Spread the truth

"Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd." ~Bertrand Russel
Alex Jones.

Making Real Conspiracies Sound Unbelievable Since 1995.

that idiot uses fearmongering and crazy Troofer bullshit to subsume every actual conspiracy within his own mad delusion.

he's David Icke with a bigger Polo Shirt Budget.
"Why do you think 9/11 happened and then nothing has happened since then? Do you think our security is so great here that these people who pulled off 9/11 can't knock down another plane? 9/11 was done by people in our own government and our own banking system to perpetuate the fear of the American people into subordinating themselves into anything the government wants them to do. And to create this endless 'war on terror', which has no real enemy"

This is a quote from Satan? You don't attribute, but from the hysteria let me guess, Ron Paul.

See isolationism is easy. Just pretend we are all paranoid. And, no one is out to get us. Go back to sleep. How can anyone say, nothing happened after 9/11?

But, incompetency in thought is one thing. He isn't stupid, he has taken a part in the political discourse. He claims a stance that calls to some. He didn't create it. It was a vacancy left by Pat Buchanan.
It's interesting Cheebs and UB are attacking truthers , since OVER 50% of Democrats are/were Truthers. In fact, they outnumber Republican Birthers by a mile.

Even Hillary C. raised questions about Bush's involvement. You Libs OWN the Truthers.
Truthers , birthers ,Ron Paul followers regardless of party are idiots. Just like the racists

No, that's what you were brainwashed into thinking by the media and government. You've been brainwashed in a world where anyone who disagrees w/ controversial things, such as 9/11, is marked as a conspiracy theorist and insane. You ask questions and you're ridiculed, regardless of how undeniable the evidence is. Go along and keep living in this fantasy world where the government is there to serve and protect its people and never lies about anything. Why would a corrupt government let you in on what it's doing? For humanities sake, have some intuition. Have a will of your own to find out the truth. You probably haven't spent more than an hour of your life researching 9/11 and how it happened. If you did, you'd have questions. Unless you just accept everything the TV and newspapers tell you?
No, that's what you were brainwashed into thinking by the media and government. You've been brainwashed in a world where anyone who disagrees w/ controversial things, such as 9/11, is marked as a conspiracy theorist and insane. You ask questions and you're ridiculed, regardless of how undeniable the evidence is. Go along and keep living in this fantasy world where the government is there to serve and protect its people and never lies about anything. Why would a corrupt government let you in on what it's doing? For humanities sake, have some intuition. Have a will of your own to find out the truth. You probably haven't spent more than an hour of your life researching 9/11 and how it happened. If you did, you'd have questions. Unless you just accept everything the TV and newspapers tell you?

Well, I have. I don't take sides. I want to Know. You are in the fantasy.

Even if all of this were true, so what? What if this? What if that? Who cares? How many times will they dig up President Kennedy?

And serious, technical look at this shows it basically happened the way we all watched on TV. I saw a live broadcast, reporter on the street because of the first plane and the camera panned up to show the second plane smash the building.

It's so stupid. There is no one factual thing about that doesn't fit the story. Now, sure there is a lot of Monday morning quarter backing, not technical. "Rumsfeld said....." "When Bush mentioned.......he sounded funny."

Israel tourists got a good set of footage, so what? No one know what a giant building of that particular structure looks like when it falls, so WHAT?

But, techically all this "what really happened" is bullshit. Why do we have to have a superior power? It is just our fear of attack (can't happen here) plus the peacenik agenda. Rosy O'Donnald. Just ignorance and fear. In our heart of hearts, secret even unto us, it really would be better if we did 9/11 to ourselves.

Then we'd still be in control and there would be no war on terror. We can smuggly set aside the fear of Jihad. Not a good idea, at all.

Gitmo is still open. Why doesn't he close it if 9/11 never happened like that? Why we would we spend $T in treasure, align all our security into the Homeland banner, thousands of Military dead, attacks every 9/11 somewhere?

What? A lark? Bi-partisan, Military misadventure? For FUN?

Shit man, it is not so simple. If you have a simple explanation like govt mis-conduct, God, or Space Aliens, we wish!!

Not so simple as a grand higher power capable of fooling every single member of Congress. They have the secret breifings.

We don't.
rawn pawl lost, sistah. who ya gonna worship now?
the difference

Liberty ideas aren't the sole province of Ron Paul, they didn't "die" with his retirement, they proliferated. He didn't win the Presidency, that was not an unanticipated thing. He did get alot of people to see things from the perspective that individual responsibility and far less government are not bad things. In that regard Ron Paul's longterm legacy will surpass the current buffoon or the next one regardless of which wing of the uni-party gets to hold the gun next time.

