Libertarian National Convention on CSPAN


New Member
Why would a Mexican be at a U.S. party function? A Mexican is a citizen of Mexico. As a tolerant and compassionate Modern Liberal, surely you are aware that referring to a Latino or Hispanic-American as a 'Mexican' is an insult. That's their word. A racially charged label when used by anyone else.
Bullshit. I have a few mexican friends and they don't care at all if I refer to them as mexicans. They refer to themselves as mexicans. I guess if you were being an ass and started calling strangers mexicans they might get a little miffed, but my "mexican" friends are above that trite bullshit. And BTW, that was an escape from the reality of no people of color being at the rich mans rally.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. I have a few mexican friends and they don't care at all if I refer to them as mexicans. They refer to themselves as mexicans. I guess if you were being an ass and started calling strangers mexicans they might get a little miffed, but my "mexican" friends are above that trite bullshit. And BTW, that was an escape from the reality of no people of color being at the rich mans rally.
Call a Cuban-American a 'mexican' and see for yourself.

The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


and why do you keep pushing the rich part?
far from it my friend, you're more than happy to come visit me in my apartment if you need some convincing =p

.... libertarian is just the smart choice... focus on the constitutional rights, and let states deal with state matters...

do you have nothing more against it than there are rich white men in the party?
i'm sorry there are rich white men everywhere, its hard to avoid with politics...


New Member
and why do you keep pushing the rich part?
far from it my friend, you're more than happy to come visit me in my apartment if you need some convincing =p

.... libertarian is just the smart choice... focus on the constitutional rights, and let states deal with state matters...

do you have nothing more against it than there are rich white men in the party?
i'm sorry there are rich white men everywhere, its hard to avoid with politics...
Not that it is worth debating, but libertarianism would do no good for a homeless dude, people of color or the poor. it is a rich white mans party. If you are rich, then you want to be free from taxation and any control. If you are poor, you are more concerned with rent and groceries.


New Member
Not that it is worth debating, but libertarianism would do no good for a homeless dude, people of color or the poor. it is a rich white mans party. If you are rich, then you want to be free from taxation and any control. If you are poor, you are more concerned with rent and groceries.
So, tell us what the poor leaders of the Democrat Party are doing for the homeless, people of color and the poor.

Oh, and while you're at it, justify how government should be taking rent money and grocery money from one family only to hand it over to another family.

Socialized charity sucks.

Cut the bullshit and just fess up, Med. You're a commie. Admit it once and for all.

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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
what do the republicans do for the homeless, people of color and the poor?
Read up on CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) and JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act)...Both pieces of legislation signed by Republican presidents. Of course these pieces of legislation weren't a "Free Lunch"...It required poor/minority/disadvantaged people to undergo training to learn new skills to become viably employed. What a concept, eh? What's that saying? "Give a man a fish..."
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what do the republicans do for the homeless, people of color and the poor?

.... i dno't care what the republicans do, i don't care what the democrats do.... i don't even care what other libertarians do for homeless disabled colored children...

its a matter of people forcing me to do something for them, whether i want to or not
i ask nothing in return, why must i be forced to give!?

granted, i choose to help people... some people specifically, some people randomly
sometimes i only help myself...

... who are you to say i'm not worth all that i earn???

all of you who do truly care about others (there are lots of you/us, seriously) will be able to willingly help others... and when others aren't feeling like its forced on them already, they can be much more assured of their discision and can back things THEY choose....

... how is it wrong to feel this way??? how is it not logical?
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Well-Known Member
.... i dno't care what the republicans do, i don't care what the democrats do.... i don't even care what other libertarians do for homeless disabled colored children...

its a matter of people forcing me to do something for them, whether i want to or not
i ask nothing in return, why must i be forced to give!?

granted, i choose to help people... some people specifically, some people randomly
sometimes i only help myself...

... who are you to say i'm not worth all that i earn???

all of you who do truly care about others (there are lots of you/us, seriously) will be able to willingly help others... and when others aren't feeling like its forced on them already, they can be much more assured of their discision and can back things THEY choose....

