I havn't made any supersoil, but I am going to this spring, I am a longtime AN user and with the results some of you guys are getting with supersoil I would have to be an idiot not to give it a go.
Peat moss has virtually zero nutrient value, the idea is to start off w/ a nutrient rich base soil.... so.... no. it's not the same.
TGA supersoil and base mixes in the bag are peat based as well, so definitely a GO!
you can do anything you want, thats the beauty of it. SS is just a tried and true method, by the recipe.
It wouldn't be "subcool/tga super soil" but it would be an amended mix. Sub didn't invent amended soil but his mix is fucking amazing and he is willing to share it with all of us. Most growers, specially outdoor, have a mix and a lot of them keep it kinda secret but they are all similar to a degree. Sub has built his recipe over time and the trial and error has been done already(thanks sub). Like mike said the point of super soil is taking good soil and making it super. Roots and FF are good soil on there own, I'm sure way more people go straight off the shelf to the pots with these than use it as base for amended mixes so no better place to start a super mix from. With promix it wouldn't be as strong and could potentially have a different final N-P-K than normal SS...or maybe it wouldn't cook right cause the base microbes weren't there and the amendments won't react on there own...who knows just thinking out loud. But I'm sure someone has their own promix version of SS that works. It would be super airy and light that's for sure.
all the microbes are there. just not a real strong mix to start with so you would have to add to the mix what ever its mixing. i learned a LOT watching the school of dank videos. subs the man, spoke for hours showing pictures, explaining in detail, and answering questions. i learned a lot tonight and im still not done watching the vids. thanks sub!
I was thinking about adding a little coco coir to my supersoil mix... along with the Roots base soil... any opinions?
I was also thinking about adding some soluable potash, for a little extra boost when they hit flower... any opinions on that?
Other than that, I was gonna throw in a small bag of OregonISM XL... my thinking being that more microbes and bennies the better.