, does anyobody know any good temporary odor controls? to make sure there is absolutely no suspicion?



Well-Known Member
Well, here are the latest pictures, the buds are reeking to hell, and here are the new pics, enjoy. How long do you guys think they still have on em?

I am leaving for a couple weeks so pictures will be unavailable, I have a trusted caregiver babysitting for me.



Well-Known Member
you'll have to check the trichomes when you get back. they will change how they look as they mature and the buds themselves should look larger when you return in two weeks.


Well-Known Member
Well, harvest is now officially over. 12 weeks I believe

This bud is some stickkky shit...pulled the skin right off my fingers after I was done trimming. Due to living circumstances I cannot have the buds air out for a week, but they are in some jars, where they will cure (i can crack them maybe once a day) late at night. Overall wet weight from the 6 plants was close to 11 ounces, so I figure it was pretty good for the first time.

I will be starting my next grow in September, and now that I have ample budget, it should prove to be an awesome vertical grow cab. Once I move into my new place I should be able to begin construction and gathering of the materials.

Here is a pic of all of it, I will provide some budporn once they are dried out much more thoroughly.

I tested out a lil bit of a dryer nug of bubba kush, and it is amaaazing stuff, way better than the stuff I can even get at the clubs.

:peace:out till next time...i'll still be lurking on the forums.



Well-Known Member
Due to living circumstances I cannot have the buds air out for a week, but they are in some jars, where they will cure (i can crack them maybe once a day) late at night.
this is a sure-fire way to get some moldy bud which will be dangerous.. possibly fatal (due to lung infections) to smoke. you CAN NOT cure bud before it is dry (or at least almost dry). if you smell ammonia or something that smells like cat piss you'll know it has happened.


Well-Known Member
AHHH i don't know what to do. im living with my parents for the summer. and they have no idea that I even smoke, so drying out at my place is a big negatory. any suggestions anybody?


Well-Known Member
they need to air dry - you can use paper bags but the buds can not be shut up for long periods. you only need to air dry them for a week (or even less). but even during curing you have to be able to spread them out again if they get too wet. otherwise all is lost.


Well-Known Member
do you have somewhere outside (depending on climate) to air dry them?

one thing i was thinking of suggesting that someone try is the polymer crystals that i use for water retention in soil. they'll pick up a cup of water per teaspoon. if i were to try that, i would find a screen and a way to prop it up in the bottom couple inches of a jar, and put the crystals below it. You could probably find another way, like putting them in a paper bag with holes poked in it, but it seems that by having it at the bottom you ensure that you don't get any crystals in the buds.

The crystals are polyacrylamide, if I remember correctly, which shouldn't contaminate your bud as long as the crystals themselves don't get in there. Anything is better than moldy bud, methinks.