... how is it wrong to feel this way??? how is it not logical?
There is nothing wrong with that. I/we have cared for 15 children over the past 8-10 years never taking one penny from the government. Giving them a good family environment, taking them to court (many were in trouble), feeding them, clothing them. Their parents told us that they'd pay for the care...I never saw a cent, but we did it regardless because it needed to be done.


New Member
So, tell us what the poor leaders of the Democrat Party are doing for the homeless, people of color and the poor.

Oh, and while you're at it, justify how government should be taking rent money and grocery money from one family only to hand it over to another family.

Socialized charity sucks.

Cut the bullshit and just fess up, Med. You're a commie. Admit it once and for all.

Make up your mind, Idiot, I'm either a commie or a fascist. But you are still an asshole.


New Member
Make up your mind, Idiot, I'm either a commie or a fascist. But you are still an asshole.
Translation: "Holy shit! Vi asked me to post what the Democrat Party, my party of choice, is doing for the homeless, the people of color and the poor ... and I can't come up with an answer. In fact, I've never really put any critical thought to the issue. All I've ever done is listen to the empty, false promises of the party leaders and just assumed they were telling me the truth. Yeppers, I can't come up with any answers, so I guess I'll just throw another one of my bipolar hissy fits."

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Well-Known Member
Bullshit. I have a few mexican friends and they don't care at all if I refer to them as mexicans. They refer to themselves as mexicans. I guess if you were being an ass and started calling strangers mexicans they might get a little miffed, but my "mexican" friends are above that trite bullshit.
Presenting the Tone Deaf Progressive: The ultimate anachronism.

Here's a new word for you: Neolibertarianism. Why won't you educate yourself? If not, you're stuck and your views will NEVER evolve.


med, my post was directed at you..

are you just going to ignore it?
i would really like to know your response
thanks friend


New Member
Don't hold your breath Lumberjack ... Med's still busy trying to figure out what happened to the Midnight Basketball, End Poverty program the Clinton's promised to bring to the disadvantaged inner-city youths. :roll:



New Member
med, my post was directed at you..

are you just going to ignore it?
i would really like to know your response
thanks friend
All the supposed charity in the world won't solve the problems associated with being in the poverty level in this society. Yes the well off should share some of their excess wealth to help the poverty people. this comes in the form of taxation, I know the system is not perfect, but stopping the social programs in effect at this time would leave millions homeless and starving. You've seen how stingy the right wingers are on this site. Do you actually think they would give a tinkers damn if there were starving people 20 miles away from their little onclaves, yeah right!!!


New Member
All the supposed charity in the world won't solve the problems associated with being in the poverty level in this society. Yes the well off should share some of their excess wealth to help the poverty people. this comes in the form of taxation, I know the system is not perfect, but stopping the social programs in effect at this time would leave millions homeless and starving. You've seen how stingy the right wingers are on this site. Do you actually think they would give a tinkers damn if there were starving people 20 miles away from their little onclaves, yeah right!!!
And yet, you continue to support government programs that turn millions of Americans into a defenseless, dependent class of citizen, who have become nothing more than wards of the Federal Plantation?

With all due respect Med ... your politics suck.:hump:



New Member
And yet, you continue to support government programs that turn millions of Americans into a defenseless, dependent class of citizen, who have become nothing more than wards of the Federal Plantation?

With all due respect Med ... your politics suck.:hump:

Ditto assholio. The politics of the right are greedy self centered graft ridden good old boy bullshit. As in, lets keep all our money and fuck everyone else. Stopping all social programs to save a few bucks for the rich doesn't set well with me. This false notion that charity would save the poor just doesn't hold water. The rantings of right wing zealots is idiotic and self serving. Remember, "Give unto Caesar" A tax system has been in place for thousands of years. It may be poorly managed, but welfare and foodstamps help the poor immensly. I'm also with the teach a man to fish school, but there aren't that many livable wage jobs in the country and a man cant feed and house his family on two minimum wage jobs. Also, corporations are bringing in foriegners to do white collar jobs that used to pay a liveable wage. The job market is tweaked, for sure.