Well-Known Member
We are right on m53 between almont and imlay city. I'm usually there after 2 on weekdays blowing glass.
Cant you guys just use the ignore option?
Cant you guys just use the ignore option?
I have to say he is the first poster on all the forums I frequent I have ever considered ignoring... But you see I grow growers and this place is kinda like a garden for me. So would you just ignore a parasite in your garden????If he is on your ignore list you will only see his posts in quotes. It's almost like he doesn't exist for you.
I have to say he is the first poster on all the forums I frequent I have ever considered ignoring... But you see I grow growers and this place is kinda like a garden for me. So would you just ignore a parasite in your garden????
Strike 3.
I'm out of here.
Send me an email Glad when we have a new home.
Dr. Bob is not really an issue. People are taking way to much offense to the things he posts.
Dr. Bob is not really an issue. People are taking way to much offense to the things he posts.
ohhhhh lord i drank the water but didnt take the pills ohhh lordDr. Bob is not really an issue. People are taking way to much offense to the things he posts.
Dr. Bob is not really an issue. People are taking way to much offense to the things he posts.
your right--
its the agenda he helped create and is pushing and trying to rub people's noses in...
same one you are supporting by downplaying him
i know you are part of the damage control arm of the 3ma
but I don't fault you some pot name for being an ignor-rant....
they are very very good at what they do- and you must have swallowed the story whole
that's offensive
what you dont believe the national agenda they are helping to bring online...?
why do you think the new forms are 6 pages instead of 2---?
so mediswipe can help you fill them out soon
with all the bona fide chk list-
you know the national agenda they are joking about at 3ma that will 'never' come to fruition....pfffft!
same exact bona fide language passed in every mmj state.....coincedence ?
and mediswipe ready to go online in almost every mmj state....coincedence?
same agenda they say they are protecting us pts from at the 3ma
while they help the dispensary owners figure out rules to play by
except not talking about it or burying threads when folks bring it up-
same agenda thats allowing bargaining of CG rights to create a monopoly for a few ....and their friends
the one they say is protecting everyone else's right to "only" grow 12 plants for themselves or loved ones
I try and follow the law in almost every aspect I can now in my old age-
my goal is to follow the law...not break it
but.....i will break the law if I have to to help sick and dying loved ones...so they aren't raped by drs and dispensaries
so after all if you look at the 3ma group as a hole the lawyers and stakeholders there are on both sides...
whos interest you think they $erve best?
especially if they are mostly lawyers....?
you know the whole mediswipe bona fide....zoneout CGs logic agenda
trust us we are the stakeholders thingy....secret stakeholders of lawyers and drs and one pt to make us look good
the 3ma krew is easy to spot in here....
you must be one of his patients.....ita obvious
most of them are obvious by their posts and the healing the good dr has helped them with
it has to do with kool aid or somthing
they are just trying to destroy the last free site out here and control the flow of information and do damage control by fuking with people here...
i see another one is here now with JC username....
.that couldn't be GregS the [new] "comptroller" from 3ma joining you here??
the manic info analyst from the Central Proceesing Unit
i know he has been trying to get his nose up mr Cs ass for along time for a sniff...he should go to Jackson and ask
or he should go to the thuggish ruggish bones dispensary in flint...
they have a new strain they are distributing--
they will prolly let him have a snif while they discuss marijuana storage lockers with him--
whers so called chad and the rest of the krew with some more rules?
you want to stay safe...?
get a card and pretend and realize its still illegal and don't let anyone into your circle that's not vetted in...simple
and don't talk about your business to people
....same rules there have always been--
there now mayb we can talk about marijuana locker storage systems...
.you know to waste some time while the agenda passes..
your right dr bob is not that important-
so the 3ma clowns are here .why?????????
could you please tell how your harassed thinking we may need a interventionYou know Homeless, I am getting tired of this harassment. If you say I've threatened patients here, post the PM in question. I have not. I have questioned folks here. I have responded to attacks by dispensary interests and those that have posted garbage about me and informed them to stop the things they are posting about me.
There are reasons that folks post those things, yes. I stand for standards and they don't like it. I don't support some of the things that make them money. They don't like that.
Dr. Bob
You know Homeless, I am getting tired of this harassment. If you say I've threatened patients here, post the PM in question. I have not. I have questioned folks here. I have responded to attacks by dispensary interests and those that have posted garbage about me and informed them to stop the things they are posting about me.
There are reasons that folks post those things, yes. I stand for standards and they don't like it. I don't support some of the things that make them money. They don't like that.
Dr. Bob
mr bob.....no one is threatening you in here....
harrasement? hmmmmm that could go both ways with your krew-
put everyone on ignore like you tell us--
and like you like to say at the 3ma if you don't like it go somewhere else...
i just want to know how many web forums have you and your krew tried to fuk up??
answer--->>all of them!
.I guess you see mr bob some of us know all the stories about you....some of our friends are people YOU have harassed and tried to sue
i have friends live in petoskey and Muskegon ludington Clare....UP.......should I expand?
theres no dispensary folks in here that I am aware of....but hey they are all over
go up on 8 mile to the new green cross dispensary with giant big screen tvs ...vape room and lots of refreshments
they are busy as hell!!
or hit up the shake and bake on 8mile...they are jamming out the extractions from what I've been told
I am resolved to never step into another one....although I know lots of folks who do and tell me all about them..
ann arbor is full of dispensaries that are jammin!
did you get to go to any of the mediswipe stakeholder parties while they were at the rooster tail?
hey mr bob there is a new dispensary in flint run by the thuggish ruggish bones krew--
they are distributing a new strain
did you hear about it?
its been in all the papers-