Nutes and Nugs
Well-Known Member
or the fact that about half of all illegal immigrants come here legally.
If half were coming here legally, why would they be illegal?
or the fact that about half of all illegal immigrants come here legally.
If half were coming here legally, why would they be illegal?
LOL thats comicalThese are tunnels from Egypt because not much is moving from Israeli.
because they overstayed there visas. time to cut back on these visas by about 90 percent.
pretty sure most illegal immigrants wouldn't make that mistake. you bring shame to family.
The daily life in Mexico and the perpetrates comeinto the US as they please.![]()
Benny like most liberals your quick to point out a minor grammatical error do deflect from your half as argument.
Absolutely pitiful again Benny.
LOL thats comical
so the tunnels that isreal dont want to happen dont matter if eygpt is involved?
lol Canadian tunnels are not a problem to you are they
Actually fucktard in my area like many Mexicans and south americans are the predominant illegal problem.
In most parts of the US they are the illegals who bring in the heroin meth and crime as well.
Now if I was in Michigan I would sure be wanting to see some arabs deported.
1.What the fuck is israeli supposed to do about =tunnels from Egypt? 2.Canadian tunnels are not the problem.
It's Bush's fault they're here. [/end liberal argument] spend the rest of the day dancing.
LOL thats comical
so the tunnels that isreal dont want to happen dont matter if eygpt is involved?
lol canadian tunnels arent a problem to you are they
obvious racist is racist me thinks
there is no logic with a racist, only irrational hatred. and anger.*
and above all else, fear.
theTOOLwoiman is nothing but a frightened and angry white female.
I thought you would of figured out long ago that with your mind its best not to think.
It will only get you into trouble.
Oh there it goes again the atempt to divert your losing argument. Week minded Benny.