iranian autos-fisrt auto grow-first journal


Well-Known Member
i have grown this strain many times. wait till you smoke it! they are as potent as any strain you can think of


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit! Your a NINJA!
They look good!
Cant wait for the smoke report. Ive heard they are dam good.


Well-Known Member
well the only thing ive smoked so far off it was parts of that cola that realy needed more time. i can say i realy like it alot as does everyone ive smoked it with. people are stoked wondering where i got it from. ill wait to give a real report when i chop the stuff that is ready and it dries and cures for a bit. i may take some down tonight ill post pics if i do. but so far its dam good. smooth even though its not cured and skunky yet a tad fruity at the same time. i will grow these again and totaly recomend them. ill have more on them later when they are done for real. peace.


Well-Known Member
iranians (11).jpgView attachment 1182813View attachment 1182807View attachment 1182806View attachment 1182805View attachment 1182804View attachment 1182803View attachment 1182802well i've been meaning to post these pics for awile now. these are pics from 5 of 7 iranians i took down in early july about the first. i can't say enough good about these plants. they will have a place in my garden next year and so will their crosses. the buds all turned out nice, dense, fruity, just good ass smoke. i had lots of doubters saying they were not grown outdoor that big and early. the smoke is powerfull, forget what your doing, eat alot, feel as if your tripping at times buzz. even for the folks who smoke alot. i realy can't express how much i enjoyed these plants. sorry it's taken me months to do a final report things have been busy in my neck of the woods. these are by far not the biggst plants i grew (growing) this year but they were the true standouts of the croud. they were just differant for a change. everyone i smoked out loved it, and i took it to many shows and puffed with lots of folks. 7 plants gave us just about 35 ozs-one only had about 2-3 the biggest had easily 8-9 it was also 4 foot a freak one for these i assume. the last 4 i had i just took down a few days ago they did well also but are not dry as of yet.


Sector 5 Moderator
OMG, that is one bad ass grow!! I tried to give you a rep but it said I must spread it around first. I love pic #3; that cola on the right must weigh a lb just by itself. I can not wait to grow some of this!! Thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. yes i would totaly recomend growing some. i was realy thinking they were going to be crap being autos but i recieved a nice surprise. i also grew some lowryder#2Xak 47 that was about fit for the trash heap. total trash. those are the only two autos i've ever grown. unless you count mighty mite.


Well-Known Member
very well done you have any pics of dryed bud?..a yeild of 35 oz's from 7 girls is great for autos IMO


Well-Known Member
i do have some pics of dried bud along with some good pics of my regular season plants. they are on a flash drive that i got paranoid and put somewhere a few days ago and still can't find. it hasn't left my room so like everything ill find it sooner or later or my girl will most likely and i'll post them. i'd like to add that i yeilded about 2ozs max from 3 lowryder#2Xak47s that were total trash- you win some and you loose some. i just harvested 4 more iranians and while they were nice like the first 7 they were planted along side plants that got high nitrogen. the high nitrogen content of the soil made them a little crispy took them awile to recover while blooming and i only harvested about half as much from each. so if you grow these plants-low nitrogen. it's the way they like it. i bet if i had known from the begining the ferts they liked i could have done a little better even on the first 7 i used to much initially.


Sector 5 Moderator
I bought some mini-thunderfuck seeds, along with some others. The breeder claimed 2' plants, huge, fat buds shimmering with sugar. My largest plant, out of about 50 plants, was a foot tall and yielded only maybe 5 grams, not to mention that it's schwag. I bet there was never a MTF even in the same country as that. I've smoked it and that auto mini garbage ain't even close. I can't wait to get some Iranian autos going.


Well-Known Member
i can't wait to grow some more myself. i see the dr. has a few crosses with them now for sale i'm going to give some of them a try next summer and possibly a little indoor setup depending on how the women of the houshold reacts to it?


Well-Known Member
the Iranian OG is amazing. many of the oldtimers say its the most potent smoke they ever had. mine finished around Septmber 1st with about 2 pounds a plant


Well-Known Member
Great thread, I'm convinced.

Are the beans in stock, I wonder? Better go see...



Well-Known Member
some folks asked me to do a final smoke report on the iranians as i never gave as much detail as i could. first i'd say these plants are every bit as potent as regular season plants, hands down. in fact better than most. the buds ended up being mostly skunkyish, hashy in smell and quite stinky. when you opened a bag you people sure noticed. the bag apeal is also nice the plants turn out small and compact with solid nice sized chunky rounded buds. nice big seed pods (unseeded). i had a few people tell me that this was some of the best bud they had ever smoked and these are old time stoners. after a good cure- i lightly trimmed, hung them for about 4-7 days, threw them in brown paper bags for a couple more, then final trimmed and put in big glass, opened for daily then almost daily for weeks- the bud are a nice golden green color. the smoke is super expanding in your lungs. lots of people smoking cough, not that shitty bud cough but the holy shit this is good cough. it makes my head humm at times. actually just smoked a little i was saving for chrismas new years buds but it's close enough to tap in. they have got better with time i believe. they were put in a freezer after about a month. if i was to rate the bud on a scale of 1-10 i'd have to say 8.5-9 it's pretty much as good as my favorite buds. some i can think of brothers grimm c-99, legends LUI, and blueberry to name my faves. this is what i will be filling a bigger part of my garden with this year. probly will try one or two of the iranian crosses also, they must be good it's not like crossing a quick plant with a desirable plant simply for quicker flowering, the iranian is all you could wish for in it's own way. but variety is the spice of life must have variety.
well i'm buying a new camera after christmas is over my last was trashed it got wet to many times. so i'll have better pics and journal for something next summer. maybe i'll do a couple. this was the first year ever with autos, unless mighty mite counts, i think kind off. and it was nice and having a partner for the first time worked out he is family though and i'd trust him with my life.


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks so much Sodalite!! That is a great report and I am looking forward greatly to growing some of these babies!!!


Well-Known Member
thank you, and to everyone who checked out my journal and progress. next summer i will definitly pick another plant or two that are not the most common and do a journal again. it was alot of fun, and encouraging to grow nice if others are paying attention.


Well-Known Member
Sodalite, how long from putting them outside till you harvested them please?

I have some gowing inside right now that are 18" tall. There not going out till May 4th, so I was just trying to get an idea how long after May 4th when they are placed outdoors will I be chopping them?

I know its 90 days from seed to harvest when its all done outside, but prolonging the vegg period inside will extend the 90 day period.

Thanks for your help.