Comment on my CFL Flowers

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
She is now on 18/6 and I have a shotglass in her tent to make the humidity a bit higher. I kept turning her around to examine and she is growing diagnally. lol


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
8 days old


She seems to be growing at a normal rate now. Her second set is still pushing out.

I am going to transplant her this thurs/friday into a larger pot.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I like how she's growing a bit to the side, she looks like she's belly dancing lol
Lol. She started growing angled from the light being off to the side of her humidity dome. Then when I put her directly under the light she bent towards it. So she's got a belly bump like me now!


Well-Known Member
Now she's back on track ;) She will LOVE her bigger pot.....I like the little purple tinge to her ;)

All that dancing is keeping her in belly's the start of a 6 pack damit!


Active Member
Flame congrats both ways. I have been following acids thread and found yours come to find out we both are 8 days along, if its okay ill try to get a pic up. Kinda stupid when it comes to uploading. Mine looks the same but in hydro

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
This two is my second grow. I'm still at 24hr light. I saw you are at 18/6 a couple days ago should I be
Everyone has a different preference. My marijuana grow guide says this.

It is important for normal development that the plants receive a regulated day/night cycle. We emphatically recommend that you use an automatic electric timer (about $8). A timer makes gardening much easier, since you don't have to turn the lights on or off each day. The plants won't suffer from irregular hours or your weekend vacations. Set the timer so that the plants get about 16 to 18 hours of light a day, and leave it on this setting until the plants are well grown (three to six months) and you decide to trigger flowering. During the seedling and vegetative stages of growth, the plants may be subjected to light during their night period. During flowering, however, the night period must be completely dark. The plants grow more slowly with less than 16 hours of artificial light a day, and they may flowers prematurely. Some growers leave the lights on up to 24 hours. A cycle longer than 18 hours, may increase the growth rate, especially if the plants are not saturated with light. A longer cycle is helpful in small gardens, such as under standard four-foot fixtures.
~ Marijuana Growers Guide - Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal


Active Member
Thank you couldn't remember what I did last time. Will flip to 18 6 in the morning at 9. As that will leave me time to mess with her when I get off of work and once in the morning before work. Loaded the pics to photobucket but I'm on a phone and can't figure out how to put them here