My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
Sweet, I'll do the same. Go check out my journal. I added some pics of the stuff I just got.


Well-Known Member
Not much to report, Im in the third day of flowering, The first thing that I have found out is just how much more water they want when this change is made! Think i may have that under control now though... I got some tonic water and Im doing the twice a day spray for co2, at least for now... I dont think there is any sign of sex yet, Not sure how long it takes to show sex.. Ill have to read up a lil there I guess... And now some pics of the bushy lil buggers...


Well-Known Member
lookin good bro. I hope my pic helped with your question. I'll be watching your grow...good luck!!

I read your journal but I can't find the total wattage of your light set-up....I was just curious
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Well-Known Member
great...glad it did! and nevermind about your light size, I found it. You're gonna shit when you see how big they get now that you have switched them over to 12/


Well-Known Member
great...glad it did! and nevermind about your light size, I found it. You're gonna shit when you see how big they get now that you have switched them over to 12/
that is what I am getting told! I cant wait to see em start to flower~~


Well-Known Member
Good Morn. Sir. I Just Read The Othier Th. Looks Like Light Burn, Or Poss. Pottassum, What Are Your Levels On This. And Can U Confirm Or Deny These Rumors. Db. Lol :)


Well-Known Member
Good Morn. Sir. I Just Read The Othier Th. Looks Like Light Burn, Or Poss. Pottassum, What Are Your Levels On This. And Can U Confirm Or Deny These Rumors. Db. Lol :)
Just checked my ppm and it is up to 1220 from 870..... hrmp what can make it jump up like that??? All rumors are true btw! Except of course the one about the me the candy and the stranger:peace:....


Well-Known Member
Lol...candy!!! Your # Jump Is Prob. Do To Evap... Or The Plants Are Drinking There Water. Sounds Like An Adj. Is In Order, For A More Stable Run. Jmt's