Good B-day gift for new GF???


Well-Known Member
Feminist? NO WY! All I am saying is don't be so generic-- be origonal and base the gift on the GIRL- not your preconceived notion of what she SHOULD want!

And I've been with my Husband for 25 years- married 23....... Happily for both. WHY? We both like the same music/movies/politics/etc.. and treat each other with respect and love and care about what the other person wants/needs...
and don't go all "he must be gay" type shit-- he's ex navy Seal, Golden Gloves Boxer and still damned Hot for an older guy...
And I wait on him hand and foot because I want to and I don't tell him what to do/say or "you can't do that"....That's how I was brought up.... the OPPOSITE of a feminist-- I take shit from other women about it all the time... doesn't mean that because You MEN don't agree with a WOMANS point of view that YOU are right and She (or I ) is/am a femi-nazi.... we/I just know from our own experience and the fact that we know other women a hell of a lot better than men do-- just because we tell each other stuff we sure as hell won't tell a man!!

If some of you guys listen to this very smart lady, you might stop sleeping by yourself.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
There's no use. You still wouldn't get it.

Go get her a giant teddy bear, then pick out a baby shirt to put on a bear. Before hand have said shirt silk screened with I love you or her name. Give it to her.

But avoid morning sex because you might have bad breath. Doggy style is not an option.

Sounds legit.

past times

Well-Known Member
hahah, i just read through the whole thing and cracked up most of the time.

The D situation is fine. We are good on that. I was already planning on either making a nice big dinner or taking her somewhere nice. so really it is going to be a small something. Not doing jewelry yet...I am thinking the teddy bear is gonna work.

And is it rude to give a girl a toothbrush in the morning? I am in the dental profession, so.....


Well-Known Member
Damn. Reading threads like this make me glad I'm married. In my single days, when I was a bouncer, I'd see so many guys being douchebags to their girlfriends. I would always smile at their gf, compliment them, and try to make them laugh when the time was right. That kind attention got me a lot of phone numbers, and action.

It's only been two months, how serious are you? I say look at her decorating style and try to score something that would match. That way she cannot help but think of you every time she sees it. Does she collect anything? A cool candle burning stand, a pair of really cool pillows for her couch or bed, if you're really good, some clothing in her style (and size). Those things tell a girl you are keeper material, and can make her overlook some of your flaws.

past times

Well-Known Member
Dating really isnt that fun. I do like her. She burns candles...But hinestly don't want to just get her candles...Feels too generic. I am not the best for clothes shopping...She was looking at shoes but I couldnt see what kind...


Well-Known Member
God! How many of you guys have actually been in a long-term relationship?
Why do guys think THEY KNOW all about women?

YES- a teddy bear works IF she's that kind of person-- especially if you go get a baby T-shirt and have your name + her name or I <3 (her name) printed on it at the Mall...

Easter is comming- a basket with flowers, candy, and plastic eggs that YOU put little notes about how you feel in them.

Make dinner (or order-in if you can't cook) and ask around about what HER favorite Movie is... TV a movie- do some special dessert (whatever is her fave) then take her out dancing.

YES: many women are about the little things-- however- unfortunately... just like there are a lot of men who believe in the BBD... a lot of women do too..
No matter what you do- if it is focused on her and what SHE likes - not what a bunch of GUYS tell you a woman wants... morning dick- give me a F-ing break! We (and YOU) have Morning breath, possibly a hang-over if you go out to party, look and feel like crap etc....let HER decide & make the move- otherwise BAD MOVE!!!

Remember -- it's you GUYS who work on 90% hormones 10% everything else (and I'm being generous) when it comes to relationships.... you have to look at it from a woman's view of what is romantic, and acceptable for this stage of the relationship- not yours!
Are gift certificates for therapeutic massages an acceptable substitute?, would sure save a LOT of time.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Are gift certificates for therapeutic massages an acceptable substitute?, would sure save a LOT of time.
That is a great idea.
I've gotten my wife gift cert's for pedicure/toe painting.
She sure loves her little Asian dude to do her feet even if she can't understand him.


Well-Known Member
I don't think gift certificates are a good idea right now. They say you aren't really paying attention, you are passing the buck (maybe because you do not care enough), and they tend to put a price on your relationship. Women LOVE to know you care and are paying attention. It is waaay better to give a $20 thoughtful gift, than a $100 gift certificate (for you and your wallet). Of course, when you are married, these are perfectly acceptable.

Candle burners, not candles. I found this really cool one once (gave it to a few ladies) that when the candle burned, the light coming out would throw stars all ove the room. Kind of like this snowflake one, but the lid had the stars. Maybe a pair of wall sconces.



Well-Known Member
I don't think gift certificates are a good idea right now. They say you aren't really paying attention, you are passing the buck (maybe because you do not care enough), and they tend to put a price on your relationship. Women LOVE to know you care and are paying attention. It is waaay better to give a $20 thoughtful gift, than a $100 gift certificate (for you and your wallet). Of course, when you are married, these are perfectly acceptable.

Candle burners, not candles. I found this really cool one once (gave it to a few ladies) that when the candle burned, the light coming out would throw stars all over the room. Kind of like this snowflake one, but the lid had the stars. Maybe a pair of wall sconces.

You have to be the street smartest person I have yet to be around.You know your way around town .


Well-Known Member
Does she have long hair, and like to put it up, or back? Women love some cool hair clips!

Can't go wrong with Swarovski!

A little cheaper, yet effective, pewter

or even a cool silver ring (you gotta know the size)



Well-Known Member
take a picture of her, jizz on it, and post it all over the internet, femspermy style. share the results with her. boom! gifted.

edit: sorry, clayton's sig is doing weird things to my mind.


Well-Known Member
take a picture of her, jizz on it, and post it all over the internet, femspermy style. share the results with her. boom! gifted.

edit: sorry, clayton's sig is doing weird things to my mind.

Uh, my sig was inspired by your mind. That was one of the greatest things I have ever seen on the internet. The photo, timing, and placement scored a perfect 10.


Well-Known Member
Uh, my sig was inspired by your mind. That was one of the greatest things I have ever seen on the internet. The photo, timing, and placement scored a perfect 10.
why, i have no idea what you are talking about!

but seriously, a birthday gift for a girl you've only been seeing for a month or two is a tough one, and you do have some good ideas going.