Florida Girl
Well-Known Member
Umm...That's taken straight out of Obama's "Blueprint for Change", Page 58. How many Obama supporters have read it? I'd be willing to bet nobody other than myself have read it and I do not support Obama.
VTXDAVE... I will admit that I haven't read Obama's Blueprint for Change.... why would I... I have NO INTENTION of voting for either of the Big 2 Party candidates. The days of my complacency with our government are now gone. My vote will never again be cast for a member of the big 2.
With that being said I did go to page 58 of his Blueprint and .you are in fact correct his blueprint BLINDLY says:
Expand the Military
We have learned from Iraq that our military needs more men and women in uniform to reduce the strain on our active force. Obama will increase the size of ground forces,adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines.
I used the word BLINDLY because his blueprint doesnt say HOW he will increase these numbers of soldiers (at least not on the 2 pages I skimmed). So what . Is he expecting his mere election as President will have people flocking to join the military for service (kinda arrogant if he thinks so) or perhaps maybe hes planning on NOT letting the ones scheduled for an out date actually get OUT. Hmmmm the SHRUB got fried for that . So how EXACTLY is he planning on getting more people to sign up to increase troop numbers?
VTX you have me curious now even though I have NO INTENTION on voting for either of the Big 2 .. I have a sneaky suspicion that Obama is going to be our next POTUS.
No matter how much I hate the idea of another Big 2 candidate occupying 1600 Pennsylvania ignorance is NOT bliss and I need to know what hes up to. .. So I now have to read Obamas entire Blueprint for Change to see what he has in mind. DAMMIT!!!! I figure I can get through it during a 2 hour soak in my tub. Wish me luck!