Ursus marijanus
You may answer or ignore, but ... do you have children, abandon? cn
You may answer or ignore, but ... do you have children, abandon? cn
Daughters will break your heart.If you still believe in the basic goodness of children, I would have to opine that you lucked out with a "natural sweetiepie". cn
Like I always write, this actually fits many Americans, its very deep in our culture actually, but the word will always be poisoned.
And this is why people can't believe in or understand Anarchy or Liberatianism:
"Do you believe that human beings are fundamentally corrupt and evil, or that certain sorts of people (women, people of color, ordinary folk who are not rich or highly educated) are inferior specimens, destined to be ruled by their betters?"
This my friend IS THE STATE. I believe that this form of thinking is in itself corrupt, and that it comes from propaganda, it comes from a bad childhood or even a fairly normal childhood in the sense that we are all propagandised to believe this from birth even from religion, in religion we are born sinners. Not me, like Anne Frank, I have always believed that all people have good in their heart, its only that they are corrupted by this evil. It is very difficult to turn someone from this corruption, some will never snap out of it. I gave up long ago attempting to get people to "snap out of it" and I can smell un-snappble corruption the almost the instant I make contact with someone.
Even though I write that many americans have this, they will never know or understand, the corruption is far too deep and its only gotten worse.
For if monopolies can exist in anarchocapitalism, you do not have anarchy, you have feudalism.
The biggest problem with anarchy is it doesn't solve the problems of the current power structures. Tho, to answer your question, it would be up to the consumers and or labor movement to stop monopolies. Without government to hold it up thru force, monopolies would be harder to create and easier to destroy.
For the vast majority of monopolies, this is true. For the only ones that matter this is not true.
Privately owned vital finite natural resources defended by private armies; Did I describe feudalism or anarchocapitalism?
You're right, anarchocapitalism does not solve this problem, it sets it in stone. Real anarchy is the only solution.
The tinfoil hat I wear, at times, leads me to believe that the technologies exist already to make natural resources not so valuable.
The tinfoil hat I wear, at times, leads me to believe that the technologies exist already to make natural resources not so valuable.
Also check out Tom Olge
patents only last 20 years.
if that were factual, any jackhole who wanted could legally make that shit without any concern for any putative patent.
Hurp a Derp....
"What have we been doing while scientists have been getting one thousand miles per gallon?" ~the final line in your idiotic clip
answer: using unicorn horn and pixie dust to create a fabulous new technology that allows any dumbass who wants to spout some insanity the free opportunity to make themselves sound like fools. its called the interwebs. and it's full of nonsense like this.
injecting water into your cyilinder does not imbue your engine with magical strength and power, it blows your head gasket or stalls your shit.
INB4 "you works for Big Oil!" "you are helping hide the troof" or the ever popular "Jews did it"
You love bringing up race don't you?
If everyone thought like you, we'd still be in the stone age.
It's ok, I know you got a hard on for me. Is your buddy larry busy or something?
an HOUR of that dipshit hurping and durping about "ultrasonic devices" "simulating a radiator" with a hotplate and a pot of water in OPEN AIR and some crazy rube goldberg (Ohh Noes!! A JEW!!!) device to make a specially prepared engine NOT blow up when you add water to the fuel/air mixture.
i aint even gonna bother with any mor eof this garbage, cuz ill tell you what will happen:
if he dumps JUST ENOUGH water into the fuel/air mix, he will get a large increase in compression (but zero increase in engine power since compressing that water on the intake will require about exactly as much energy as the increase in compression on the power stroke.)
if he dumps too much in, his head gasket will fail.
if he dumps in too little water, NO CHANGE.
and why's that? cuz water aint fuel. i could do better than that with a BBQ grill gas regulator, $15 bucks in gas tube and a propane tank.
ill get much better performance over a narrow range, but ZERO increase in fuel efficiency.
there is no free market, there will never be a free market and this is not because of government. Corporations do not what, nor have they ever wanted a free market and they will do anything in order to prevent such an environment.
Government limits free markets. Don't think so? Open a business tomorrow, without "permission".
Sell a willing buyer some weed. What happens?
Corporations ? They are created and protected by government aren't they?
Government also protects private property. Privately owned and consolidated vital finite natural resources passed in heredity create a 'noble' class that is equally responsible for limiting "free markets". Anarchocapitalism/voluntaryism enshrine this private ownership of what is rightfully common heritage of humanity. Giving this owning class permission, impetus and precedent to employ private armies to defend said ownership is not a solution, it is trading corrupt democracy for monarchy.
Anarchocapitalism is an oxymoron like military intelligence, jumbo shrimp and deregulation law.