Michigan Forum Mod ?

dont know him but i have herd nothing butt good things of this stumpjumper .why was he and the others banned?are there dark truths .who is paying who i have a few bucks to spend
I missed the ---> "pay$" <---to advertise part.....that makes more sense:blsmoke:

someone who has been on the inside of this forum would know that.....

damn I miss that stump jumper moderator....he was fair and split the baby in half....
hes prolly out jumpin stumps w his 4wheeler...:joint:

wonder what kind of cool glass our new mod is blowing....mayb he can show us some pics
we have a glass blower here?
Dr Bob apparently isn't an issue... for you. It doesn't sound like you have seen, read, or believed all the deleted posts here.
You went through the trouble to post about it, maybe for one second you should take a minute and wonder why so many people are
taking 'way to much offense'.

A lot of responses to my post. I'll try to elaborate.

Admittedly I haven't been active on RIU for long. Clearly there is some history that I wasn't here. My first experience reading anything from Dr. Bob and most of the RIU Michigan Patients community came in the Making a Living as a Caregiver thread. That thread got unpleasant to read not to far in when people started going after each other personally. As soon as Dr. Bob made his first post a handful of members who later I found had a history of quarrels with Bob began questioning his opinion rather strongly. Bob clearly started to get defensive and started firing back. It takes more than one person to have a thread turn so ugly and just because Bob more or less stands alone against a group doesn't mean that group is in the right. I'm not saying they're wrong either. I'm trying to make the point it takes more than Bob to start this stuff up.

And yes I do agree that Bob often is pompous and unnecessarily inflammatory. Inflammatory or dissenting opinions are okay however the arrogance he adds to those opinions by talking down to others even if he feels provoked is counter productive.
Dr. Bob is 99% anti cannabis user. Other than that he is all about regulations, clinics and discussing how to follow corrupt laws. I think we are all guilty of talking down at each other but get along over some good meds! Dr. Bob does not recognize us as a community and for that reason no one wants to hear his bullshit. At least that is how I read it?
I noticed that all dr bobs threads have people going off on him. And he loves to fire back. Be very careful if he's your doctor cuz the firing back gets more severe.
You have came to the obvious conclusion from that one thread though. We are all right or all wrong pointing out his bullshit. Do you know of any other doctors that
argue with their patients online in a forum setting. Cuz this shit is whack as fuck. I think he's proven himself unstable and it makes me pretty uncomfortable as a patient.
Sure I could put him on ignore, but he isn't a guy down the street from me, he's my fucking physician. I kinda have a horse in this particular race and it isn't turning out very good.
I apologize to the innocent people and those that really don't give a shit but every once in awhile we need to stand up and do what we think is right.
Do you see people joining together and defending him? When he first threatened me I decided to back off until the day I re certified with a good doctor that isn't so hated and disliked
in our community but he just kept talking down and disrespecting everyone that didn't go along with this bullshit.
You admit you haven't been active here in awhile, well do some reading. Much has been deleted. But enough is here for you to see something is fucked up.
I think when he first arrived a lot of people tried to defend him and one by one they all said what the fuck doc? If he was worth a shit then he would have his own thread, he is supposed to be educated, right? I dunno, don't agree with anything he says but seem to be handy at pulling up legal facts. Sucks he's a stalker!
Yes trolls the legal and political threads. Not the medicinal ones. He just mentioned he's working on adding bi-polar as treatable by mj.
He made a joke that many of us should look into it joking that many of us are bi-polar.
There's a few things at work there. WTF kind of doctor talks like that, but also he is a doctor and is working with bi polar people, thinks many
of us have symptoms so instead of trying to help or offering information to us, he decides it would be much more appropriate to talk shit to everyone
and go back to giving legal advice.
PTSD, very minimal input. That's when the biggest warning flags went off and I started worrying that my doctor wasn't what I thought he was at all.
From what I've read, the opinions Bob gives that cause an uproar are opinions on the interpretation of the mmma. For instance Bob shared the opinion caregivers shouldn't be profiting rather only growing as a hobby. This is an opinion I strongly disagree with for many reasons. A couple being that in principal what hobby/business/occupation is not allowed to be profitable unless they state they're a non profit also I feel the purpose of the mmma was to provide safe, easily accessible, marijuana to people with the qualifying conditions as recommended by a physician. This purpose can be fulfilled if you allow a caregiver to grow and tend to patients as a full time occupation which it is in a garden with a plant count on the middle to higher end of what is legal. Now even with this sentiment we know people in Michigan who we live with as a community, have a wide range of opinions on marijuana. We know some people with a lot of influence who are anti-marijuana and will use any possible leverage they can muster to limit what is allowed under the mmma. The part of the mmma which says caregivers can be compensated for cost to me could be interpreted to mean caregiver can not profit. I don't interpret it that way however I see how someone who would want to limit the scope of the mmma would interpret it that way. So if I were to advise somebody on what is legal I would not be telling them you can for sure profit as a caregiver. So even though I disagree with Bob I see how that is sound advise.

