Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
that's the thing. it's a lot of words with very little substance. the same thing over and over.
see below.
this is all you really needed to type. we get it. you're still fighting the cold war. and multiculturalism. and fluoride.
really, whoever john birch tells you is threatening the REAL america.
and you select a strawman, paint my face on it and claim victory with every whack at your shitty construct.
marxism IS alive and well, it just goes by dozens of names now, and the dolts who advocate the New Hotness like "Libertarian Socilaism" and the Green Party are completely oblivious to the actual nature of the ideology they are espousing.
should we all never mention marxism again so it can spread like a shitstain from a leaky diaper?
but since thats how you want to roll i shall crazyglue you to the ass of that good democrat George "Segregation Forever" Wallace.
why are you so hateful and racist? why are you so dead set against integrating the schools?
so sad.