The Weed Nerd~

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Well-Known Member
I think roots is very airy and light as far as soil goes, and that is cause it has more peat than other brand soils. I actually add 2 bag happyfrog to my 6 bags roots bags for my base to make it feel better to me.

My dad uses cheap shit like kellogs and MG then adds super soil amendments and grows huge beautiful 10 foot beasters outdoor every year with literally just water from the hose and some molasses occasionally. So seems the amendments are what really make the final soil so good. He is where I first learned about making soil then once I found Sub, his knowledge took me to the next level. The science of dank in action. After this last year my dad said he wants to do it exactly like mine(Subs recipe) cause mine turned out so good and is truly organic. We had some of the same cuts in each garden and mine blew his away in quality...smell, trichomes, potency. I don't grow them quite as big as him so he had me on yield but that was by choice.


Active Member
Since we are talking soil. A quick status update of Roots Organic soil. Still full of Fungus Gnats, they just can't get their shit together. I have this beautiful pungent mix of SS and every time I open it up to admire it I see little flies burrowing in the top. I can wait to kill these fuckers, enjoy it while it last lil buggers. I should have bought Empire Builder, I was so close to trying something new, then pussed out.


Well-Known Member
im going to try using happy from with more castings instead of the roots, too much bark for me, splinters from soil is just stupid....


Well-Known Member
I get the gnats issue just about every time as well -- gnats I can deal with though. I haven't had issues with it being hot and it's the best quality mix I can get where I'm at (no TGA available) so no choice really.


Alright Nerds, everytime I here this gnats talk I always wonder why I never get gnats any more....I grow in 100% Roots organics soil, this is all I use and I've never gotten least not in roots, and early on a had a few gnats and used powdered gnatrol per directions and they slowly dissapeared...what I an getting at guys and gals is that from what i've seen....most gnat problems can be attributed to overwatering or keeping the soil too wet for to long...what about potatoes or bannana's or what not. What happens to them when they get gnats were they in thee soil, I think not, but they seem to appear out of no where. What I'm trying to say is if you keep your soil a little dryer, gnats seem to never appear IDK just my observation. Peace


Active Member
Roots has a distributor or manufacturer who are located just blocks from a dump in Ca. If you are not on the West coast your soil may not come through that channel.


Active Member
U guys ever tried mosquito dunks for the gnat issue has bacillus Thuringiensis could grind it up and add to your soil mix works great for lots of different larvae won't kill the adults but all the offspring it will take care of the moth issue someone was talking about also. And it's omri Certafied


Well-Known Member
i think roots out of the bag is way too light.....amazing what they charge for their soil which is at least 30% perlite and pumice.......i agree with mike and wonder, EWC is key to building an excellent mix...and the higher quality the better, homemade from juicer pulp is the best on earth.


Active Member
A great alternative is VermiFire. (if available). Its very strong but mix in some coco as a cut and works great as a base in your SS mix


Well-Known Member
kind of playing around with it a bit, and maybe over-done it a bit... oh well.
my latest batch I just mixed:

pro-mix base
worm castings
2 bat guanos
fish bone meal
blood meal
dolomite lime
kelp meal
alfalfa meal
soft rock phosphate
humic acid

pirahna or tarantula, cant remember which
and one other brand of myco


Well-Known Member
this is the mix im going to try out.

2 large bales of promix
50 lbs of worm castings
5 lbs of blood meal
5 lbs of fish bone meal
6 lbs of bat guano
1 cup of powdered lime
1/2 cup of azomite
2 tbs of humic acid
4 oz great white mycorrhizae

the mix above makes about 8 cubic feet of super soil for about $200 and another $100 for the ingredients listed below.
and havent figured out the ratios for the below ingredients yet but still doing some research. but will be adding the following.

green sand
oyster shell flour
alfalfa meal
glacial rock dust
kelp meal


Well-Known Member
you can tell Spring is about to sprung, when everyone starts talking about mixing up their outdo soil!....headed to the shop this week to buy my ingredients.....TGA charge pack, vermifire and roots 50/50 for me this year....good luck everyone...

words of advice....don't over-do the will fuck your season up!


Well-Known Member
Morning nerds... I need to make more super soil but only because I'm running out :)

Getting ready to make strawberry space cake with this coconut oil i made last night :) my oil has a canna-gina. The rest of the day involves building a new flower cab and up potting my preflower sexed girls into bigger pots


This is my last timewreck I haven't decided if it's a girl or a male. Two hairs that look like pistils coming out but could also be normal hairs since they're not poking out far... the preflower looks female on one hand but also clawlike on the other... just can't decide on this one yet... one of the reasons to think it may be male -- it's the biggest plant but all the smaller ones have shown. Could just be a late bloomer too. I don't want it to be a boy it's already in a 3.4 gallon pot :)



Active Member
I've been using Black Gold Organic (orange label) and like it better than roots. For me its been bug free and I've had no deficiencies.

I also took a note from Nugbuckets and have made a layered effect (just like u do with super soil) with anything going into 1 gallon pots, just rooted seeds and clones. I throw in some Vermifire, about 1/3 on the bottom, then about an inch or 2 of Black Gold mixed with the vermifire (buffer layer) and then the rest with the Black Gold. Everythings been really happy with this set up.
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