My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
Hmm, not much on the net about it. Is it a few year old? Play around with the settings, it's got to have it on there.


Well-Known Member
its a lil under a year old... Yea I know i googled it yesterday and got mostly photo blog links....
its got a ton of manual settings that I know nothing about.. but Im gonna play with all that and see if I can figure it out...


Well-Known Member
Yea...if it has a ton of settings, then I'd bet my first unborn child that it's on there!

Good will notice a night and day difference using that setting.


Well-Known Member
well lets just go ahead and assume Im a bit of a idiot.. not hard Im sure... I dove head first into the bottom of my closet *not a appealing prospect* dug through the skeletons and retrieved the instructions to the camera in question.. and still no real info in that damn useless piece of pulp.. when I started dicking around with the shiny fucker I realized I had been overlooking a lil button on top of the thing with a flower on it... I have macro, auto macro, infinity??, manual focus (prolly should mess with that), and auto focus...
quickly took a couple of photos on auto macro and got better results. still not great though.. Ill play with it more when it looks like there is something to see there.. unless yall think it would be beneficial to been seen now.


Well-Known Member
Maybe try changing the ISO?

Also, do you have a lens you look through or an LCD screen. Put the camera right next to the plant and watch the LCD screen to adjust the focus on the image.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of the problem is Im reaching and really cant keep a steady hand... Next time I try to take up close node pics Im gonna take the plants out and get plenty of room to get steady..


Well-Known Member
Yea good idea. I'm the same way bro. I use to be addicted to xanax and now that I'm off that shit, my hands are never steady. Hard to hold anything without my hands totally flipping out.


Well-Known Member
Yea good idea. I'm the same way bro. I use to be addicted to xanax and now that I'm off that shit, my hands are never steady. Hard to hold anything without my hands totally flipping out.
same here bro!!! To many trips to lerado.... been off that and all pills for about 7 years now!! thank god


Well-Known Member
congrats Grn & hothouse,

I was severly addicted to oxy's, vicodin & all opiates basically...been off them for almost a year and my life is much, much better now.


Well-Known Member
congrats Grn & hothouse,

I was severly addicted to oxy's, vicodin & all opiates basically...been off them for almost a year and my life is much, much better now.
yea the clarity of life after just 9 months off was great! years later and im amazed I got so caught up... all in the pages of a life though....


Well-Known Member
ive got a fat bowl of purple haze and a nice lil bit of keif from various kind strains... memorial day smoke is on!!



Well-Known Member
while it looks yummy and all..... i really am digging this bud i am smoking in honor of people who have paid a great price for us.... some bfq-08 :D