how to get across the country safe


Well-Known Member
So a friend has an opportunity to go to cali,and bring back to the east coast a bunch of weed and a whole lot of lsd in liquid I'm not advocating anyone should do this or sell drugs,but he's worried about the lsd if he were to get pulled over..he said its 3 gatorade bottles full of silver..why it was broke down into liquid instead of keeping it in raw form for easier transportation,I don't question to everyone is what would be the best method of concealing said lsd? I told him to find an old house for sale no one lives in and overnight it..but with such a valuable package,he's not ok with that..any suggestions would help..I really wanna


Well-Known Member
I'd use liquor bottles, if he gets pulled over he can tell the cops it was some leftover booze he didn't want to throw away, as long as its in the trunk he should be fine.


Well-Known Member
I know I've personally been stopped by a customs officer 5 miles past Vegas coming back from San Diego. If I were you I'd make sure to come out of the northern side of Cali. They are very aggressive if they think you've been to Mexico. We hadn't smoked a thing in the car and they searched us. This was a full blown search. They used 2 dogs (they weren't german shepards either) lil brown striped dogs, short fuckers. They pulled quarter panels off, interior door panels, pulled the wheels, mirrors underneath etc. We where detained for about 2 hours on the side of the hwy while they picked us apart. If you trigger a search like this, there's no special tricks as they were extremely thorough. We just stood there in aw of the whole thing. Fortunately for us, they grabbed the wrong car.

Illinois and Indiana have many speed traps along the interstate. At least that's what I noticed around Thanksgiving time last year.

Don't forget about cruise control.

I'd personally skip the left over booze idea because they'll see the opened container and depending on what state and the mood of the officer he may dump it out. I have had a partial case of beer in my trunk and they opened and poured them all out on the street. That was in Kansas where they have that "near beer" law 3.2% or something of the like.

I'd get a cooler full of soda and snacks, get one those white bottles of tropicana orange juice and use that are your vessel. Take electrical tape and wrap the line between the lid and perferated ring very tightly and grip only ring when twisting and twist slow. You can make it look as if it had never been opened.

I wouldn't take both the weed and lsd at the same time. If they find the weed they're gonna find the lsd. If you're talking 3x 32 oz bottles of Gatorade full of lsd. That'd be 96 0z of lsd thats an insane amount of money well more than any amount of weed you can put in a car. To me it would be worth the extra trip, I know it's a brutal drive but so is 25 to life in prison...

Pack your suitcases with a weeks worth of clothing so it gives the impression that you had planned to stay at your destination more than a night or two. We where asked why we packed so lightly when we got stopped in Vegas.

Again, make sure to use the cruise control.

This is all first hand experience and there isn't even the slightest embelishment. Only real talk.

Might be smart to have a Xanax bar on you to pop. Might help you look less nervous or suspicious if you do get stopped. It's should have time to kick in while they run your tags before they approach your vehicle.

If anything else comes to mind I'll be sure to post it here.


Well-Known Member
Just a random thought ... how about a train?
I have traveled cross country by train and never had to go through any kind of a checkpoint. No traffic cops, No airport inspection. Do they do preboarding inspection on trains nowadays?


Well-Known Member
I say take Mookjong's advice a step farther and don't pick up the weed at all. Two trips means twice the time exposed and at risk, which wouldn't be worth it to me. Granted, the LSD trip will be a lot less detectable, but still. I'd just go grab the LSD, pick up a case of matching gatorade bottles, slide them all out under the plastic, put the ones with the LSD in the middle, then pack the unopened ones all around it so it looks like it was never opened. Put it in the trunk... maybe another gatorade case right on top of that one, and the top one's opened real obviously, with a couple missing, because you bought all the gatorade to stay hydrated on the long drive. The odds of that getting found are so slim it's insane, considering LSD has no smell or taste.


Well-Known Member
I say take Mookjong's advice a step farther and don't pick up the weed at all. Two trips means twice the time exposed and at risk, which wouldn't be worth it to me. Granted, the LSD trip will be a lot less detectable, but still. I'd just go grab the LSD, pick up a case of matching gatorade bottles, slide them all out under the plastic, put the ones with the LSD in the middle, then pack the unopened ones all around it so it looks like it was never opened. Put it in the trunk... maybe another gatorade case right on top of that one, and the top one's opened real obviously, with a couple missing, because you bought all the gatorade to stay hydrated on the long drive. The odds of that getting found are so slim it's insane, considering LSD has no smell or taste.
If they pilfer the cooler enough they'll notice the difference in color of the bottles. Gatorade is just so brightly colored. That's why I recommended the white Tropicana bottle because it's a solid white. If the seal hasn't been broken and no other red flags are raised. To them is just orange juice. Picture this going down at night and the cop pulls out a flash light. That color variance will stick out like a sore thumb.


