Why cannabis vape pens and concentrates are illegal

Your dillusional. Your friend had all the pesticides put away before you got there. Every large scale grow in Colorado battles powdery mildew constantly.
Are you telling me that in your friends warehouse is fungicide/pesticide free and also free of pathogens and pests? What is he doing sprinkling fairy dust to keep the bad guys away?
This is Canada, fucken donkey. Colorados mold and mildew issues mean fuck all here.
Ask them. They all have a IPM that they follow in order to keep pest at bay. I garrentee it.
If they say they never have and never will use them then they are lieing to you.
but you say they are dishonest so why would they answer honestly?
you are the one making the claim so i ask you to back it up...unless you can't and are just spreading reefer madness!
please show some of reasons you came to this conclusion. i am very interested but i doubt you'll come back with anything...you'll just say something like "look for yourself" which i have done and continue to do.....
show the proof...you should have it...and lots of it
Ask them. They all have a IPM that they follow in order to keep pest at bay. I garrentee it.
If they say they never have and never will use them then they are lieing to you.
do you understand that dispensaries do not grow? they buy from growers...more than one usually
you do know that LP's irradiate their "meds" which kills a lot of medicinal value
do you understand that dispensaries do not grow? they buy from growers...more than one usually
you do know that LP's irradiate their "meds" which kills a lot of medicinal value
Its a different model in some US states. Dispensaries are able to grow their own product. What a difference an actual unimpeded free market makes.
but you say they are dishonest so why would they answer honestly?
you are the one making the claim so i ask you to back it up...unless you can't and are just spreading reefer madness!
please show some of reasons you came to this conclusion. i am very interested but i doubt you'll come back with anything...you'll just say something like "look for yourself" which i have done and continue to do.....
show the proof...you should have it...and lots of it
What do you want me to do? Sneak in at night and find the pesticides take pictures and send them to you?
I know because I’ve smoke products from the shops. They all have it. You can’t grow large scale without them, I promise you will lose. Why do you think Monsanto is so rich?
So I ask you to ask your friend, He will assure you his pesticides do not harm the product or the customer. Circle jerk!
do you understand that dispensaries do not grow? they buy from growers...more than one usually
you do know that LP's irradiate their "meds" which kills a lot of medicinal value
Even worst! nothing is regulated!
Eventually your states orin this case your country will end the backpack brigade and force the shops to only by from liscensed facilities. That’s when Monsanto really takes over.
Now back to the dishpit muchacho!
What do you want me to do? Sneak in at night and find the pesticides take pictures and send them to you?
I know because I’ve smoke products from the shops. They all have it. You can’t grow large scale without them, I promise you will lose. Why do you think Monsanto is so rich?
So I ask you to ask your friend, He will assure you his pesticides do not harm the product or the customer. Circle jerk!
so that's your proof??
what colour is the sky in your world?
more fear mongering and that's all you're doing. have you tried EVERY dispensary? i know that Karuna, BCCCS and the Green Cross do not spray anything whatsoever...they don't grow!!! they purchase from several growers....and now you're going to tell me that they all spray right?? i guess then, the only person who is able to get clean meds is yourself . you must be your own hero
Even worst! nothing is regulated!
Eventually your states orin this case your country will end the backpack brigade and force the shops to only by from liscensed facilities. That’s when Monsanto really takes over.
Now back to the dishpit muchacho!
nothing is regulated?? are you in Canada? you sure spout some weird crap out of nowhere.....not regulated??? have you heard of the ACMPR?? it's incredibly regulated. if it wasn't, i wouldn't be doing challenges in court.
so that's your proof??
what colour is the sky in your world?
more fear mongering and that's all you're doing. have you tried EVERY dispensary? i know that Karuna, BCCCS and the Green Cross do not spray anything whatsoever...they don't grow!!! they purchase from several growers....and now you're going to tell me that they all spray right?? i guess then, the only person who is able to get clean meds is yourself . you must be your own hero
You should grow your own if you want to be your own hero like me.
You should grow your own if you want to be your own hero like me.

How about this. You could read a few more, OK many more threads in the Canadian forum and you will realize we have been discussing all of this ad nausea and we DO GROW OUR OWN, all federally legal like and such. Thanks for coming in today.
How about this. You could read a few more, OK many more threads in the Canadian forum and you will realize we have been discussing all of this ad nausea and we DO GROW OUR OWN, all federally legal like and such. Thanks for coming in today.
I don’t give a shit if your legal or not! Canada is highly know for crap beaster buffs full of nutes and pesticides.

