Comment on my CFL Flowers

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Main cola and a side cola trimmed. Took me 2 hours to trim them bitches. I got almost every leaf outta them.

Going to start trimming the rest tomorrow after work. Sticky work.

Mister Black

Active Member
I've read that somewhere between 5-10 days of drying is needed before curing. ANyone care to comment?

depends.... RH in your drying area/ size of buds/type of weed/type of drying method used......

quite a few variables but I used 4-7 days as a guide. One of my plants was dry before the 4 days. Another took a week to dry. I place them on a mesh screen and leave in warm, dry and dim place with good airflow without having significant airflow onto the plants themselves. Next grow might try paper bag method instead if I can find the right paper bags. Heard it is quite easy that way.


Well-Known Member
hang em 7-10 days til they kinda feel crispy on the outside then jar check next day will probably feel wet again leave jar open a few hrs will feel a lil crispy again cap jar check it next day do that for a month or more....stir the budr around a lil when open to help exchange the air and get it around the buds

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I got the majority of the trimming done last night. took me three hours.

All that is left is some popcorn buds.

She smelled like oranges the ENTIRE time of trimming. MMMmmm.

I'll post pics of the line up in a day or two.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I did a close trim on most of the main nugs. Only popcorn left on plant.

Was gonna trim the popcorn, but then I got pissed and said fuck it.

Smoke tested some of the bud that has been drying since sunday. Sprinkled a pinch of hash on top, so I am mighty relaxed right now. I think it is time to jar that bud up. Then everyday I will jar some more.

Turned off the light/fan timer.

Will be posting clone updates this weekend.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
So I jarred a third of my harvest today. Weighed it at .8 and ounce. I think I am gonna net an ounce and a half. :bigjoint:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Picture time!


I let a cola get too close to the light and she burnt up. I've been really busy with work lately.

She has been getting 1/4 tsp of maxibloom per gallon. I think I may bump her up to 1/2 a tsp. She is 4 weeks into flowering, so I only have 2 1/2 weeks (pos 5-6 feedings) left before flushing.


Lookin' bad ass man. you're going to have a good yield I suspect. One little tip though. you might want to see about hanging some of those CFLs down by the stalks so they shine up under the leaves too..You'd be really surprised how worth it it is to move those lights around and make sure youre getting good penetration. I'd have to say that's the one downside to cfls, they don't quite penetrate like an HID does, but the other andavtage is that they don't get that hot so you can move them to the sides or close to the plants and you won't be burning them...You'll have big wheat plants putting an HID that close lol


Well-Known Member
You know what a harvest of 1.5 zips means don't you Pie? It means your gonna try more plants and more lights next time. Nice looking little grow budski. I like CFL's. They are cheap and do a fine job for what they are. I got just about 5 zips off of four plants under CFL's last season and couldn't have been happier. :D

I was going to "UPGRADE" my set up but decided four plus ounces was a pretty good yield of top quality bud and I was already to go again so WTF! I could be germinating my Juicy Fruity Chronic (or something) tomorrow. I also think I could shorten the grow time and achieve the same yield. Keep it going Pie!! Don't stop now. :peace:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Sorry bout lack of pictures. I have been super busy at work. Unfortunately, I forgot to water my plant for a few days and she showed signs of deficiencies. Sigh...


I am prob going to add some side lighting today. I will also add the canopy fan.

Update on the cure:
She smells like oranges almost. I have been venting the jars for an hour each day, and I will be checking the moisture today.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Back to the grow again!

I germinated a Mazar x Great White Shark a few days ago. It was a freebie I got from the Northern Lights order.

She sprouted above soil yesterday morning, but had the damn seed skin on her cotyledons. I waited till tonight and then finally said "fuck it" and tried to take it off with a needle. I was a little too rough and she lost a cotyledon. bummer.


The true leaves are still there, and I have seen grows with one cotyledon, so I'm not too worried. If she had gone another 12-24hrs without being able to open (for a total of 72 hours) she wouldn't have been able to start photo synthesizing.

My first grow, 1 of my 2 seedlings had the same prob. I managed to get the skin off without incident then.

I expect The cotyledon to be flat and the true leaves to show a big change overnight.