Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights


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All the company owners that took stimulus money and then expanded their business overseas, need to go to jail.
i would say they need to be divested of all possessions and executed; and their offspring held accountable for making further reparations. but that's just me.

on a side note but in a similar vein:

a few nights ago the wife and i were shopping at a Kohl's in Beaverton, Oregon; despite it being about 6 in the evening they only had 3 employees in the store that we could find... a single cashier, someone working the returns counter, and one person tending to the fitting rooms.

it was very frustrating to try to find things in the store, and while wandering around the store PA system would interrupt the muzak to make the announcement that we were shopping in one of their new high energy efficiency stores (whatever they called it), and sited "reduced operating costs" as a qualifying criteria.

i deduced that to mean that they run it with a skeleton crew to reduce payroll. meaning that "job creation" is not a priority for them (nor is the customer service that would have resulted from having employees there to assist customers not just take their money). they had the typical onslaught of Made in China products; and that fact coupled to the previous indicates typical corporate greed for profit while disregarding the little guy that earns said profit for them, and bullshits us about it to make us feel good about selling out our country and economy to foreign interests.


Active Member
I don't think you destroy capitalism since it creates an environment where one can be rewarded for hard work and innovation. Create products that the customer wants and protect your research and products from being ripped off. That is what Steve Jobs did and that is what Mike Nevins and iGROW did by pointing out the miscreants and suing them to stop those practices or having an unfair advantage by claiming Made in the USA when the products were not.

Whenever some Chinese company tried to knock off the Apple brand Jobs was right there to shut them down. You have to be that way in today's world market to keep unscrupulous companies from raiding those that truly wish to manufacture their products in the USA. If there were more companies out there like Apple and FSS/iGROW highlighting foul play we could be assured a turn around in the economy certainly while this president is still in office!

Kite High

Well-Known Member
But Apples are made in China, only designed how did Jobs do anything but outsource manufacturing to China like everyone else does? What is the difference? Still made more jobs in China and less here. I do not follow this analogy unless you are trying to make a point I do not see


Active Member
There is a difference in that Jobs made no effort to keep jobs in the US but he did have the vision to see an entire new way of looking at an old technology. That's what iGROW has done with FSS. They took a known solid technology in induction and turned into a lighting system that would, in the case of FSS, 90% made in the USA. My point was that it took visionaries like these guys to see what others had missed. Both Jobs and Nevins shared a common trait in that they have been bullish in protecting their brands and any claims by competitors that attempted to make which could mislead the public.

iGROW has a significant competitive advantage by their having established a working relationship with a reputable US company that has the resources necessary to pursue patents, ongoing university research, USDA accreditation all geared towards the small to large agricultural market. I guess what I was getting at is that Jobs thought outside of the box and so do these guys as they have developed the first and only EFDL system specifically designed for the indoor gardening markets. Thus giving them the edge in energy efficiency, long life span, high yields, area coverage, fast ROI, etc., that no competing technology can even come close to achieving.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
So Jobs made it hard to profit off of his name and still fucked over the USA say this company is doing the same but kept a few design jobs here...and assembly of some parts in the USA as well...


Active Member
So Jobs made it hard to profit off of his name and still fucked over the USA say this company is doing the same but kept a few design jobs here...and assembly of some parts in the USA as well...
I guess an argument could be made that Jobs screwed over the American worker but it really is a result of the Republicans making it too easy to take these jobs overseas. FSS saw this early on and began to build their area lights with customized housings and reflectors. All of this is made and then assembled in the USA. In some respects Nevins has done more for American manufacturing than Jobs ever did. Jobs sold out but the Republicans and the existing tax laws make it so. FSS has stayed vigilant in shutting down the competition who makes the claim their products are made in the USA but instead just repackage the Chinese products with their stickers.


Well-Known Member
My German Made "Kinder surprise" qualifies as "Manufactured in America" too, because I put the toy together in my house.


Active Member
Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

Beef this is for you! This is a serious problem in the USA and FSS will ardently pursue those that make claim to Made in the USA and bring the full force of the law down on these idiots!

FSS has done even more to protect the American worker by posting a whistle blower hotline on their website to help enforce the ARRA provisions. Hopefully it helps stem the tide of Chinese ripoffs in the grow light industry as well.

When President Obama passed the ARRA in February of 2009, it seemed that Full Spectrum Solutions was in the right place at the right time because the ARRA had a Buy American provision (Section 1605) that required ARRA funds be spent on U.S. manufactured goods. “We thought we had just won the lottery because we were one of only a few lighting companies that were actually manufacturing in the U.S.,” exclaimed Michael Nevins, President/CEO of Full Spectrum Solutions. However, Nevins soon realized this was not the case.