I'm a Vermin Supreme guy, but I have alot of respect for the consistent message of Ron Paul, even though I disagree with him on some points.
Truthers , birthers ,Ron Paul followers regardless of party are idiots. Just like the racists

That's quite a dismissive claim. There must be some things you like about him?

Do you not agree with Ron Paul that starting foreign wars is a bad thing? Do you not agree with him that government spying on people is a bad thing? Wouldn't Ron Paul be in favor of people smoking some herb being left alone ? Hmm, that Barry Choom gang guy isn't in favor of self ownership is he?

Are you a fan of the U.S. banking system and fiat money, debt creation etc. ?
Lets Diagram This Mental Breakdown:

No, that's what you were brainwashed into thinking by the media and government.
usually the assertion that the opposition of the theorist is "brainwashed" comes much later in the rant, but when taken from it's usual position the author can really Up The Crazy by starting off from a position of self-aggrandizing superiority.

You've been brainwashed in a world where anyone who disagrees w/ controversial things, such as 9/11, is marked as a conspiracy theorist and insane.
aww yeah, flip the script and call the guy NOT wearing an Aluminium Foil Stetson a lunatic.
by claiming that "9/11" is "controversial" the author is sufficiently vague that some might think he is referring to the "theory" that the twin towers were hit by a pair of planes, when in fact he could be so far out on the hazy end of insantiy that the "controversy" he refers to could be the claim that there were no twin towers at all, that the buildings were dismantled decades ago, and had been replaced with hologram projections as a part of some incredibly complex plot. you just cant know whats in his head.

You ask questions and you're ridiculed, regardless of how undeniable the evidence is.
troofers dont ask questions. they shreik accusations and wave empty valises full of imaginary proof of plots (usually by jews) to rig the stock market or start a war with iran.
if their evidence was "undeniable" there would be no controversy.

Go along and keep living in this fantasy world where the government is there to serve and protect its people and never lies about anything.
and now, the world in which sensible people live is a fantasy, but NOT the world where the US airforce blows up buildings in america with chemicals that are found only in the pages of science fiction, and the president of the US (who is both a lex luthor level evil genius, and functionally retarded), is actually a nefarious supervvillain who's only superpower is engineering massive and deadly conspiracies without leaving a trace. That world is like totally real and shit.

Why would a corrupt government let you in on what it's doing?
and only the Troofers are clever enough to uncover the plot...

For humanities sake, have some intuition.
but the "evidence" is so undeniable why would i need to use "intuition"? or a magic 8-ball, or a ouija board? or tarot cards? or my horoscope?

Have a will of your own to find out the truth. You probably haven't spent more than an hour of your life researching 9/11 and how it happened. If you did, you'd have questions. Unless you just accept everything the TV and newspapers tell you?

we just arent gangsta enough to read fringe left blogs or watch "Loose Change" versions one through nine.

Loose Change.
Because The Troof always Needs A Re-Edit.
Oh so now that Ron the fucking Paul flamed out
you're a vermin supreme guy

I even have a pair of Rubber boots like Vermin. A friend of mine invited me to Vermin's annual summer get together a couple years ago. I never made it, but I'm pretty sure Vermin wouldn't put me in jail for toking a little medicine. Neither would Ron Paul. Now go wipe your chin....Barry left his calling card there. Ewwww!
I even have a pair of Rubber boots like Vermin. A friend of mine invited me to Vermin's annual summer get together a couple years ago. I never made it, but I'm pretty sure Vermin wouldn't put me in jail for toking a little medicine. Neither would Ron Paul. Now go wipe your chin....Barry left his calling card there. Ewwww!
Now you are a liar and a Hypocrite

You were all up in Ron Pauls nutsack and after he got destroyed now you claim you supported Vermin
I even have a pair of Rubber boots like Vermin. A friend of mine invited me to Vermin's annual summer get together a couple years ago. I never made it, but I'm pretty sure Vermin wouldn't put me in jail for toking a little medicine. Neither would Ron Paul. Now go wipe your chin....Barry left his calling card there. Ewwww!

does your state already throw you in jail for smoking a little herb? yeah, they do?