The ban of alternative consumption methods was already predictible in 2014, too bad nobody wanted to pay due attention in good time:


[ http:// apps.who.int/gb/fctc/E/E_cop6.htm ]

Sixth session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

4.4.1 Smokeless tobacco products
4.4.2 Electronic nicotine delivery systems

« Smokeless tobacco products »
« Electronic nicotine delivery systems »



{Origin: http:// cop6russia.org/ }

The year after Québec's sinister of "Heathy Ways" performed direct cut & paste while creating her #44 law:


Le mardi 18 août 2015 - Vol. 44 N° 58

Consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le projet de loi n° 44, Loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le tabagisme

[ http://www.cqct.qc.ca/Communiques_docs/2015/PRSS_15_07_29_Sondage_Vapotage.pdf ]

« 3 Convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte antitabac, Inhalateurs électroniques de nicotine, rapport, juillet 2014, p. 7.

http://apps.who.int/gb/fctc/PDF/cop6/FCTC_COP6_10-fr.pdf »


« 11 Convention-cadre de l’OMS pour la lutte antitabac, Inhalateurs électroniques de nicotine, juillet 2014, page 2, points 3 et 5.

http://apps.who.int/gb/fctc/PDF/cop6/FCTC_COP6_10-fr.pdf »

Justin Trudeau was even mentioned by the P.Q. leader Jean-François Lisée during this event, who made a not-so-friendly joke on the future "Légaleezation" of marihuana... The rest is coherent with this most significant part of history.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
It would be nice if someone would just drown that fuck tard Trudeau ,and save Canadains from the embarrassment
You should grow your own if you want to be your own hero like me.
where do i get mine from? please tell me

"I don’t give a shit if your legal or not! Canada is highly know for crap beaster buffs full of nutes and pesticides"-show proof instead of spouting garbage...
where do i get mine from? please tell me

"I don’t give a shit if your legal or not! Canada is highly know for crap beaster buffs full of nutes and pesticides"-show proof instead of spouting garbage...
i was an adult in the late 90’s, that is all the proof I need. BEASTERS!
i was an adult in the late 90’s, that is all the proof I need. BEASTERS!
you WERE an adult...now what are you?
you keep spouting about how bad dispensaries because you got something bad along the way from a shady one so you say they all have to do something they don't do.
do you know that dispensaries BUY their product from several sources. are you saying all growers spray or use bed nutes on their babies?
are you here just to "save us" from something you spout that we know is garbage?
show proof to back up your claim or quit with the fear mongering. we know it is not the way you speak.
anyways, taling to you is like masterbating with a cheese grater-fun at first but eventually painful...your retorts are so childish..in the vain of "i know you are but what am I?"
i have asked why you think the way you do and all you have basically said was "because I said so" and that doesn't wash.
Salutations Popeye,

Now back to the dishpit muchacho!

Trudeau is buying time in Canada, the ultimate test comes next year with the 62nd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs:

You should grow your own if you want to be your own hero like me.

The opportunity window is closing in at least 3 Canuck provinces, mine included:

[ https:// ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1117114/cannabis-marijuana-hydro-quebec-electricite-vol-compteurs-intelligents ]
SRC: Hydro-Québec veut s'attaquer à la contrebande de cannabis (2016-Aug-13)

« Le gouvernement du Québec consacrera 10 millions de dollars par année pour lutter contre la contrebande de cannabis, à l'image de ce qui se fait pour le tabac ou l'alcool. ... En 2017, un projet pilote d'analyse des données tirées des compteurs intelligents dans la région des Laurentides a permis de repérer 101 sites de vols d'électricité, dont 37 étaient des serres de production de cannabis. L'opération menée conjointement avec la Sûreté du Québec a conduit à l'arrestation de 47 personnes et à la saisie de 11 000 plants et 115 kg de drogue en vrac. ... Par l'analyse de groupe, on est capables de savoir qu'il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas dans la cellule. Pour nous, ça va être à l'origine de la démarche pour faire des inspections... »​

A war i coming after spending money by the hundred thousands dollars, a billion (or 2?) got spent long before effective "Légaleezation" already, i guess, and Hydropothecary's recent partnership with Segra (over “plant tissue culture propagation”...) hasn't even started making the news just yet - but it will! - when GMOs are ready to help track what's "legal" or not. So, what i wonder about is which North-American country will be 1st to have "$toners"/"Droÿé$" who turn positively fluorescent under UV light because of bio-markers and whatnot!


IMO USA is far from safe heaven with Trump still in command and i doubt there will be a significant alternative with bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists scrambling around but outside whatever remains of our "democratic" institutions within the Commonwealth, In The Name Of Children...

Sorry to predict that we all fall together in 2019 unless there's a major U-Turn in history, but that's me.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
you WERE an adult...now what are you?
you keep spouting about how bad dispensaries because you got something bad along the way from a shady one so you say they all have to do something they don't do.
do you know that dispensaries BUY their product from several sources. are you saying all growers spray or use bed nutes on their babies?
are you here just to "save us" from something you spout that we know is garbage?
show proof to back up your claim or quit with the fear mongering. we know it is not the way you speak.
anyways, taling to you is like masterbating with a cheese grater-fun at first but eventually painful...your retorts are so childish..in the vain of "i know you are but what am I?"
i have asked why you think the way you do and all you have basically said was "because I said so" and that doesn't wash.
Look here compadre, 860DE17D-23FC-4AD9-8F7A-A5EE6E2F450F.jpeg you don’t have to be so upset. Any and all products grown for the masses are sprayed with one thing or another. Not just cannabis. Get over it. All I’m trying to say is if you want to smoke the best cleanest meds around grow your own.