Well-Known Member
I also think it's important to know the exact amount of fluid we're dealing with. It could be difficult to find a bottle to match up. You don't want 2 unopened bottles of the same size but a different weight.

You could also get those tall cardboard box type juice containers and do they same electrical tape trick if your dealing with an odd fl oz total.

I know at the head shop around where I live, you can get a fake cans of Wd-40, coke cans, all sorts of disguisable containers. They look very real. Something else to consider.


Well-Known Member
I say take Mookjong's advice a step farther and don't pick up the weed at all. Two trips means twice the time exposed and at risk, which wouldn't be worth it to me. Granted, the LSD trip will be a lot less detectable, but still. I'd just go grab the LSD, pick up a case of matching gatorade bottles, slide them all out under the plastic, put the ones with the LSD in the middle, then pack the unopened ones all around it so it looks like it was never opened. Put it in the trunk... maybe another gatorade case right on top of that one, and the top one's opened real obviously, with a couple missing, because you bought all the gatorade to stay hydrated on the long drive. The odds of that getting found are so slim it's insane, considering LSD has no smell or taste.
Agreed, just make sure you use dark tinted bottles with it, and make sure you completely wipe down the bottles after you re-seal them. Grab a black light and look for a glow too, LSD glows under blacklight.


Well-Known Member
If they pilfer the cooler enough they'll notice the difference in color of the bottles. Gatorade is just so brightly colored. That's why I recommended the white Tropicana bottle because it's a solid white. If the seal hasn't been broken and no other red flags are raised. To them is just orange juice. Picture this going down at night and the cop pulls out a flash light. That color variance will stick out like a sore thumb.
Gatorade used to have an "ice" line that is clear :) I don't know if they still make it though, I admit, LoL.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, just make sure you use dark tinted bottles with it, and make sure you completely wipe down the bottles after you re-seal them. Grab a black light and look for a glow too, LSD glows under blacklight.
A dark colored bottle would be even better, but I unno if there are any colored gatorade bottles. I think they rely on the neon-colored dye in the drink itself to sell the product visually. ;)


Well-Known Member
A dark colored bottle would be even better, but I unno if there are any colored gatorade bottles. I think they rely on the neon-colored dye in the drink itself to sell the product visually. ;)
That's true, was also thinking wine bottles that are easily re-sealed... if not, the plastic would have to be of a special type that'd stop a few spectrums.. a quick check with the black light should they suspect anything could be nasty. It seems that some of our state boys carry black light as part of the kit, but I'm also very close to a border town known for some types of smuggling across the border - mileage may vary greatly on that one.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to start gathering different types of plastic containers of different thicknesses to do tests with certain liquids people may wish to move, and how blacklight responds, as well as a few other types of light.


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't be colored at all.
I agree that doing separate runs with the acid and weed is a good idea. Weed is so much harder to conceal.


Well-Known Member
Well first off tell your friend to make sure his car is in proper condition. No brake lights out or anything like that. Second, do the speed limit, but no more than a few mph under the limit. If he does that his chances of getting pulled over and having to deal with the cops in the first place much much lower.

As long as they can't smell the weed, and he isn't doing anything stupid like smoking weed in the car on this trip, even if he does get pulled over I see no reason why the cops would want to search the vehicle anyway. If they do ask to search, he's gotta stick to his guns as say NO. No matter what they say, they are gonna get the drug dogs in blah blah if he doesn't consent to a search all they can do is give him his speeding ticket and drive away. Everyone is nervous when they get pulled over by a cop. That isn't an excuse to search somebody's car and a judge isn't gonna give a cop a warrant on a "hunch." He could pull the old, I smelled marijuana/alcohol, but when a crooked cop is involved you're going to jail regardless.

I'd ride with them both and not even give a crap. Then again I'm in my 30's and look like a straight edge dude. Don't exactly "stand out." I never once had a cop ask to search my vehicle just for shits and giggles even when I was young with long hair and looked like a stoner.

Mailing them is an option, but not to an old house where nobody lives. It has to be a real address. Mail carriers know their neighborhoods and if 2 packages suddenly appeared at a house that was vacant for months or years, THAT would raise some red flags. Honestly, I'd mail it to myself priority mail, so I would be home by the time it got there. If anything happened, again, I would stick to my guns and say I have no idea what that is or who the hell sent it to me. The thing is, anyone can send anything to anyone in the mail. If you don't admit to knowing about it there isn't much they can do.


Well-Known Member
Will read more posts later but a few won't fly..the trunks gonna be filled with 100lbs of nugs....keep em coming guys,maybe somehow you'll get some liquid where you live if he can get it here on the east side...


Well-Known Member
Will read more posts later but a few won't fly..the trunks gonna be filled with 100lbs of nugs....keep em coming guys,maybe somehow you'll get some liquid where you live if he can get it here on the east side...
100lb of nugs? Private pilot in a cessna.. pack light.