iranian autos-fisrt auto grow-first journal


Active Member
Just stumbled onto this thread, I put some IAF out this season unfortunately I just found out now that they need to be 12-16" before putting outside. Mine were 6-7" when I put them out I assumed they would veg to a decent size before going to flower but they only grew up to a foot and flowered right away! Damn live and learn I guess, I was hoping for at least a oz per plant but its looking like I'm only gonna get around 10gs. Plz tell me she stretches in flower!?


Sector 5 Moderator
Man, Yinyang that blows. It's been my experience with autos that if you disturb or stress them in the least they stop growing dead in their tracks. They flower but they stop growing taller or bushier. I'm sure your IAF will be much better smoke than the trash I paid good money for. Never buy from; all their seeds totally suck.