Now just because gives this advise doesn't mean he is anti marijuana, anti caregivers, or anti patients all of which he was accused of. He even stated he is for legalization which I am too. I from my limited experiences on this sub forum see the Bob is against us sentiment stemming from these types of varying view points. The personal attacks and arrogance on both sides don't help to serve any type of cohesion either. They just help to divide us.
Do you ever hear people arguing with him about medical issues? me neither, cuz he doesn't talk about those.
The few that defend, or used to defend him say things like, he's a doctor-how valuable an asset to have here.
I said it!!! After months of arguments with others, what medical value has he added to this site? That is a question
to anyone and everyone especially the moderators and administrator of this forum. The majority of this forum as a whole
are fed up. It isn't one or two.
I am a long time member over at 3ma and I can't begin to tell you how many times I have almost left without returning because of policy shifts. That said, I am having a hard time understanding why they are receiving pot shots for drbob and the drama over here.
Am I a 3ma plant because I am a member there? I am also a member at 3mg, icmag, and even the nmmc so I guess I am in a constant conflict with myself.

I dunno, I guess the bonzai comments just irked me the same way that many of drbob's do.

Hell one of my least favorite people at the 3ma is doing so much work on the new conditions panel that I find myself learning to appreciate him despite my constant impulse to choke him out. I am not speaking of drbob. Anyone here testifying at the panel coming up?

If I am unaware of a secret alliance over at 3ma with dbob then please enlighten me. To my knowledge he is nothing more than an advertiser to the organization and someone that tends to enjoy law more than medicine.
I am a long time member over at 3ma and I can't begin to tell you how many times I have almost left without returning because of policy shifts. That said, I am having a hard time understanding why they are receiving pot shots for drbob and the drama over here.
Am I a 3ma plant because I am a member there? I am also a member at 3mg, icmag, and even the nmmc so I guess I am in a constant conflict with myself.

I dunno, I guess the bonzai comments just irked me the same way that many of drbob's do.

Hell one of my least favorite people at the 3ma is doing so much work on the new conditions panel that I find myself learning to appreciate him despite my constant impulse to choke him out. I am not speaking of drbob. Anyone here testifying at the panel coming up?

If I am unaware of a secret alliance over at 3ma with dbob then please enlighten me. To my knowledge he is nothing more than an advertiser to the organization and someone that tends to enjoy law more than medicine.

well mayb my comments were meant to irk...
or inflame some concern is how I would like to think-

--good that my comments are on equal ground with others (no names)
that levels the playing field
apologies to folks that are not aware on a bigger level....don't take it personal

so many asleep people out here that can't see the bigger picture in our cause....
its frightening!
yes I too am at constan conflict with myself over all the bullshit out here.....the lines get very very blurred-
intentional I believe

yes i think it's intentional....yes --> imo bob works with the central processing unit there....
secret alliance?
he won't admit it but who cares ...
obviously not too many and it does not matter in the big picture...
no one will stop the train coming...it's too far down the track
he writes a lot of their certs....that's obvious

--if you just look

but he would be a great asset to the community if he didn't stir the shit pot so much...
you DO know what happens when you stir a shit pot?
big turds float to the top--

3ma...? they put on a nice dog and pony show for the patients and the public at large....IMO

i guess we shall have to wait and see how much they will fight to keep mediswipe out of our rights....
looks like they are pretty quite on things from this side of the screen..
IMO you are going to see-
what you don't want to-

you were irked by my reference to "they are all working together?"

what you don't understand that the same proffesionals and lawyers are helping the dispensaries and are dictating the few rights we --->had-

how hard is that to grasp....?

i will always piss them off cuz I get too close to the truth for many of them....it gets vicious
and I get pissed when I am watching things unfold-

im fighting for my life also along with some out here that are closer to the door than me-

remeber there are millions of $$ at stake in this whole game.....who's side would you bet lawyers are on since $ is their religion??

we patients are just pawns and bargaining chips in their game....

now read my disclaimer I am not typing all this for malice-or to start a pissing match
just ignore me like most do--I really am nobody and don't matter that much
interesting how a few paragraphs on a web forum will bring so much attention--interesting:eyesmoke:

peace mancelonaman:peace:
I would not put you on ignore for a few comments I didn't agree with. Hell I might not have anything left to read if I did that.
We do disagree about some of the players intentions in this game but I do agree that in a capitalist economy most players will act in their own best interests, seeking to maximize profits. I believe Adam Smith referred to this as "The Invisible Hand". Unfortunately this can be at the expense of patients.