Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights

inda-gro is a pro growers light if you do some real reading and stop letting your asses chat it up with your mouths you'd get off the forums buy one and see for yourself. You either vibe with something or you don't, in this case we're talking about the truth. So vibe with the real deal or don't. But i'll tell you first hand, what a feeling to let my girls do their thing keep it stupid simple and hit the gym and keep my body healthy and happy as well. Run a 9000 BTU ac and a couple fans no ducting except for the AC, and just have a great time vaping bag after bag of my previos IG harvest, i'll tell you at my young age I am quite grateful and blessed. If you want to ask stupid questions go to the newbie forum but if you want to support IG Lighting and actually learn more from some people who are in the field using and growing with Inda-gro lights then this is the place to be. I run 1260 watts and don't have to worry about heat or any issues, and i'm chillin in an old peoples apartment ;) 8 inch inline and a presh filter and a duct muffler (silencer). Life is great, I take care of the ladies hand water them and always spend time with them we listen to lots of Francisco Tarrega and Mozart and Bach and fill up digital volcano bags and observe the short internodal growth and the dank spectrum light so the plants can take the spectrums of light THEY need when they need it. Its not my job to control them to that extent, I just share my co2 with them and love them a lot and provide the water (elixir of life) for their roots to soak up. Keep it simple. the 1260 watts 3 pro 420's covers a 4 x 8 comfortably and a 5 x 5 no prob. Anyways give thanks and stay lifted and remember, the Inda-Gro pro420 is def worth it and the more people who support Induction the sooner the industry can take off all over the states ;) Guys who make these lights work hard and there's no doubt they deserve to do well for themselves. I know i am, take care
thanks chaz i'm gonna start posting more vids and pics hopefully more and more people will step up and get excited over all this dank technology and even more excited when they realize how it works and what it means to create artificial light and more accurately provide a sense of bio-mimicking nature. We owe it all to nature and truly everything we do here is consecrated to our Mother Earth. Anyways Inda Gro strives to enlighten people, not sell them a product or rip them off in any way. The more people who are enlightened the cheaper the price of the fixtures will eventually have to be. We gotta work with what we got and right now I am more than grateful for these well designed and warrantied lights that provide a great source of energy for my plants to thrive. night guys
I think; Par/W x AREA² might be a good method for helping to determine the value of a light. Having 5000umoles covering 2ft/sq is as almost as pointless as 50umoles covering 10sq/ft.

Let me see if this has any merit at all...

@ 12" the upcoming Area 51 panel is 1065umoles @ 145W and covers 6ft/sq.

That's; 7.34Par/W x 6ft/sq which gives us 44.04.

@ 24" The CLW SS800W is 1085umoles @ 650W and covers 16ft/sq.

That's; 1.67Par/W x 16ft/sq which gives me 26.72.

@ 12" my area 51 AF-240 (old generation) is 1750umoles @ 439W and covers about 6.25ft/sq.

That's; 3.98Par/W x 6.25ft/sq which gives me 24.91.

Seems reasonable? Coverage and uMoles seem to be inversely proportional.
thanks chaz i'm gonna start posting more vids and pics hopefully more and more people will step up and get excited over all this dank technology and even more excited when they realize how it works and what it means to create artificial light and more accurately provide a sense of bio-mimicking nature. We owe it all to nature and truly everything we do here is consecrated to our Mother Earth. Anyways Inda Gro strives to enlighten people, not sell them a product or rip them off in any way. The more people who are enlightened the cheaper the price of the fixtures will eventually have to be. We gotta work with what we got and right now I am more than grateful for these well designed and warrantied lights that provide a great source of energy for my plants to thrive. night guys
funny how you just showed up to this thread. Just sayin
I think; Par/W x AREA² might be a good method for helping to determine the value of a light. Having 5000umoles covering 2ft/sq is as almost as pointless as 50umoles covering 10sq/ft.

Let me see if this has any merit at all...

@ 12" the upcoming Area 51 panel is 1065umoles @ 145W and covers 6ft/sq.

That's; 7.34Par/W x 6ft/sq which gives us 44.04.

@ 24" The CLW SS800W is 1085umoles @ 650W and covers 16ft/sq.

That's; 1.67Par/W x 16ft/sq which gives me 26.72.

@ 12" my area 51 AF-240 (old generation) is 1750umoles @ 439W and covers about 6.25ft/sq.

That's; 3.98Par/W x 6.25ft/sq which gives me 24.91.

Seems reasonable? Coverage and uMoles seem to be inversely proportional.

If some one manages to pull 5000 umoles. That shit would be bright as f**k and literally blind you and probably scorch the earth lolol.

That sounds great for the new a51. I'm a little anxious to see the new ones
i dont need chuck and cheese telling me about my participation in this forum I am a inda-gro grower and a Nikola Tesla Induction enthusiast. You should cheer up with whatever your doing in your life and either jump on the band wagon after experiencing the dark side the doubt side, I go to work everyday and workout and play with my dog pack. You on the other hand feel the need to comment on my positivity so my suggestion to you would be to find more things your passionate about and use your energy and word wisely. Take care brothas. I read the forums and contribute when i see fit. My pics are too intense for you anyways estevez have a good one. Inda-gro rules!
i dont need chuck and cheese telling me about my participation in this forum I am a inda-gro grower and a Nikola Tesla Induction enthusiast. You should cheer up with whatever your doing in your life and either jump on the band wagon after experiencing the dark side the doubt side, I go to work everyday and workout and play with my dog pack. You on the other hand feel the need to comment on my positivity so my suggestion to you would be to find more things your passionate about and use your energy and word wisely. Take care brothas. I read the forums and contribute when i see fit. My pics are too intense for you anyways estevez have a good one. Inda-gro rules!

