An apology for you RIU members.

I've been naked outdoors on numerous occasions and have had romantic interludes with partners on moutainsides, lake shores, back of a pick-ups, on the roof of several buildings, etc., etc.. Me bum has seen it's share of fresh air. :D

Must be nice to live in the country.

Only places I could go was the back of my car behind closed buildings.
I've been naked outdoors on numerous occasions and have had romantic interludes with partners on moutainsides, lake shores, back of a pick-ups, on the roof of several buildings, etc., etc.. Me bum has seen it's share of fresh air. :D

locally we have laws to keep me from running nakie.. even wifey has had to adhere to the laws..
I kinda got to know Kron before he got 'funny', and I guess if I had been a better friend, I would'a asked what was going on when I saw the change in him, but I didn't feel my place to pry into his personal shit.......
I don't know what I meant to say by this if anything else, but he wasn't an asshole when I first got to know him.

Speaking of being a good friend, check the Sex talk thread or my CFL thread before I SLAP YOU!

geez. What does it take to get some fricken support around here.
locally we have laws to keep me from running nakie.. even wifey has had to adhere to the laws..

I used to go skinny-dipping all the time. Damned laws. But the rendezvous were discreet and miles away from other people. I would have died and sunk into the earth if someone had walked up on us. LOL
I didnt read any of your past posts but have read all of this one.

Come on RIU, the man has said his piece, let it slide and let's get back to growing. Dude's ok in my book.
I used to go skinny-dipping all the time. Damned laws. But the rendezvous were discreet and miles away from other people. I would have died and sunk into the earth if someone had walked up on us. LOL

Me and my hubby got caught naked. By cops.

Also almost got caught naked with my gay friend. He was trying to see if he could go both ways. Sorta, not really tho.
Carne, I pm'd you again. Please take the time to read it.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. You are such a fucking troll. You did that on purpose. You are a piece of work. He played us all for fools, RIU. Guess how he started his pm to me?

common man, dont be like that.

How many sock puppet accounts do you have, again? Try being honest JUST THIS ONCE. You have been using several accounts and you have been on here for months, haven't you?
Me and my hubby got caught naked. By cops.

Also almost got caught naked with my gay friend. He was trying to see if he could go both ways. Sorta, not really tho.
Not really trying to see, or not really could?
**Your thread, was it the 54 page long thread you wanted me to peep?