Barack Obama

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Umm...That's taken straight out of Obama's "Blueprint for Change", Page 58. How many Obama supporters have read it? I'd be willing to bet nobody other than myself have read it and I do not support Obama.

VTXDAVE... I will admit that I haven't read Obama's Blueprint for Change.... why would I... I have NO INTENTION of voting for either of the Big 2 Party candidates. The days of my complacency with our government are now gone. My vote will never again be cast for a member of the big 2.

With that being said… I did go to page 58 of his Blueprint and .you are in fact correct… his blueprint “BLINDLY” says”:

Expand the Military
We have learned from Iraq that our military needs more men and women in uniform to reduce the strain on our active force. Obama will increase the size of ground forces,adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines.

I used the word BLINDLY because his “blueprint” doesn’t say HOW he will increase these numbers of soldiers (at least not on the 2 pages I skimmed). So what…. Is he expecting his mere election as President will have people flocking to join the military for service (kinda arrogant if he thinks so)… or perhaps maybe he’s planning on NOT letting the ones scheduled for an out date actually get OUT. Hmmmm the SHRUB got fried for that…. So how EXACTLY is he planning on getting more people to sign up to increase troop numbers?

VTX… you have me curious now… even though I have NO INTENTION on voting for either of the Big 2….. I have a sneaky suspicion that Obama is going to be our next POTUS.

No matter how much I hate the idea of another Big 2 candidate occupying 1600 Pennsylvania…ignorance is NOT bliss and I need to know what he’s up to. .. So I now have to read Obama’s entire Blueprint for Change to see what he has in mind. DAMMIT!!!! I figure I can get through it during a 2 hour soak in my tub. Wish me luck!



Well-Known Member
no polotician is worth a shit. good, upstanding people just dont go into the snake pit....

whats the saying? lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas?


Well-Known Member
I used the word BLINDLY because his “blueprint” doesn’t say HOW he will increase these numbers of soldiers (at least not on the 2 pages I skimmed). So what…. Is he expecting his mere election as President will have people flocking to join the military for service (kinda arrogant if he thinks so)… or perhaps maybe he’s planning on NOT letting the ones scheduled for an out date actually get OUT. Hmmmm the SHRUB got fried for that…. So how EXACTLY is he planning on getting more people to sign up to increase troop numbers?...
Wish me luck!

Good for you FG...I was directing my statement toward those who simply support Obama...just because.

As for his increase in troop strength...One needs to REALLY ask the question...WHY? I read that and then I ask the question: "If he intends to withdraw from Iraq, what is the need for more troops? The US military is stretched thin at the moment because we have forces deployed overseas as an occupying/police force, yes? If we're to withdraw, what's the need? If we weren't occupying Iraq and Afghanistan we wouldn't need tens of thousands of more troops. Anyone wanna see quotes of his regarding Iran? Scary. He's no different than Hillary or McCain.

Obama is smart, articulate, and concise. You'll find that when you read his "blueprint" that it'll "look good" on the surface...until you ask the hard questions and read between the lines. And that's why he'll probably be our next POTUS. Too many people are buying into the "Obama sez..." rhetoric.

Nobody has been able to refute any of my arguments against Obama...They're simply going to vote for him....BECAUSE. That's kind of how Bush won the election as well. Anytime I ask a supporter of Obama to explain his support of Patriot, his stance on keeping marijuana illegal, his last vote in favor of HR 4 (to expand the power of Homeland Security and provide tax dollars for it's expansion)...All I ever get from his supporters is..."I have to believe"...It's like goddamned Dogma.

And it's precisely these people that will perpetuate this problem. It's saddens me to hear kids already buying into this crap because it leads me to believe that nothing will change. Ron Paul will get my vote come November. I will write him in on my ballot.
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Well-Known Member
Ron Paul will not be on the ballot in november...
Regardless of him being on the ballet or not, I'm writing him in my ballet! Learn about RON PAUL because he stands up for our personal rights. I beg you guys just to learn about him, you might be surprised how much integrity he has.

He wants for us to get rid of the IRS and the Federal Reserve. Income tax is unconstitutional and the Fed Reserve is a actually a private company-These are the people that print OUR money!!




Active Member
Yeppers. Couldn't have said it better...And we'll conveniently overlook the fact that Obama voted for the Patriot Act as well, yeah? You know...That Act that everyone likes to blame on Bush? That Act that suspends Habeas Corpus? That Act that pisses on the 4th Amendment? Go ahead and vote for a candidate that voted for that...And when you're sitting in a cell after being arrested for possession and/or intent to sell, and haven't been read your rights and not been before a judge...Maybe you'll then think about who you supported when you voted.

Go Obama....You folks popping boners over an asshat like Obama make me grin. Let's not scrutinize his voting record, let's just "hope and believe" :lol:

Might as well be Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz clicking your glass slippers together and saying "There's nobody like Obama! There's nobody like Obama!" ;) :lol:
Obama wasn't in the Senate in 2001 when the original bill was passed. The only person to whose vote was opposed was Feingold.

