An apology for you RIU members.

Would have been legendary to come back for like a year and earn respect and props then announce who he was. Letting people be actually shocked. Instead it's turned into a finshaggy 2.0

Or you can just man up and face the consequences of your actions and work through it.
I just don't wanna fight or argue with y'all! I didn't mean for this to turn into a troll fest or a circus. I was just saying sorry to the RIU members that I offended when I was being a drunken a-hole during a bad time in my life and then everyone wanted to put their two cents in so...

Point is... I'm still sorry RIU for being a drunken a-hole while going through a rough spot in my life.

Beat me up all you want over my past but I'm still sorry and that's all I really wanted to say and it's not gonna change. :)

its the smileys and lol's at the end of your apology that make me think you are still full of shit
Holy Shit! How did I miss all of this the first time around? All the peeps I love are mad hostile. Kron, you musta been a world class asshole. I think kenetic put the needle on the record.

PS I agree that those who protest against gays the most are tortured by their inability to come out. It always seems the craziest anti gay politicians and church leaders end up getting caught blowing some young male prostitute after a few rails of meth. That always brings me such joy. I will never understand why anyone would care who someone else loves.
I just don't wanna fight or argue with y'all! I didn't mean for this to turn into a troll fest or a circus. I was just saying sorry to the RIU members that I offended when I was being a drunken a-hole during a bad time in my life and then everyone wanted to put their two cents in so...

Point is... I'm still sorry RIU for being a drunken a-hole while going through a rough spot in my life.

Beat me up all you want over my past but I'm still sorry and that's all I really wanted to say and it's not gonna change. :)

I hate to say it buddy, but, while I agree with what you are trying to do, you have to let those you affected get it off their chest, while you LISTEN to how YOU made them feel....Like I said I don't know you or the probs that caused all this, but I've been in your shoes :wall: and IT FUCKING SUCKS...I know, but that's the truth, and the truth hurts sometimes, but not forever..good luck man you got my vote..
he who says this has never had a great breeze near his neither regions.. I'd like to be Scottish..

I've been naked outdoors on numerous occasions and have had romantic interludes with partners on moutainsides, lake shores, back of a pick-ups, on the roof of several buildings, etc., etc.. Me bum has seen it's share of fresh air. :D
I hate to say it buddy, but, while I agree with what you are trying to do, you have to let those you affected get it off their chest, while you LISTEN to how YOU made them feel....Like I said I don't know you or the probs that caused all this, but I've been in your shoes :wall: and IT FUCKING SUCKS...I know, but that's the truth, and the truth hurts sometimes, but not forever..good luck man you got my vote..
I kinda got to know Kron before he got 'funny', and I guess if I had been a better friend, I would'a asked what was going on when I saw the change in him, but I didn't feel my place to pry into his personal shit.......
I don't know what I meant to say by this if anything else, but he wasn't an asshole when I first got to know him.