“Shortly after ARRA funds were allocated, supposed U.S. lighting manufacturers were popping up right and left,” Nevins said. “It wasn’t difficult to prove that our competitors’ claims of being ‘Made in the U.S.A.’ were part of a ‘get rich quick’ scheme.” After spending months watching jobs being awarded to companies falsely claiming to be U.S. manufacturers, Full Spectrum Solutions engaged U.S. Congressman Mark Schauer, who is currently working on addressing trade issues with China and was very familiar with the situation. Full Spectrum Solutions presented Schauer’s office with evidence they had gathered over the last six months, resulting in his office conducting its own investigation to verify the allegations presented by Full Spectrum Solutions were correct. After concluding their investigation, Scahuer’s office began their own initiative to pursue the issue. On June 22nd Congressman Schauer wrote Vice President Joe Biden on behalf of all U.S. manufacturers, American taxpayers, and American workers.

Less than three weeks later, Schauer’s office received a response letter from the Vice President outlining ways in which the DOE and the Office of Management and Budget are addressing the concerns made by Schauer’s office. According to the letter, the DOE has done the following: sent letters of inquiry to the companies identified in Full Spectrum’s submission, asking them to submit documentation confirming that the products in question were manufactured in the U.S.; sent a “Program Alert” to all grantees reminding them of their responsibilities under the Buy American Act; and created a Buy American complaints “hotline” function on its website.


Well-Known Member
No capitalism means a few people don`t have to work they just have money

but most systems have a few elite people at the top that get way more then their fare share

The only way capitalism works is if people need to earn money so you need most people to need money and or not have enough it`s purely to exploit people I mean think how much "money" just having money takes ? Lawyers, accountants, taxes, banks and so on

If we had a simple enough system we could get rid of so many jobs that don`t do anything in the real world, and we would not be wasting resources on simply keeping track of money and having it.

If everyone just shared the extras they have it might work I mean humans have been trading for years money seams to be another one of these things to make people shut up and go to work so the fat cats can stay fat

It can`t really buy you anything I mean see if money can get you water during a real full on drought ? then you find out that it`s only real use is lighting fires, wiping your ass with and remembering what people from history look like !

Yeah NI really takes its toll on the uk tax payer but I`d rather that then have no health care, most big company's and rich people even MP`s dodge their tax`s I mean as soon as people catch onto the dodges they start to change the law to outlaw it so why even do it ?

It`s not illegal yet but it`s against the spirit of the law ?

It`s like me saying to the cops "well weed is not legal now but you know it will be soon so lets not waste your time go catch some kiddy fucking rapist can when your all done with the real crimes come back and see me if weeds not legal by then"

on a side note as long as no ones getting hurt people should be able to do what ever they want in their homes and I don`t think any government has the right to ban any plant hence why if need be I`d just plain refuse to recognize that as a power my government has

I`d be a political prisoner lol


Well-Known Member
Ok let's get one thing straight, capitalism does not work period, how do I know? What are my sources? How about millions of people starving of hunger, how about trees being chopped down, water being polluted, and in the mean time corporations owned by unknown faces are being paid billions, while the hard workers can barely fee their families. What are my sources you ask? OPEN YOUR EYES


New Member
or what about all the homeless people that are in every single city and town in the US, right next to rows of foreclosed houses...


you know... houses that banks foreclosed on...


Well-Known Member
Why did anyone bother bailing out goldman sacks ? I mean the banks and shit failed in Zimbabwe and the sun still came up the next day there`s no reason to go giving banks money sorry to say the way we know money now was some kind of bullshit the king made up a long time ago so that he could borrow gold from many people and never have to pay it back.

While I`m bitching the world just is not ready for a real money system look at the euro it`s starting to cause a lot of the members loads of trouble because they can`t all stay in balance, I`m half spanish and half greek cypriot.

The euro made the cypriot currency worth less and has made it really expensive over there, spain on the other had is too relaxed now days people never really worked full time there people also just had jobs as a means to make some money to get by not work them self`s to death for some money

So what can we do ? Just start using weed instead of money ? lol


Active Member
I say hell yes use weed as a commodity! Let these idiots slip back into the oblivion from where they came! Paper fuel food meds clothes. It'll never happen but you can take responsibility for yourself and you family. grow your own gardens and use the right products to maximize yield and quality. Nuff said! Can we get this back on track now with iGROW?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of economies in decline, one need only look at Detroit MI to see what is in store for many more cities here in the US. When they do file for bankruptcy protection, which they will unless there is a federal bailout, a city that is 83% African American will be subject to a group of rich white guys, but ultimately one will be a figurehead (what do you want to bet it's a black guy?), who will act as the Trustee to determine who gets what. They are going to need lots of good weed to keep those masses from going nuclear.

In today's Reuters news:

Ok Gordo you can now return us to your normal programming


Well-Known Member
It`s not the size that counts hyroot its the Par per watt

but it`s not the Par it`s what you do with it ! bam

Maybe we should talk about some non igrow induction lights ?

It don`t matter what colour people are poor people is poor people to rich foke we`re all fucking slaves even if they like it or not most people have no choice but to do the job their best qualified to do at the best rate and conditions they can find on the other hand someone that is rich can go to Africa and shoot almost anything they want

Nope colour aint anything when all you see is green we`re all niggers to the rich guys..................