Good B-day gift for new GF???


Active Member
No. That's fucking retarded. Get her something she can use all the time and think of you. Hair care products, underwear, clothes, shoes, MAKE her dinner then go get wasted. Make sure she gets morning Dick and breakfast in bed. Women are more about the little things. But if she is 29 and still partying maybe a gang bang with your friends would work, cause lets face it, you probably met her at the bar right?
Fully and truly wrong. Women LOVE shit that is frivolous, cut flowers, jewelry... Get it? Show her you love her by buying something she will use once and then forget. Or make her dinner. Women love making men waste their time on them.


Well-Known Member
You can convert to be a Jehovah's Witness a few days before, say it's against your religion to celebrate birthdays, then promptly switch back.

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
get her something small or you will set the standard too high too soon, pace your affection, few women are worth all of your attention.
Agreed. Keep it simple. Dinner and a small gift will do.

Funny now that I think about, it my wife and I have been together for almost 9 years and I think our birthday gifts have gotten simpler/less expensive even though we make more money now. We still have a great time and enjoy each other very much, but what one gives the other as a gift matters less and less.

past times

Well-Known Member
Wine tasting isnt too elaborate. Just show up, eat/drink, and pay the people. :) I am thinking that is the way to go. With some little side gift. I think you guys are right on the expectations being set too hi to early.

Side note, our third date I made lamb chops and greek salad. Had the table set and everything ready to go. Got wine glasses down, but one had a spot on it...So as I am cleaning, the stem snaps and cuts my hand to the point where I needed 5 stitches. I said, "Babe, take a bite. How is it? Great...Now grab your keys, we are going to the Er." Smooth operator right


Well-Known Member
My girls Bday is right around the corner. I'm gonna buy her roses and cook for her. Sometimes I wonder about the reasons behind my good deeds :hump: lol.

Less is sometimes better, unless she's a gold digger.


Well-Known Member
Women seem to really enjoy my penis. It's a great gift to give, send me a pic and address.
again... this sounds an awful lot like something i would say. you are pimpin it kinetic. the pimp hand is strong within you my son.


Ursus marijanus
That may be in order. Among other things. If I play my cards right. :clap:

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cannabineer again.

Pro tip from an older fellow: do NOT give into the urge to suggest alterations. cn


Well-Known Member
get her a plunger and take her ass to the retirement home....
why ?

cause bitches love bringing up old shit !!!!!


ill be here till thursday everybody .....


Staff member
get her a plunger and take her ass to the retirement home....
why ?

cause bitches love bringing up old shit !!!!!


ill be here till thursday everybody .....
ahahha i wuv you youre hilarious!