Obama supported the SAFE act as an alternative. He wanted to change the PATRIOT act and expressed that he recognized the dangers but ultimately ended up voting on a compromise bill. Obama knew that the bill would be passed and the best use of his time would be to lessen the danger of the bill. He did however vote to filibuster Bush's version of the bill.

Regardless of him being on the ballet or not, I'm writing him in my ballet!
Oh, ffs. Go ahead, write his name on a ballot one person will see before they throw it in a spoilt vote bin.

Nobody has been able to refute any of my arguments against Obama...They're simply going to vote for him....BECAUSE. That's kind of how Bush won the election as well.
Sorry, I disagree. Bush won not through ignorance of the American people but apathy. By you drawing a little box on your ballot in November, ticking it and writing Ron Paul next to it is basically saying 'I don't care about the legitimate candidates' I'm going to vote for who I want to be president. Which is apathy, by you not voting you are letting other people decide for you which is what happened in 2000. When only a quarter of the country picked the president. You can write JFK next to that box, he still isn't going to be president. If you don't like Obama thats fine, you did cite his vote for the compromised PATRIOT act which is a good reason. Ultimately I think Obama the best he could given the circumstances. Perhaps you should vote for McCain.

Please don't make people out who support Obama to be fools, every candidate has their trolls and quote the 'Obama/McCain/Clinton sez' stuff, even Ron Paul has those supporters.
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Well-Known Member
obama cant even figure out an entire thought on the MMJ situation. I saw him speaking the other day on tv about it and he was saying some crap about how he would like to "investigate" marijuanas medical purposes a little more thoroughly. so basically he's trying to get the MMJ voters by saying he wants to do some research.

not to mention all the million other times he's answered the question with an incomplete or wish washy answer.

too bad ron paul wont make it :(

Id rather vote for clinton than obama (so shoot me for it.) but seriously... she's less likely to fuck it up.

and mccain is just voting in another 4 years of bush. so anyone who votes that way is just plain idiotic. you voted bush in once. somehow beleived his fearmongering and voted him in again... PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THE FUCKING COUNTRY DONT DO IT A THIRD TIME.

also, Im moving to canada if mccain wins. who is with me? lol.

and yeah. what about obama's vote for the patriot act? wtffff.

I wont be surprised if he sends all our money to africa at this point (although i know he physically cant do that, but still). obama definitely doesnt have my vote....
unless it comes down to obama and mccain then i have to vote for obama by default which will suck. but its better than not voting at all.

either way, all the presidential caniditates suck, soooooo we just gotta pick the least sucky one.


Well-Known Member
also, Im moving to canada if mccain wins. who is with me? lol.
I've honestly been thinking about it. The Canadians are peaceful people. I would rather deal with the cold winters than get drafted to fight in a war that is only benefiting the rich while gas prices still rise. The system is corrupt I tell ya...


The Stig

Well-Known Member
well its really nice to actually see some politician to have the balls to accept they tried marijuana or any other drug :clap:

but we still have a long way to go before its been really accepted by most of the people like something normal


Well-Known Member
Obama wasn't in the Senate in 2001 when the original bill was passed. The only person to whose vote was opposed was Feingold.
I'm fully aware of that. The Patriot Act was reauthorized in 2006 by both the House and Senate, of which Obama was a participant. Obama, McCain, Hillary all voted in favor. I'll tell you who didn't vote in favor....Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.

Say what you want but when all is said and done...if a Senator votes "yes" on a bill, he/she is giving it their approval. Unless on is like Kerry and say something like "I voted against the war before I voted for the war..."...A yes vote is a yes vote... I don't care how one paints it, Obama voted for Patriot and that Act is one of the most grievous pieces of legislation to strip us of our freedoms this side of CALEA and FISA.

And let's not forget that Obama et. al. also voted for Senate Bill 4, the "Improving America's Security Act" of 2007. One of the items described in the bill is for further expansion and power of the Department of Homeland Security. Yeppers, let's give the Department of Homeland Security more, and broader, power over the populace.
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New Member
Regardless of him being on the ballet or not, I'm writing him in my ballet! Learn about RON PAUL because he stands up for our personal rights. I beg you guys just to learn about him, you might be surprised how much integrity he has.

He wants for us to get rid of the IRS and the Federal Reserve. Income tax is unconstitutional and the Fed Reserve is a actually a private company-These are the people that print OUR money!!


Ron Paul is full of shit...I think you need to learn more about the history of our country instead of spending all your time watching those bullshit youtube videos...
ps...I really enjoyed Ron Pauls endorsement of the John Birch Society....dumbass


Well-Known Member
i doubt he'll legalize it without alot of push. He doesn't use it anymore...your thinking of bush.


New Member
Do you find the Patriot Act, Department of Homeland Security, and expansion of our military (for starters) a good thing?
the Patriot Act and the Dept. of Homeland Security are redundant, there were are laws dealing with this stuff. As far as a larger military...if your a war monger like our president you better have a larger military...


Well-Known Member
the Patriot Act and the Dept. of Homeland Security are redundant, there were are laws dealing with this stuff. As far as a larger military...if your a war monger like our president you better have a larger military...
That's not what I asked though and it's not Bush calling for a larger military, it's Obama.