how to get across the country safe

i've thought about this a lot, and there is only one way i would move any substantial amount of product across the nation.

it would be around christmas time or thanksgiving. the large amount of weed could be hidden naturally among wrapped presents, out of state plates would not stick out, more traffic on the road means less chance of a bored highway patrol person deciding to mess with you.

i would even mark the "presents" with weed in them as being from neighbors and hide them among legitimate presents for plausible deniability.

I actually did this. In a box then wrapped in xmas paper, even a bow and a tag that said To Mom. Would take a cold ass cop to open that i figured. Went LA to ChiTown. No issue at all. But check lights often! We checked all of them and then when we got there I noticed one of the license plate lights went out during the trip. I about shit.

If you ship use Postal or UPS - FedEx scans!

I wold stay away from any alcohol bottles. It is actually illegal to transport across state lines. Some hardass might get ya for it. They used to bust people bringing cheap bourbon from KY to OH all the time.
I wold stay away from any alcohol bottles. It is actually illegal to transport across state lines. Some hardass might get ya for it. They used to bust people bringing cheap bourbon from KY to OH all the time.

totally forgot about that. Good call
I don't have any new tricks to add, def. agree with the "clean cut," car being on point, spare tire, speed limit, all that. Just want to throw mad props out to anyone who can still get quantity of good L. *Sigh* :)
I feel his effort will be an awesome one,but I told him the same thing I'm saying now..I wanna head real..buds all aside..can get bud all day...I want schweetness...but more importantly to be safe..gonna see him this weekend and share our gossip.can't say I can repost or comment on his activities cause I really don't wanna know,but the entire thread was for ideas,keep em all coming..cause ya never know u might be a pioneer...stay tuned ....