Lets Diagram This Mental Breakdown:

usually the assertion that the opposition of the theorist is "brainwashed" comes much later in the rant, but when taken from it's usual position the author can really Up The Crazy by starting off from a position of self-aggrandizing superiority.

aww yeah, flip the script and call the guy NOT wearing an Aluminium Foil Stetson a lunatic.
by claiming that "9/11" is "controversial" the author is sufficiently vague that some might think he is referring to the "theory" that the twin towers were hit by a pair of planes, when in fact he could be so far out on the hazy end of insantiy that the "controversy" he refers to could be the claim that there were no twin towers at all, that the buildings were dismantled decades ago, and had been replaced with hologram projections as a part of some incredibly complex plot. you just cant know whats in his head.

troofers dont ask questions. they shreik accusations and wave empty valises full of imaginary proof of plots (usually by jews) to rig the stock market or start a war with iran.
if their evidence was "undeniable" there would be no controversy.

and now, the world in which sensible people live is a fantasy, but NOT the world where the US airforce blows up buildings in america with chemicals that are found only in the pages of science fiction, and the president of the US (who is both a lex luthor level evil genius, and functionally retarded), is actually a nefarious supervvillain who's only superpower is engineering massive and deadly conspiracies without leaving a trace. That world is like totally real and shit.

and only the Troofers are clever enough to uncover the plot...

but the "evidence" is so undeniable why would i need to use "intuition"? or a magic 8-ball, or a ouija board? or tarot cards? or my horoscope?

we just arent gangsta enough to read fringe left blogs or watch "Loose Change" versions one through nine.

Loose Change.
Because The Troof always Needs A Re-Edit.

Lay off the weed if you can't sound like a normal person. The evidence is undeniable but most people think they already know about 9/11 because of what they saw on television and anyone who challenges the legitimacy of the government's story is labeled as insane, crazy, wearing a tinfoil hat, etc. There are interviews of many highly respected people in significant positions who have said 9/11 is a HOAX. There is video evidence of bombs coming out of the side of the WTC.

"Troofers" are the only one's uncovering what really happened because they are the only one's challenging the story. Like I said, most Americans just tuned into the news around the time of 9/11 and now they think they know the story, so why would they seek to disprove it? The people who do the research know that the real story was an absolute fairytale. Transformers taking over NYC on 9/11 would be more believable.
Lay off the weed if you can't sound like a normal person. The evidence is undeniable but most people think they already know about 9/11 because of what they saw on television and anyone who challenges the legitimacy of the government's story is labeled as insane, crazy, wearing a tinfoil hat, etc. There are interviews of many highly respected people in significant positions who have said 9/11 is a HOAX. There is video evidence of bombs coming out of the side of the WTC.

"Troofers" are the only one's uncovering what really happened because they are the only one's challenging the story. Like I said, most Americans just tuned into the news around the time of 9/11 and now they think they know the story, so why would they seek to disprove it? The people who do the research know that the real story was an absolute fairytale. Transformers taking over NYC on 9/11 would be more believable.

very well then...

was the WTC destroyed by planes impacting the towers, or secret "Nano-Thermate" charges?

and if "Nano-Thermate" was used, then youll need to explain what it is, since according to every source outside the Troofer echo chamber, its a myth.

and if (and thats a huge "IF") you somehow manage to prove that "Nano Thermatre" even exists, youll have to explain how it was attached to the support collumn of each tower without anyone noticing.

and if (and that "IF" is so big, youll need a team of sherpas to climb it) you can provide a plausible explanation for the installation of literally TONS of shaped charges on the building's support columns, why planes? "terrorists planted bombs" would be so much more believable. and scarier, cuz if they could get bombs in there, they could get bombs in anywhere.

the entire Troofer universe requires a willing suspension of disbelief, and when examined with even a shred of objectivity, their claims fall apart.
very well then...

was the WTC destroyed by planes impacting the towers, or secret "Nano-Thermate" charges?

and if "Nano-Thermate" was used, then youll need to explain what it is, since according to every source outside the Troofer echo chamber, its a myth.

and if (and thats a huge "IF") you somehow manage to prove that "Nano Thermatre" even exists, youll have to explain how it was attached to the support collumn of each tower without anyone noticing.

and if (and that "IF" is so big, youll need a team of sherpas to climb it) you can provide a plausible explanation for the installation of literally TONS of shaped charges on the building's support columns, why planes? "terrorists planted bombs" would be so much more believable. and scarier, cuz if they could get bombs in there, they could get bombs in anywhere.

the entire Troofer universe requires a willing suspension of disbelief, and when examined with even a shred of objectivity, their claims fall apart.

*Nano-Thermite. It exists.
What ever you think of Professor Chomsky aside, Alex Jones shows his colors here.