Every post you have posted
01-31-2013, 05:26 PM
jediog replied to a thread Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights in LED and other Lighting
i dont need chuck and cheese telling me about my participation in this forum I am a inda-gro grower and a Nikola Tesla Induction enthusiast. You...
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01-31-2013, 03:23 AM
jediog replied to a thread Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights in LED and other Lighting
thanks chaz i'm gonna start posting more vids and pics hopefully more and more people will step up and get excited over all this dank technology and...
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01-31-2013, 02:57 AM
jediog replied to a thread Induction Lights? The newest (supposedly) technology in Induction Grow Lights in LED and other Lighting
inda-gro is a pro growers light if you do some real reading and stop letting your asses chat it up with your mouths you'd get off the forums buy one...
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01-31-2013, 02:43 AM
jediog replied to a thread Induction lighting (general) in LED and other Lighting
inda-gro is the way-to-go, word is born. I run 3 420's, 2 in a flower room and one for veg. I'd say i'm having a grand time with the ladies while i'm...
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And you sound like this guy
Why so much hate. Being new to this community I half expected group hugs and teddy bears. Just as many trolls as any other forum I guess.

To bad.

My Inda-gro has kept my plant alive through 45 days of flowering. She, in my nonexistent experience, looks beautiful. Not sure if it is as "big" or as "sugary" or as "dank" or as "insert whatever you want" compared to what it would have been under any other light, but it made some medicine for my sweet heart and that is all I asked of it. If I don't break it, it will cost me $80 a year (over the 10 warranty period) for this light. My "gamble" grows medicine for cheaper than what I would pay in donations to some grower, and I know how the plant was taken care of. Bottom line is it works for me and I wouldn't expect it to work for everybody.
I'm not sure I'd call it hate. I think it's usually comes down to a fear of the unknown or in some cases it's commercially driven as this is a technology that can severely impact ones HID relamping business.

From my perspective having grown since the 70's when it was first T12 HO 1200ma flouro's on magnetic ballasts. I'll never forget how excited we got when the VHO 1600ma series lamps came out. We just knew what that was going to do for our yields. And sure enough we did get an extra 20% in weight but those lamps would only last for 2 grows and then they had to be changed. The ends looked like ring around the socket. And they cost alot more than the HO lamps we were used to using. So I can respect anyone's decision to grow with whatever works for them. As long as their methods meet their expectations I could really give two squished shits how they get there.

Actually my next purchase is going to be on a high end LED panel like an A51 or a CLW. I haven't decided. The reason for that is I tested an LED grow over 5 years ago and was disappointed with the results. But I see the development improvements in some of the grows I've seen posted here that have me more than a little intrigued. Would that be a turn off to someone who is dug into a particular technology? Sure but I respect the work and expense that has gone into these new designs and I want to try my hand to see for myself with one of these panels, which I will purchase out of pocket, to determine for myself how the newer generation LED panels compare to my earlier LED attempts. I may run it up against one of my 420's or one equipped with the pontoon I have yet to decide. I'm inclined not to side by side the LED panel but give it it's own tent as I'm also interested in how well two 420/pontoons will work side by side each handling a 5 ft area all the way through final flower. That's two tent's I can run simultaneously.
Why so much hate. Being new to this community I half expected group hugs and teddy bears. Just as many trolls as any other forum I guess.

To bad.

My Inda-gro has kept my plant alive through 45 days of flowering. She, in my nonexistent experience, looks beautiful. Not sure if it is as "big" or as "sugary" or as "dank" or as "insert whatever you want" compared to what it would have been under any other light, but it made some medicine for my sweet heart and that is all I asked of it. If I don't break it, it will cost me $80 a year (over the 10 warranty period) for this light. My "gamble" grows medicine for cheaper than what I would pay in donations to some grower, and I know how the plant was taken care of. Bottom line is it works for me and I wouldn't expect it to work for everybody.

You took the chance. You are happy. The rest of us rational human beings want to see more proof before we spend what amounts to 10% of a new harley sportster on a light. Your definition of beutiful might be someone else definition of pitiful.

I like the promise of this technology but will not risk money on something unproven. Chaz got a free pontoon by his own admission. He probably got the fixture for free as well. Problem I see it is. Chaz is the only member that has been here before he got the light. I want to see 3 more esteemed members get a light and post grow journals. Side by sides would be even better. AND NO I do not want a free fixture.
i dont need chuck and cheese telling me about my participation in this forum I am a inda-gro grower and a Nikola Tesla Induction enthusiast. You should cheer up with whatever your doing in your life and either jump on the band wagon after experiencing the dark side the doubt side, I go to work everyday and workout and play with my dog pack. You on the other hand feel the need to comment on my positivity so my suggestion to you would be to find more things your passionate about and use your energy and word wisely. Take care brothas. I read the forums and contribute when i see fit. My pics are too intense for you anyways estevez have a good one. Inda-gro rules!
You sound about 10 yrs old.
Just showed up out of nowhere to help shill a product

Sort of like those callers to the home shopping network that have different names but sound like the same woman calling in everytime

You watch the home shopping network.......? Some one must be bored.
dude it's great for couch lock. You look at those chicks for an hour or so and the old lady doesn't seem so bad.
i have some new grow lights there called raptors the hood is 30 x 40 " i also have magnum + leds lights i use them for veg and i have 3 1000 watt in the bud room the 1000 watts are air cooled and 6 " from the tops making some nice buds