An apology for you RIU members.

.....snip..... I think the booze just turned me into a royal D-bag.

No, Alcohol only decreases inhibitions. It does not turn you into anything. That's the problem. If you actually were investing in a 12 step program you would understand that you can't make PHONY amends.

Well, now that I'm sober... I'll just leave it at.. the same sex thing is just taboo and weird (IMO) and I don't like it. I'm not really comfortable with it and I don't really approve of it. Out of sight out of mind is best for me. I have a couple friends that are gay and... they are awesome people but their sexuality still makes no sense to me. Maybe I just don't get it? I've always been into smoking hot babes with hard bodies. So.. I don't really relate well to the "open minded" community.

Obviously you do not get it. In your apology thread you feel the need to tell us you are homophobic. No one needs to know this. Especially the person who was the laser focus of your nasty rants. That is mean and duplicitous. We also do not need to hear about the boils on your ass or your gingivitis. Obviously the pack of wolves that raised you left these things out.

How very sad. You could have had a second chance here. Now you deserve to have this account taken, as well, and be permanently banned. I sincerely hope you take stock of yourself and get more serious in pursuing your sobriety.
Obviously you do not get it. In your apology thread you feel the need to tell us you are homophobic.

No. Carne is pissed off because of what I said to him in the past. This has nothing to do with homophobia ladies and gents. This apology was taken completely off tangent with WHY Carne is mad in the first place.

I see it like this: If you want to pick your nose and eat it because you like the taste, go ahead, but that is gross. You say you like the taste? Whatever, I still say gross. Now, Carne has a different taste in things that I simply look at and say gross. Now, if that is Carne's flave than fine. Homophobia, which would be different than finding something distasteful is a strong word to use here. I don't think I'm better than Carne because of what flavor he chooses. I simply see it as someone licking their own armpit, or picking their nose and eating it, or chewing their toenails... I just see it as gross. If you wanna do that, fine, but I'm not afraid of someone who eats boogers or chews toenails or a man that humps a man. I don't think any of those people are better than anyone else. I just think that the flavor Carne chooses isn't something that I will ever understand. Just like the booger eaters or toenail chewers or whatever. I just think its gross?

So... that's what I meant about "out of sight out of mind"... If your picking your nose and I don't see it. Awesome!!!! Chew those toenails!!! I just don't want to see it!

Hell, if you want to inject heroin, that's fine too, I just don't care to see it because it might make me vomit if I see a needle go into a vein.

You see what I'm trying to say?
No. Nobody is trying to see what you are saying. Nobody cares what you have to say. Nobody likes you here. Im not sure why this is so hard to comprehend.

You always were a pretty big fan of mine. :sleep:

You said it yourself that I've never messed with you so I'm not sure why you're here see4? Stirring things up?
No. Carne is pissed off because of what I said to him in the past. This has nothing to do with homophobia ladies and gents. This apology was taken completely off tangent with WHY Carne is mad in the first place.

I see it like this: If you want to pick your nose and eat it because you like the taste, go ahead, but that is gross. You say you like the taste? Whatever, I still say gross. Now, Carne has a different taste in things that I simply look at and say gross. Now, if that is Carne's flave than fine. Homophobia, which would be different than finding something distasteful is a strong word to use here. I don't think I'm better than Carne because of what flavor he chooses. I simply see it as someone licking their own armpit, or picking their nose and eating it, or chewing their toenails... I just see it as gross. If you wanna do that, fine, but I'm not afraid of someone who eats boogers or chews toenails or a man that humps a man. I don't think any of those people are better than anyone else. I just think that the flavor Carne chooses isn't something that I will ever understand. Just like the booger eaters or toenail chewers or whatever. I just think its gross?

So... that's what I meant about "out of sight out of mind"... If your picking your nose and I don't see it. Awesome!!!! Chew those toenails!!! I just don't want to see it!

Hell, if you want to inject heroin, that's fine too, I just don't care to see it because it might make me vomit if I see a needle go into a vein.

You see what I'm trying to say?

i see three things:

1) you are comparing homosexuality to disgusting and unhygienic practices

2) you are calling homosexuality a choice

3) you are taking a heterocentric view ("i don't want to see it")

has it ever occurred to you that homosexuality is perfectly normal, not disgusting, not unhygienic, not always a choice, and no less repulsive than a straight couple's PDA?

probably not, which is why your second incarnation is not gonna last long.
and yet hes ignored the many posts about being homophobic is linked to actually being a homosexual
You always were a pretty big fan of mine. :sleep:

You said it yourself that I've never messed with you so I'm not sure why you're here see4? Stirring things up?

Im not stirring things at all kiddo. I'm actually trying to give you good advice. But you are too ignorant to see it.
i see it like this: if you want to rub wombat feces all over your face whilee watching biodome II, go for it. it's gross and all, but if that's what you choose to do, that's what you choose to do. just keep that hetero shit rubbing out of my sight, i don't want to see it.

ya dig?
Good that you kicked the sauce man. We have had several people that were real trouble because of alcohol; actually, it's still a problem with one or two. It's good to have you back again.